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New Program Day 14: Fostering Empowerment

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alan Gordon LCSW, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. lindyr

    lindyr New Member

  2. Susan Mary

    Susan Mary New Member

    I'm in a place where I have *both* structural and neuroplastic pain. Still waiting to see my neurologist. So I'm constantly guessing about which type of pain is present at any one time. I think I'll know more soon, and I'm "guessing" (ha) that the structural pain will heal within a few months. It's still maddening. The one thing I can bring to it is a sense of curiosity and a kind of scientific observation. I run through the criteria for neuroplastic pain frequently, and sometimes it is caused by the additional nerve injury and sometimes by stress. Doing a lot of breathing patterns to help with stress.

    Nowhere near empowerment. I would like to hear anyone's take on the distinction between empowerment and getting a little too brave in rehab. Thanks.

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