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Day 3- My gastritis/ Functional dyspepsia/IBS is it TMS ?

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by DIVI, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. DIVI

    DIVI Newcomer

    Good evening everybody.

    Thanks for all the help.
    It began for me in July 2023. I wake up in the morning with an incredible stomach pain, reflux and vomiting issues. The discovered intestinal ulcers and eosinophils in my stomach. After that they did another gastroscopy and another colonoscopy in January 2024. All normal. So they gave me the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia now. I am living with a lot of pain since a year.

    I tried after reading the book of Dr. Sarno all the tips that he gave. Wonderful because i am now 50% better. Still a lot of bloating and nausea. Is it possible to have TMS that began so suddenly and violently or after an organic disease ?
    I don't find a lot of stomach issues in the forum and i am really believing in the concept of mindbody connection.
    I need to work on my food fears and emotions. It began for me during an awful period where i was loosing my husband from cancer. But it was a "good period" for him. I lost him finally in February of this year. It was the love of my life.
    Thank you for all your support.
  2. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Not surprising you are having such problems after such a traumatic time.... be gentle with yourself, give yourself time to process all your emotions - your symptoms might settle naturally afterwards. If they don't then do some TMS work - but be mindful that 'you' are hurting after losing your husband - your body can interpret that in so many ways.... you need to process it all - and in time you will heal...
    So sorry for your loss....
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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