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Day 8; my TMS journey so far

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by joyous_healing, Jan 14, 2025.

  1. joyous_healing

    joyous_healing New Member

    I used to start this story by saying that my pain started with back pain back in 2015 but the more and more I learn about TMS and its patterns I am realizing that my TMS actually started when I was only just 14 years old. Such a baby:( I have always put a lot of pressure on myself. I do feel like my parents(classic story of both never going to college and wanting "better" for their kids so they pushed them to "achieve") put quite a lot of pressure on me to basically be good at everything I did. When i was a child I did not have the same interests as my siblings and yet I was sort of made to do the same activities probably because it was easier for my parents. They wanted me in sports and I could care less about sports. But slowly I gave up a lot of my personal interests ( theater and art mainly) and I was playing 3 different sports a year, getting all A's( was the valedictorian of both my middle and high schools *sigh*), and trying to be perfect perfect perfect all the damn time. WHen I was 14 I was the starting pitcher of the varsity softball team and I put SO MUCH pressure on myself to do well. our team sucked and so I really put the weight of the team on my back. At some point in the season my had started to hurt. Nothing really happened but I wasn't able to grip a softball without this INTENSE pain. but I told no one. eventually my sister(who was on the team) found out and finally, when I dropped the ball as I was trying to pitch she told my coach. And even though I was literally unable to pitch because I couldn't grip the ball (some would say an essential part) I felt like I was a complete failure. The hand pain eventually went away although I've always had some tightness ever since.
    My second bought of pain came when I was a junior in high school. I had just started summer break and was done with the hardest year of high school and of course I had put so much pressure on myself (all As of course). randomly before a volleyball game ( day 1 of 5 of a tournament) both of my hip muscles went out! horrible pain I could barely walk. AND I PLAYED ANYWAY BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO LET MY TEAM DOWN. the f***?! I'm pissed just typing it out.
    my third major moment early on, I was studying abroad, alone, in a place I knew no one, and i was going through my first depressive dip of my life ( didn't know what was happening at the time though so it was just very scary). I got random back pain when I was running one day.
    Ever since I have been struggling with back pain and a slew of other symptoms including hip pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, numbness, tingling, foot pain, rectal pain, the list goes on and on. My latest flare up happened last April and I had completely chucked everything I knew about TMS out of my mind and had been trying to deal with the physical symptoms for 9 months. I did this by being REALLY freaking hard on myself, monitoring my body 24/7, giving up so many activities that I love, making myself do exercises even when I was in horrible pain, crying, crying,crying,. one week ago I remembered TMS suddenly. I have had more hope about my body and life than I can remember having. still in a lot of pain, still scared to death, still angry, still sad, still apprehensive BUT also hopeful. and that truly changes everything.

    TLDR; have been having TMS symptoms since I was a teenager, felt hopeless for so long especially in this past year. But today I feel more hopeful that I have in a looooooong time<3
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Terrific post @joyous_healing. It's such a clear example of how a supportive and successful childhood can nonetheless mask the pressure and emotional fear of not living up to expectations. These emotions are repressed until they emerge as symptoms in the brain's desperate attempt to keep them repressed.

    My ultimate realization as I did the SEP is that I was probably born with anxiety - quite literally - due to a combination of stressors surrounding my mother's pregnancy. I pieced together family stories with my memories until it all clicked into place and explained so much.

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