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Discouraged after seeing TMS doctor

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by avalon22, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. Free of Fear

    Free of Fear Well known member

    Awesome resources, and I agree.

    Check the Peter O'Sullivan video in my signature. One of the guys has a MRI with the disc basically exploded out onto the nerve - really gnarly looking - but... no pain after CFT treatment (similar to TMS work)!

    Starting one of the programs sounds like a great idea! I've benefitted a lot from the structured educational program. At the beginning I was doing both together and it was totally doable, then kept up with the SEP only.

    Your story of feeling reduced pain is fantastic, btw :)
    It's clear that fear has a huge role in the pain for you, so doing TMS work seems great!
    And you've already proved that there are exceptions to the pain, and that you can be *more* active and be in *less* pain, which goes against the idea that nerve compression is the cause of the pain (since more activity would lead to more compression and overall irritation). The more exceptions you find, the less possible it becomes to believe it's structural.

    Keep it up!
    starseed and avalon22 like this.
  2. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Dr. S. ? really talk to Steve O about this.
  3. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    Avalon22, so sorry for the pain you experience and also this blurred situation with doctors. I agree with almost everything the others already said, especially with consulting Dr. Schubiner - which you did, I understand.
    I think a bit different about surgery and structural damage though. Firstly, the studies on correlation or non-correlation of pain and structures are saying something on a general level, but not on the individual level. It is always important to have the clinical perspectice of an experienced doctor. And secondly I am not so sure that there never is a good medical reason to interfere with surgery. It seems that sometimes also back surgery is a solution. Although often not the micracle solution some surgeons try to sell it.
    What I find problematic is that a TMS doctor is giving such mixed signals and not really an advice what to do? Or is he clearly opting for surgery? Why did he not recommend a more conservative treatment in the first place?
    I am really looking forward to hear what the result of the consultation of Dr. Schubiner is! Keep us informed. And until then: don't fear! It will be alright!

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