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Do I have TMS?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by composingkeys, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. composingkeys

    composingkeys New Member

    I've had this before. I would wake up all of sudden with overwhelming pain like in my rectal area where all I could do was hope it was a bowel movement. By pushing those muscles it eventually went away after 5 minutes but I felt like I was in so much pain I would need to go to the hospital. It was very scary and I've had it a couple of times. I really think it is connected to this Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction which causes major tightness in there and pain all over causing low back, si joint, tailbone, genital pain, rectum pain, ect. Look here: http://www.pelvicpainrehab.com/services/male-pelvic-pain/

    Tension (TMS) could very well be the reason for the dysfunction in the first place but I think actually getting therapy to relive the physical tension might be in order as it isn't so easy to unlock tightness in pelvic floor. This gives me hope though of a "cause" which is TMS or perhaps something else but definitely something to consider. Maybe my appointment with Dr. Schecter will bring light on this. Male Pelvic Pain Dysfunction is so uncommon in the industry though and most don't even realize Males can get this so many go untreated. Of course this doesn't rule out my arm issues and this could of course all be TMS! Arg. Food for thought though :).
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  2. Enrique

    Enrique Well known member

    In my case, he recommended an MRI for my shoulder and then a followup visit in a month which will be in March. He is confident that my knee is TMS and frankly the pain has pretty much gone away now so I am all good there :). I picked up his TMS workbook which is a 30 day guided journaling experience. I've started that as part of my treatment plan and will follow up with him at my next appointment which will be a phone call only. I'm not going to fly back to LA for that. I believe he'll give me his opinion about the MRI as well.

    Did you make an appointment already?
  3. lexylucy

    lexylucy Well known member

    I'm a musician too. We can put a lot of pressure on ourselves. I can see how your tms symptoms are keeping you from performing and sharing with others. Feeling like we have to be perfect all the time and like we are not around people who appreciate and support our gifts can be enraging to the system. You might be better off with some space from your folks. Maybe find some people to play music with and hang out around who are supportive and fun-loving.
    Enrique and composingkeys like this.
  4. composingkeys

    composingkeys New Member

    Hey Enrique, I did make an appointment. Will be seeing him in March for an evaluation.
    Enrique likes this.
  5. composingkeys

    composingkeys New Member

    Anyone have finger pain that feels like it is in the joints as well? Do you find a lot of pain "mirrors" on both sides of the body so if your thumb on your right hand starts acting up, the left hand thumb has issues as well? LexyLucy, what kind of TMS have you seen in your body? Were you able to get rid of it?
  6. lexylucy

    lexylucy Well known member

    Well about 5 years ago I started having muscle spasms in my low back - that led to pain down my leg and a numb foot. I went to see a Craniosacral therapist which helped significantly and a nutritionist for allergies which helped. But I was still in lower back pain and pain in my sacrum/left hip. Four years later I went to see an IFS therapist - I had tried so many things by then - and I found in the therapy that my pain had a voice. I could hear it talking to me and I came to understand that it was trying to protect me. I had picked up Sarno's work years before and it had not helped but I tried again - listened to the divided mind and found this forum. I have had brief 4-5 day lifts of the pain as I am doing the SEP program. And when you have had pain in one place for years - having even a brief 4 day lift and break from it feels like no less than a miracle. I'm sure you understand. However during these lifts and sort of off/on pain I am having strange symptoms like random headaches-and right now I have this intense gall bladder pain. It's really annoying. I don't know what is TMS and what is not - everything keeps changing. But my romantic relationship I just ended so I know there is a bit of sadness there. Also I only have so much work left for the company I work for and I will have to find another job soon... So these are stressors.
  7. Enrique

    Enrique Well known member

    When I had my hand pain (RSI) I did have it in both hands exactly the same. The pain was mostly in the back of my hands, those tendons that are used heavily when typing which is what caused the most pain. I Also did develop some pain in my thumb joints. All of this went away after treating like it was TMS. Today, I'm able to type all I want and I also picked up the guitar a couple years ago. I don't get that hand pain any more.

    I have had pain develop more recently in other parts of my body which I'm dealing with now and I'm making good progress dealing with them as TMS as well.
  8. composingkeys

    composingkeys New Member

    I saw Dr. Schechter about 5 days ago who says that he thought I had all the "classic signs of TMS". This felt good. Then he did the 6 tender points and didn't find anything tender...one spot felt "ticklish" to me but not really hurting when he pressed. He said that having tender points are only "another thing to point that someone has TMS" but since I didn't have those tender points, he said that was okay. This kind of leaves doubt in my mind though as I read in Sarno's book that 99% of people who have TMS show these tender points. Is that no longer true? Any thoughts on that as it is causing me to have doubts.

    He said he was pretty convinced I had TMS and that if I needed tests to help prove to myself and him (although he said he was quite convinced I already had it), then I should do it. I got a nerve conduction test that day and am waiting to see what Dr. Schechter shows there. I got that test done because I told him despite 10 years of arm elbow pain that turned into hand/finger/arm pain I hadn't gotten any physical tests really so he said I could get the nerve test to rule out carpal tunnel.

    I got the work book journal thing and am trying that out now and bought his book Think Away Your Pain. One interesting thing is Dr. Schecter mentions in his book that Anger may not just be the reason as Sarno is a strong believer in but can also be Fear and Panic (stress) as I know I identify myself as one who "worries" and gets therefore anxious, has low self esteem when I feel like I have to prove myself to people I don't know, and try to win people's favor, and do the "right thing" because I don't want to be criticized or disliked. Then I have pressure to succeed because of how old I am and where I am in my life which is not where my expectations are (I also have these expectations because I feel a girl won't want to be with me if I am not at this expectation level I have for myself).

    I guess because of my anxiety and general worry attitude, I keep thinking "what if" like he is just another doctor misdiagnosing me like all the other doctor's who haven't gotten me well...I never full believe doctors because I have been let down so many times and question them on treatment because I feel like I know more than a lot of them due to poor treatment I've received in the past and lack of caring.

    I have these "pricks" that I get in my butt or low back and even in the upper back at times. They make me concerned that nerves are getting in trouble. I feel like if I misdiagnose myself thinking I have TMS, things will get worse and I am fooling myself....On the other hand his book does make me open to the idea but as soon as pain "pricks" up or hand pain gets too bad, then it wins and I start thinking maybe the low back butt pain is Piriformis Syndrome since I discovered that if I am sitting or lay on floor with my knees bent and I press my butt muscle on my left hard, it pushes on my tailbone and I get this like crunchy sometimes shooting pain in there because the tail bone already is really "sore". The Piriformis Stretch I saw on a PT Video () gave some discomfort in my tailbone if I pressed hard enough. That kind of freaked me out like maybe I have this. I feel like since my tailbone is always sore that it is structural which makes sense (right?) but I guess if it is pelvic floor dysfunction, not getting worked up mentally (stress and anxious) that these muscles will relax. Dr. Schecter agreed that it probably is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction when I said health consultant friend thought it was Pelvic Floor Dysfunction for the genital shaft/groin/rectal pain. He said that a PT who does Pelvic Floor Dysfunction could work in there however since my various issues accumulated over 10 years in different areas (arms/low back/butt/pelvic issues/calf nerve feeling), going the mind to body approach would be better instead of what is currently happening now in Pelvic Floor that may change later on. This confused me a bit though because since something physical is there why would a mind issue fix that if he is saying Physical Therapy could fix that as well? I read Piriformis Syndrome can affect the tailbone as well as the buttocks and genital pain just like Pelvic Floor Dysfunction can from which made me again question maybe I have that instead since the stretch seemed to make things upset in that area? I haven't ruled that one out unless TMS can solve that?

    So yes, I am still unfortunately in my mind feeling like I may be misdiagnosed and going to be left forever with this stuff because I think "well all of this can't all be TMS". I go back and forth about it.

    As you can see, sometimes I get in this down hill spirals worrying about all this, questioning everything. Re-reading this last line as I am going over my post here this also brings to mind that I feel like if I put my issues to people especially girls like in my previous relationships, they leave me when I express my insecurities which I assume is because it makes me not a "man" but weak that they can "rely on me".

    So yes, I definitely recognize mental stuff and how that definitely makes TMS make sense to me but at the same time I can't help have doubts and think there are so many "structural possibility's" that I am just "missing something" by giving up and going to the TMS route. I also tend to self doubt myself hence this whole post.

    Vent done...Hope speaking my mind somehow hopes and I hope this isn't too long...(part of me is apologizing because I feel like my behavior writing this long post is asking too much of people like I am too demanding and not worthy or weird writing a post this long). I try to be self accepting of myself but when I put myself out there to people I don't know very well I feel like I am not worthy or something.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  9. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

  10. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Sounds like your putting a whole lot of pressure on yourself, I been there take the foot of the gas....and enjoy what you discover about yourself
  11. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I also found out in my journey the more Dr I saw the worse I got, an thats including tms Dr. Get cleared medically and start the process on the journey each person gets there by a different path and at different times....the work is hard but worth it. And remember take plenty of time for self care and that means anything to relax you .
  12. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Trust me Dr. Schechter doesn't tell everyone they have TMS! I saw him for my hip and was hoping to be told it was TMS. After looking at my x-rays he told me it's arthritis and get a hip replacement sooner then later. He's one of the most experienced TMS docs around so he knows his TMS stuff.

    You are way overthinking this TMS stuff--which is exactly what the gremlin wants you to do--it's serving it's purpose admirably. I would have loved to been told it was "all in my head"--would you like to exchange dx'es with me?
  13. Lizzy

    Lizzy Well known member

    I hope you've been reading success stories, but look at support sub forum too. I found reading peoples stories of worry and confusion sounded like mine and I began to see my thinking was like a person with TMS! Believe me, that was actually a relief! That is when you can learn to change it.

    I cannot tell you about your personal stuff, but I can tell you that the brain can make a muscle tight, like a rock, and when the brain releases it, it is amazing. You mention its hard to relax the tight pelvis muscle, but I think as you heal your mind it will let go and you will not be doing it consciously.

    I hope all the best for you!
  14. Enrique

    Enrique Well known member

    The long post is fine... I've seen much longer... :) After reading your post, I have some thoughts:
    • Not everyone has the tender points. Dr Schechter has said this in his book so don't automatically assume you are excluded because he didn't find them in you. It is just not a symptom you have. He's already said he believes you have it so I'd take his word for it. He is an expert on the matter.
    • Doubt is a part of having TMS. In fact, Dr Schechter and I discussed that at length. Look at chapter X in his book.. the 7th stage of healing is "Deal with your Doubt". I personally had it for a long time during my most recent flare-up (18 months worth of doubt). As I've gone through his book/workbook, the doubt has decreased, so has my pain. As the pain has decreased, so has the doubt. It's the positive cycle of belief that is the opposite of where you are now. As you read the book and do the workbook, look for the reasons that it is TMS. There's a saying "What you focus on expands." So focus on the evidences that point to TMS. Don't focus on the other diagnosis. It might be hard, but worth it.
    • Symptoms will often increase and move around when you are following a TMS treatment so rather than worry about them, see it as a sign that this is TMS and the treatment is working. Again, this might be hard.. but it does get easier over time.
    • Regarding the self-imposed pressure you feel... BE KIND TO YOURSELF. SELF SOOTHE. I need to do this too and what helps me is to imagine my childhood self in some sort of pain or sadness. I imagine myself comforting Little Enrique, telling him everything's going to be ok. Everything's going to be fine. I really imagine it as real as I can. I meditate on that and it works for me... I end up feeling better when I do that.
    • I thought I might have Piriformis Syndrome too because my butt muscle was hurting every time I ran. And since seeing Dr Schechter and working in the workbook and reading his book, I have to admit the pain is gone, even after running very hard. Incidentally, knee pain, back, neck pain have all gone away too. I'm back to running, cycling, swimming with hardly any pain at all. The only thing I'm dealing with now is a very small amount of pain in my shoulder which has gone from about a 3 to a "less than one" on a pain scale.
    I hope some of this helps. Stick with the TMS treatment. It does take some time to process things, develop the belief, and change your ingrained thinking patterns. Just like Dr S says in the workbook "Systematic re-reading of the material offers an opportunity for deeper understanding of the condition and begins the process of "reporgramming" your nervous system to heal." It will take time, effort, repetition. Feeling the way you do right now is totally normal. Just stick with the program. :)


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