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Dr sarno and herniated disc

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by cammb33, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. cammb33

    cammb33 New Member

    So I have a herniated disk in my back confirmed by mri. What is dr sarnos stance on this. Is the disk causing the pain or something else?
  2. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

  3. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Take a look at these two short videos on pain facts doctors do not tell their patients. It covers treatments that do not work and explains why they do not work. It these facts will help put your mind at ease.

  4. cammb33

    cammb33 New Member

    Thank you for the info. You seem to have a lot of knowledge on this and I am trying. I had surgery on a herniated disc that didn’t work and seem to make pain worse. What is your experience with people that haven’t been relieved of pain by surgery? Can we make a recovery or is the damage done? Obviously I wish I never did the surgery.
  5. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Good question. What type of back surgery was it?
  6. cammb33

    cammb33 New Member

    A laminectomy/ micro discectomy. Not a fusion
  7. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    If no fusion and this is a minimal repair, no reason why it would not heal completely leaving you pain-free from the procedure.

    So you can safely assume that your pain is now TMS related.

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