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Dr Schechter Interview on Vinnie TortorichPodcast

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by IrishSceptic, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Dr Schechter was interviewed on the Vinnie Tortorich podcast. He is a Beverly Hills personal trainer to the stars and has a really big listenership(half a million downloads per Month on iTunes alone). He is really passionate* about health and into nutrition.


    I might add that this happened because of me, a guy sitting in Ireland emailing Vinnie and Dr Schechter's teams. Vinnie responded himself and was very into the idea because he spoke regularly about how his Italian family were fantastic at expressing their anger. He suffers from chronic pain as it transpires and he talks about it on the show.

    The power of the internet will really push the mindbody paradigm through faster than anything else because once people experience the results it will snowball.

    So please listen and share with friends

    *he is pretty irreverent, not as much as Howard Stern but the more sensitive among you may not like his style
  2. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks Irish
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    That didn't open for me so I'll search the web for it.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  4. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It works fine in Google Chrome.
  5. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

  6. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Absolutely amazing work, @IrishSceptic, and an inspiration for all of us.

    People often say that if you can reach just one person, then it makes it all worthwhile. I'm quite sure that there will be at least one person who will hear that podcast and it will completely change their life. Pretty amazing.

    Podcasts seem to be a growing medium and are a great way to reach a wide audience. If anyone listens to any podcasts that they think would be a good match for any TMS doctor or author, I'd encourage you to try to set it up. The vast majority of TMS doctors and authors are so enthusiastic that they would love to appear, and podcasts are always looking for ideas for guests (I know because I essentially ran a pair of TMS podcasts - one for peers and one for practitioners).

    Great work, IS!

    I think that this is worth a special "forum title" for a couple of months. How does "Podcast visionary" sound?
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  7. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Thanks Forrest. I follow Vinnie on Twitter and like his shtick so thought I'd see if he was up for it. You are 100% in regard to getting podcast guests. My next mark is LondonReal , I'm friends with Brian Rose on Facebook and love his show(he's an ex Banker type who had a midlife crisis moved to London and setup a Youtube channel orientated towards those seeking success). He did Mechanical Engineerng in MIT but covers a whole host of interesting topics that is skewed toward young male professionals.

    On another point it turns out Vinnie has had chronic pain due to a shoulder issue he had but more importantly a friend of his has tried all the top doctors in Beverly Hills and has gotten nowhere with her chronic pain. He is setting up a meeting between her and Dr Schechter. I'm excited to hear if it helps and Vinnie was pushing to get Dr Dave back on to further explain the mechanisms involved. That is what motivated me to initiate contact, the hope that one person hears it and thinks...mmm, this might work for me.

    I think Dr Schechter plays a shrewd game when attempting to explain TMS on his terms, careful to emphasise the scientific basis without getting too deep into the Psychology at play. You can easily alienate or be accused of patient blaming.
  8. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    This guy Vinny sorry to say does not sound to bright ugh sorry did want to cast my opionion so negetively but i could not find a more accurate word.
    Markus and IrishSceptic like this.
  9. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Not everyone's cup of tea I know and he isn't the most articulate but he aint stupid thats for sure ;)
    mike2014 likes this.
  10. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Agreed, even if his podcast changes one persons life, that's a success.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  11. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    No he just sounds that way ....i guess not my cup of T and Dr S sounds to hollywood also. God why am i being so critical today....?
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  12. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Haha, just noticing the title now! Need to update my CV now
    Forest and mike2014 like this.
  13. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Lol, love the new title. What's your next project? Haha
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  14. Markus

    Markus Guest

    I often wonder why Hollywood stars need so much help lol!
    To be serious for
    You're too critical yes!:)
    Boston Redsox and mike2014 like this.
  15. Markus

    Markus Guest

    I'm just kidding, I was unable to open the link. However I have the Tune In app installed on mobile! I was able to listen to a little bit, but I was not impressed by either person. If it does help someone well, than its worth it. I'm amazed at how much it seems we need people to tell us how to live. And any book that is GOOD at doing that will sell millions!.
  16. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Haha, I think they are just as flawed as the rest of us but have the money to spend on advisors.
  17. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes I agree with you fully, I think somewhere along the way we've all managed to lose our way and keep trying to find the answers in books. Some opportunist are seeing it as open season to take advantage of the needy.
  18. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I have scanned and readmany many books and the only one to hit the ball out of the park is TGPD by Steve O
    IrishSceptic, Grateful17 and mike2014 like this.
  19. Markus

    Markus Guest

    I say this because I watched a bit of Abel Jones (who REALLY looks healthy), and Vinnie announced he had a second book coming out. He said nobody wanted his first book, but now that he's known as "to the stars" of course he's had several publishers wanting to publish it.
    Capitalism......a beautiful thing!
  20. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Abel is great and much more mild mannered than Vinnie!

    he wouldn't be a bad person to approach in terms of getting a guest but I think he is very focussed on fitness. These podcasters have a tough time as Forrest said, maintaining a schedule of high quality guests is a pretty tough gig.

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