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Finding Monte Hueftles books

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by XFalken, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    I had PN-like pain. With me I used a special cut out foam cushion, the best I could find, that I took with me everywhere to make sitting more comfortable. The pain eventually went away, despite using my cushion, after I stopped looking into what structurally might be causing it, stopped looking for any gadgets or whatever to help relieve the pain and I had decided that I wasn't going to opt for any surgery... and just got on with my life as best I could, despite the pain. My brain just eventually gave up on giving me pain in that area because I was no longer fretting over it; I wasn't frightened or fearful of it anymore. Would recommend reading Ezer's story and postings about his PN journey, this is his profile page where he summarises his 'journey' and from there you can use the tab to see his postings https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/members/ezer.3533/ (ezer) And I think @Joskus's sitting without a cushion for 1 min, then 2 mins and so on is liable to work more quickly as compared to my 'journey' with me continuing to use my cushion until my brain gave up 'PN-paining'.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Oooh! This looks great! I’ll listen! Thank you!
    BloodMoon likes this.
  3. NCGal

    NCGal Peer Supporter

    Thank you. Dan is quite helpful and I look forward to viewing the video a little later today.
    I’ve never found a cushion that helps. I sit until I no longer can and then stand and stay busy for as long as I can.
    Exercise feels good so I’m working on building up some muscle but trying to view that as an overall health thing, not a cure.
  4. NCGal

    NCGal Peer Supporter

    Thanks for your insights. I saved Ezra’s story on my iPad to re-read and will check all his posts. I’m very happy for you that you found relief. For a long time I kept this to myself, my husband, and two friends. It’s a very delicate thing to be questioned about, or to listen to well meaning but unwanted suggestions.

    I’m not opting for surgery either. No nerve block has helped and I don’t believe I have nerve damage. I have one gynecological issue I’m checking and then I’m pretty much done with it. I can walk and exercise easily and I do sit for longish periods despite of the pain. The hardest thing is a journey where I don’t get a break from sitting and must move directly into other situations with sitting. Like a drive, then a flight, then another drive, then sitting.
    BloodMoon likes this.

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