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How can I get diagnosed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by AnxietyPain, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for the reply Orion, I read your links and congrats on your TMS success. I also saw Schechter and after reviewing my images he told me it's not TMS , get a hip-replacement. I also had several sessions with his TMS therapist, Don Dubin (deceased), who commented that he doesn't always agree with Schechter's calls.

    Do you think if Schechter had told you it was TMS for sure, you would have had a quicker recovery?

    Do you recall how much time Schechter spent discussing your emotional history?
  2. Orion2012

    Orion2012 Well known member

    I can't say for certain if it would have led to a faster recovery, but at the time I was desperate to hear that it was in fact TMS, so I was quite disappointed. It probably would have helped me heal faster to be told I had TMS, but maybe mixed was the truth. I can't really fault the doctor for the mixed diagnosis. I had TMS latched on to a bulging disc, so maybe he was technically correct.

    I don't remember the details of the visit all that well; I was in horrible pain and couldn't get comfortable. I think I remember him spending about 20 -30 minutes on my emotional history. I know it didn't seem like enough, but 2 hours wouldn't have been enough. I had years of baggage that took months of journaling to unpack.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for the reply Orion2012, it's greatly appreciated.

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