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GeorgieO How long did it take you to recover

Discussion in 'Mindbody Blogs (was Practitioner's Corner)' started by Forest, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Georgie

    Georgie Physiotherapist

    Thanks Honeybear, I'm really pleased it helped. I was going to write, 'keep up the good 'work', but stopped myself because I hate the word 'work'. Any suggestions from anyone re. what else to say rather than work in this context when we are asking people actually to let go and not 'try' so to speak? :rolleyes:
  2. EricFeelsThisWay

    EricFeelsThisWay Peer Supporter

    It's certainly "work", but a different kind of "work" than most of us are used to. I've always preferred meeting deadlines and completing assignments and putting check marks next to to-do lists over getting in touch with my feelings. The new work is putting a priority on your own internal experience above anything external of you. I resist this because I've always looked outward for approval and confirmation that things are "right". But that leads to pain. The reward of the new work is that rare moment when the pain is gone and I can relish in the fruits of my "labor" (ie working hard NOT to labor....ah, the paradox).
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  3. fcolliga

    fcolliga Newcomer

    This is an interesting question. I signed up for the long haul when I walked into Dr. Sarno's office almost 30 years ago. I'd been floundering for almost a year, with debilitating back pain and sciatic ... so much so that I could barely walk. I also had as many diagnostic prognostications as there were doctors who I went to see about my situation. I did not know what to do and, thankfully, I avoided having surgery because I would not let anyone open me up when none of the doctors could agree about what was wrong with me.

    Within three months of walking into Dr. Sarno's office, I was virtually pain free. It was truly amazing. As I have found over the years though, the underlying personality traits (perfectionism, people pleasing, low self esteem, etc.) that contribute to TMS in the first place are not as easy to recover from. Over the years, as circumstances change, stress builds up, and I slip into my old ways of thinking and behaving, the pain returns. Sometimes it is in my back, sometimes my shoulder, hands, etc. ... you get the picture.

    Right now I am struggling again after being overwhelmed by stress this past year and avoiding very intense emotions related to both of my dogs dying and my Mother's passing in May of this year. I also feel trapped trying to sell a business that is losing money and that I simply can't take care of anymore. Combined with the stress of some very real health issues (Diabetes, Diabetic neuropathy, atrial fibrillation, etc.), I am struggling again with back pain, as well as numbness in my left hand that makes it difficult to use my hand.

    As usual, when things get like it is right now I break out my trusty old TMS tools and start reinforcing my TMS recovery training and knowledge. I read Dr. Sarno's book again, go over notes from his workshops, review my TMS affirmations, etc. I have also just recently found this forum, which is an awesome resource. It is taking longer this time around to get to some level of recovery, but this time the related stress and emotions are much greater and overwhelming than what I went through 30 years ago.

    For me, TMS and TMS recovery tools are a permanent part of my life, but it is reassuring that the tools work and that they are always there when I need them.

    CarboNeVo likes this.

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