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Issues with journaling

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Nit0ni, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Nit0ni

    Nit0ni Newcomer

    I started journaling all the traumatic events from my past. Since i have a great memory i dont have problems with remebering all of them, when they happened and excact details but i cant really remember my emotions, i logically know or remeber that i was sad or angry but i cant recall that feeling and i dont feel anything when writting about it. It feels like i am just writting some random event, not real trauma.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello and welcome @NitOni
    You can always lean into how you are feeling now about what you are writing about from the past. Perhaps in the past you were repressing your feelings, so you never totally really felt them anyway, and that's OK.
    Journaling won't be the same everyday, and it's important not to have expectations that it will always have to bring up a lot of trauma. Perhaps you write about 6 things (over 6-7 days) that seem trivial...and then you realize that they all shaped how you began to think. This is exactly what happened to me. It wasn't about trauma at all, it was about how I developed critical thoughts about myself.
    Here's the TMS wiki guide to journaling. It has lots of different methods like spider writing and unsent letters that are helpful to mix it up a bit!
    https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/How_do_I_journal%3F (How do I journal?)
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm not sure what the research on emotions says about this, but it seems to me like we don't remember emotions, only events. The emotion that we may feel as we remember an event is happening in the present. It's how we feel about it now. At least that is how I experience it. It may just be, as @Cactusflower says above, that I initially repressed the emotion so I can't recall it. And it may be that you are repressing how you feel about the past event in the present as you journal.
  4. Nit0ni

    Nit0ni Newcomer

    Thank you and Ellen for great insights. Well i think i had feeling then that i am repressing now.
    I also have issues with duration, i writte everything in a few minutes and i have nothing else to writte

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