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Day 6 Meditation

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by plt4life, Jul 19, 2024.

  1. plt4life

    plt4life Peer Supporter

    This felt good. It reminded me of the guided relaxation exercises we would sometimes do at the end of wrestling practice in high school. The practices were intense, but the random times we would all lie down on the mats with our coach guiding us into tensing everything up and then slowly relaxing each body part from head to toe was so calming and such a great release. I feel like that was still some of the most relaxed and calm I have ever felt, and that was over 25 years ago!
    I think I need to find a guided relaxation video on youtube and start doing this regularly. I think for now, I would do better with another's voice guiding instead of my own internal voice.
    Lots of thoughts popping into my head the entire time, but nothing of substance or significance. As it said in the prompt, I think it is important to just focus on being able to acknowledge and then say good bye to the thoughts. That is what I am trying to do during the work day when I start to notice the pain and/or anxiety bubbling up. Acknowledge it, and say good bye. I am going to use the mantra, I am Peace. I will try that for meditation. I know that I am a shallow breather, I need to remember to start belly breathing throughout the day. I tried in the past to practice box breathing- in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, out for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds. It is hard! I felt like I was suffocating during it. I tried for 3 seconds, and even then it was challenging. Like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I actually felt panicky from it. But I want to implement belly breathing. I need to find a way to tie it to procedures during the day so I can remember it. I will think about that.
    Tomorrow morning I'm going to go for a short run. I'm nervous. I feel like there is a jumble of emotions, all working against each other/myself. I am scared. I don't want to be too optimistic and then be let down. Is my knee pain actually TMS or an IT band injury. I guess if it was an injury, 6 yrs of resting should have allowed it to heal! I'm not going to stretch or foam roll it before hand. I think I will just run for a mile, and see what happens!
    Diana-M, Betty Boop and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. plt4life

    plt4life Peer Supporter

    Thank you! I downloaded the App. I will begin using it this week.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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