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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by North Star, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh dear North Star, it sounds like the doc did put the frighteners into you. Remember docs are trained to look for abnormalities. They are problem-focused, not solution-focused. Take heart in his saying he isn't worried about anything. You are doing all you can by getting a 'work-up' so you can rule stuff out. As for the bleeding, like Peggy says, I wouldn't worry about what someone calls it. There is no rhyme or reason to menopause. Will keep you in my thoughts...
  2. stayfit65

    stayfit65 Peer Supporter

    I'm more of a lurker than poster here, but I want to get the opinions of you all. I am in Menopause at 49, haven't had a period in about 2 1/2 years. My question is directed at Peggy. My low back pain really started getting bad about that time and now has up and down flares when it feels like back strains. I'm very active--indoor and outdoor cycling, weightlifting and running. My back is sore regardless of whether or not I'm exercising. Do you think it's me adjusting to midlife aka change of life or hormonal changes? I don't take HRT because it's my belief my mother died from cancer from taking it. Anyone's opinions are welcome, but Peggy talked about her sore back. I've known about TMS for about 3 years... Still working toward a pain-free life. Thanks, Stayfit
  3. Peggy

    Peggy Well known member

    Hi Stayfit:

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. For a while I thought my back pain was from perimenopause, at least until I found TMS healing. Once I found TMS healing I felt better in weeks. I recently passed my one year anniversary, and my back feels great. I still have my period, so I can't say that I think the back pain was hormonal. I also don't get hot flashes like I did when my back was sore. I think the words change of life could replace the word menopause. I do think my problems have everything to do with the change of life. I need to adjust to a new place in life. My kids live at home and are going to university. They will be out the door very soon (hopefully!). That leaves my husband and myself in a new place in our relationship. I also need to find more things to do to take my mind of myself. I have been swimming everyday and am trying some new things to do.

    My question to you is, what's going on in your life? What's the changes you are going through? (you don't have to answer this on the forum by the way). Are you journaling or have you followed the SEP program? Perhaps you are pushing yourself too hard with physical activity and need to nurture yourself. To feel better with TMS healing a person really needs to understand how to make the connection between the pain and that the pain is psychologically induced and the self-talk is the way out (Sarno's daily reminders).

    I hope this helps.
    Last edited: May 2, 2015
  4. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Stayfit, welcome to the forum! I just wanted to interject that Dr. Sarno and others remind folks to get new symptoms that persist checked out. If you can do that with a TMS doc, all the better as at 49, any imaging studies will certainly show some wear and tear. (Which could shake up your TMS convictions.) If the pain is unrelenting, I would get it checked out.

    And yeah, I agree with what Peggy said. :)
    Peggy likes this.
  5. stayfit65

    stayfit65 Peer Supporter

    I had two sets of X-rays and an MRI. I saw Dr. Schubiner in MI and he confirmed TMS. Just wanted to get thoughts on if you noticed a lessening of symptoms over a few years of being in Menopause. I hope so. I lead a busy life right now with a full time job and I'm also a part time fitness instructor as well as a wife and mom to a 13-year old. Anybody done that mindfulness meditation by Dr. Williams? Thinking of trying it out.
  6. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Stayfit, yay!!! For a clean bill of health. I would cease any pondering over the pain being a hormone thing. Nope, nope, nope! Don't go there. It's TMS - you had one of the leading experts on it tell you so. I have learned through my recent drama that TMS symptoms will escalate if we give them the power to do so (by assigning a physical reason to them)….and that includes natural hormonal changes.

    And goodness sakes girl! You work full time, teach part time and have a teenager and hubby. That sounds like a full load. Might your body simply be telling you to get some down time?
  7. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    PS Just as a PS to my original thread…this stroll into medical paranoia has cost well over a few thousand dollars. One blood test alone, which my insurance didn't cover was $300. I will NOT be going for a follow up ultrasound in four months like he suggested. Every test was fine and I don't feel the need to monitor further. I will be so. glad. when this stupid menopause stuff is behind me. Perhaps I can hope for that for my upcoming 51st birthday. ;)
    Lizzy and Peggy like this.
  8. stayfit65

    stayfit65 Peer Supporter

    Here's my problem (I think). I don't know how to do real down time. I need guidance. I feel guilty when I take a weekend nap sometimes! And other times I don't really know what to DO with myself! Anybody have advice on how I can work on this? I really want to learn how to meditate.
  9. Peggy

    Peggy Well known member

    Congrats on seeing Dr. Schubiner. It sounds like you are on your way in some regards, now to quiet the mind . . . My favorite meditation is soften sooth and allow, it's only 15 min. and I would describe it as an active meditation. The first thing to do is to commit to a little alone time. Maybe get up 15 minutes early. That's what I used to do when my kids were little and I worked.

    Soften, sooth and allow is free at this link:

  10. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Stayfit - "don't know how to do real down time." Ah, yes. I understand! I remember being smitten with the "multi-tasking" bug at a very young age. I just couldn't sit still and I try to squeeze as much activity into one. Ie, brush my teeth, while organizing the medicine cabinet and planning my day. When I was in nursing school, my instructor told me I was the most efficient student (demonstrating clinical) she had ever seen.

    This tendency, I believe, is what led to my first major TMS symptom - anxiety attacks.

    What I did to take things down a notch…and this took time….where these things:

    Focus on doing ONE Thing at a time. Jon Kabat Zinn's Full Catastrophe Living is a great read on learning to be fully present in the moment. (How many times are we doing something on muscle memory, mind miles away?)

    Go out for a cup of coffee. I can't be eyeballing all the things I "need" to do when I'm at a coffee shop.

    Realize that our value is in who we are…not what we DO. Remember we're human beings, not human doings.

    Like I said, these changes didn't take place over night. But I HAVE learned how to sit outside and watch the birds, watch a fun TV program without compulsively checking email, and enjoy doing nothing.

    Somedays I still get revved up and have trouble with down time but LOL - TMS fatigue will tap me on the shoulder before that gets too out of hand. :)
    AC45 and Ellen like this.
  11. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Glad to hear that all your tests were fine, NS. There are infinite ways that we can find something is "wrong", and going through menopause is one of them. It is a normal change in life, but for those of us that have TMS, all change can create fear. Accepting change without judgment is key to TMS recovery. So simple, but so difficult.
    yb44 and North Star like this.
  12. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    That is a great reminder Ellen - accepting change without judgement.

    Yeah, there are an infinite number of things they can find "wrong" or needing to be watched "just in case." This whole experience has further reinforced my belief that if they put ANYONE under a microscope, things one can worry about will be found.

    Just when I think I've made some milestones in this worry stuff, I get a new curve ball thrown. And now, because the anxiety over this has eased, my old friend, the Achilles issue, has flared up. (Hey! I just made that connection!) :)
  13. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    About menopause. Maybe contact Bruce Jenner. haha
    Mermaid, Lizzy, Anne Walker and 2 others like this.
  14. Peggy

    Peggy Well known member

    Ha, ha, funny Walt!

    I have taken energy healing courses in the past and I had this instructor whose moto (when it came to doctors and health) was, "be careful what you look for, you might find it." I still think it's and important saying.

    I have noticed lately that nothing sticks around for good, things are always moving. I am sure the achillies will go away and you will the left with nothing wrong! Ha, ha, maybe one day.
    North Star likes this.
  15. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Walt, I'm glad I wasn't drinking something when I read your comment as I most surely would have sprayed my computer with it laughing. ;)

    Peggy, I am SO ready for the achilles thing to go away! I've been having a little shouting match with my brain over this latest flare. Figured it was time to get a little pissed.
  16. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just had to sign in to write "LOL"!!!

    North Star, so glad to hear you got the all clear on your symptoms. Because it's specifically your former ailment, Mr Achilles, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt with no need for imaging or doctor confirmation that it is pure, unexpurgated TMS.
    North Star and Lizzy like this.
  17. Lizzy

    Lizzy Well known member

    I also want to chime in, yea, its "just" TMS! Just tms sometimes gets us on the run, but realising that's "all" it is helps. Now here's to success with the achilles once more!
    North Star likes this.
  18. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    Wondering how the ladies from this older post are doing now ?
    Strugling hard with’the change ‘
    feels like all my ‘hard work and good results in the tms work ‘
    are just
    vanishing in a scarry blur of perimenopausel symptoms

    Accepting change without judgement ‘never was good at that but now its like a ‘must’ just giving me tons of stress
  19. AC45

    AC45 Well known member

    Hi @katrinabrown,

    Thanks for bringing this up! I've had many TMS symptoms but the hardest ones to get rid of for me are insomnia and anxiety. While all of my hormone tests are "normal", I read on forums that perimenopause symptoms are very similar. I believe it is a perfect storm. I am reading a book called "Awakening in midlife". I am only half way through it but it has been helpful for time to see that the things I am going through are perfectly normal. My anxiety has gone down slowly over the last two years but the insomnia persists. I thought I would share in case you find the book recommendation helpful.
    karinabrown likes this.
  20. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member


    Yes i will def look it up, Thanks for that.
    and yes : sleepproblems are a big thing also in peri menopause. First because of the lovely night swearts (big fun ..) then because of aching body parts, then for no apparent reason , and now because i am so worried about my mother ..
    and Yes anxiety ..

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