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Morning Stiffness

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Shajarcito, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. Shajarcito

    Shajarcito Peer Supporter

    Hi all,
    I'm a 35 years old guy, and I have multiple TMS symptoms - from physical to mental.
    It all came up gradually during the last year with no medical findings (done lot of tests).
    I have read Sarno's book and almost finish the SEP here on this site, and In a way I'm a little better than I used to be months ago.
    However there is one symptom that is constant all the time and is still making me frustrated -
    Morning joint & muscle stiffness of my upper body (ribs, shoulders, chest and upper back).
    Its an uncomfortable feeling that lasts for at list 1-2 hours and sometimes continues during the whole day. It flares up at night sometimes as well.
    I do the Tms work - journaling on daily basis, sometimes listen to Clair Weeks' audios and reassure myself with my TMS evidence sheet.
    However this Fibromyalgia or AS symptoms are still there, badly..
    so I would welcome any advice or success story about this terrible symptom (there is no such a particular reference for this under the success stories section here in the forum).
    I read some fibro stories and it helped a bit but they mostly focus on the pain issues rather than the morning stiffness..
    Is it caused by night or morning stress/repressed emotions? or something else?
    My nights are mostly unpleasant and anxious, waking up several times, with dreams and sometimes nightmares..
    Hope to hear from ya,
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Boston Redsox and Shajarcito like this.
  3. Shajarcito

    Shajarcito Peer Supporter

    Hi again,
    I just started reading your book lately, so now I know it deals with stiffness too - great.
    TG957 likes this.

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