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Day 19 My sense of accomplishment

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Sam222, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. Sam222

    Sam222 New Member

    Ok i'm seriously behind on days

    Since starting this program have you done anything that makes you proud? Where does this sense of achievement come from?

    This journey has helped me to accept that I'm also a codependent and enter recovery. I've become way more powerful over my mind and my thoughts and I'm expressing my emotions so much more. I've actually been communicating my needs, Which was a crazy concept for me before. I am on my own spiritual journey again (mostly a mix of religions/ideologies). I'm also moving around so much more.

    overall I'm super happy about the changes I've made. I think I've become a better communicator. I have more compassion for others as well as myself. I Appreciate the little things so much more now. I do remember a time where I felt like nothing really made me happy anymore and now I feel so excited about the little things. Also I must say that incorporating joy And gratitude has been a critical component in my TMS journey and a very recent component. In the last month I have been way happier. I'm still working through my fears, but I even played a little bit of video games for like 20 minutes which was huge for me. I feel like I've worked really hard at changing my Thought processes and accepting the TMS diagnosis (Which was not easy at first). I believe someday in the near future I will be pain-free.

    I'm so grateful for this wiki page. I don't think I could've done it without seeing everyone else's stories. Thank you all. It's also so nice to know that I'm not alone. I hope you all make progress in your lives as well. ❤️

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