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Nerve Damage from an injury

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by newarrior, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    I had a rough massage here in Bangkok and three months later still having pain, tingling, and weakness in my ring finger and pinky of my right hand as well pain in my wrist...Gonna have an EMG this week..I am afraid I have permanent damage to my right hand,,Thoughts ? How reliable are these tests ? Thanks ! ave
  2. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi newarrior,

    Welcome to the Forum. Regardless if the test "shows damage" I would suggest you treat it at least provisionally as "inconclusive" and seek other tests/physician discussions before ever getting any surgery. In the discussions, you can determine if a TMS approach is OK to do for 6 months, that there is no danger in the meantime.

    I have permanent nerve damage in small areas of my toes, from a particular trauma. This shows up as numbness. This is very different than the pain I experienced in the feet, which was diagnosed as a "pinched nerve" and for which numerous physicians proposed surgery (which I declined).

    I have also worked with several clients who had "nerve release surgery" in arms, legs, neck, etc. who were still in pain afterwards, and they have recovered with a TMS approach. I am glad you found "our method" and are proceeding cautiously.

    Saying all this, the Forum and Wiki cannot give medical advice, since we don't post as physicians!

    Andy B
  3. JulieMTherapy

    JulieMTherapy Peer Supporter

    Hi Newarrior,

    I am a TMS therapist. I have also undergone EMGs before. I am not sure the reliability of the test; however, what I do know is that the anxiety and fear about the results can perpetuate symptoms. Remember, whatever the test tells you, it does not decide how you will feel the rest of your life. While I do not know the exact circumstances, what I can tell you is that our bodies are constantly communicating with us. What do you think your body might be communicating to you that you are distracting yourself from? please feel free to reach out.


  4. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Andy B[/QUOTE]
    Andy thanks. I have been aware of Sarno and the forum since 2005. I a concerned because my past issues were always related to RSI or some sort of RSI as opposed to some sort of injury...My doctor in Bangkok warned me I may have permanent nerve damage
  5. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    My body is telling me something is terribly wrong and I may have limited use of my hands the rest of my life which is terrifying.
  6. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Andy--I have been a Sarno/TMS person since 2005 but always dealt with overuse oor hypochondria related issues--never an injury or where there was blunt trauma...Except in 2010 when I broke a finger
  7. birdsetfree

    birdsetfree Well known member

    If you had a rough massage around your neck area, this could have irritated a nerve. I have had that happen to me numerous times where I have ended up with peripheral nerve symptoms. They have always gone after a few months. My husband has had the same thing and the symptoms went within months too. Try not to worry about it, these things do heal in time. From a TMS perspective being confident that this will all heal up will stop you from focusing on it too much.
  8. birdsetfree

    birdsetfree Well known member

    Hi Andy! Just wanted to mention I had numbness in my toe for about ten years whilst going through the worst of the chronic back pain. Since applying TMS methods, it has completely resolved. Just thought you would like to know that.
  9. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    It was a leg massage..at the end in Thailand they sit you on a stool and massage some of your upper body--pulling, grabbing--can be pretty intense--near the end she pulled on my hands hard. Usuall just to crack the knuckles..Careless fool she was...And here I am 3 months later with what appears to be a lot of damage but no broken bones.Neck was not touched..The last doctor I saw here in Bangkok thinks I have nerve damage at the ulnar/wrist nerve as I have trouble using my ring and small finger, wrist pain, joint pain and stiffness and OA type pain when I sleep...so I am shopping around for an inexpensive nerve conduction study and an EMG..Done a few rounds of PT as well as months of stretching and strenthgethening..I have been applying TMS since 2005 and have seen miracles myself...Further comments appreciated..Blessings my friend !!) David Pearl
  10. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    It was a leg massage..at the end in Thailand they sit you on a stool and massage some of your upper body--pulling, grabbing--can be pretty intense--near the end she pulled on my hands hard. Usuall just to crack the knuckles..Careless fool she was...And here I am 3 months later with what appears to be a lot of damage but no broken bones.Neck was not touched..The last doctor I saw here in Bangkok thinks I have nerve damage at the ulnar/wrist nerve as I have trouble using my ring and small finger, wrist pain, joint pain and stiffness and OA type pain when I sleep...so I am shopping around for an inexpensive nerve conduction study and an EMG..Done a few rounds of PT as well as months of stretching and strenthgethening..I have been applying TMS since 2005 and have seen miracles myself...Further comments appreciated..Blessings my friend !!) David Pearl

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