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Paraspinal muscle spasm

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by music321, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    i give up but you are misinterpreting my words and certainly my intentions.
  2. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    And that intention was? To warn people to be cautious, correct? Duly noted.
  3. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Gently, gently .... there is always more going on than we might know. An inquiry, or a request for clarification is always a welcome response. This forum is about support and kindness to each other. Words have power, and what is mild to one may be devastating to another.

    We all are seeking the same thing .... to heal the emotional injuries, so that our bodies can learn and feel the beauty of Life. This entire forum is based on our highly sensitive emotional state, which is why gentle words are so important, even when in disagreement. It is always okay to disagree (I do not agree with many things), but I seek to express those disagreements compassionately.

    I believe we must be the change that we seek, and we must always strive to cause no harm. That is our power and our gift.

    When we approach a situation with Love ... everything shifts, and the heart becomes warm.

    ... always with Love and Gratitude ^_^
    plum and Lunarlass66 like this.
  4. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Exactly. Not to insult pt in any way. The cautionary tales were context for my concern not meant to put her in the same category.
  5. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    I couldn't have said it more perfectly or eloquently. People on here truly ARE in a highly sensitive state and DESERVE to be treated with warm empathy and kindness.
    I know I do... And I let myself get pulled into a subject arena that's particularly hard for me. I went through a great deal with traditional medical experts and they created enormous fear and trust issues for me... I wound up in more pain than I originally started out with...
    So, while pspa may have meant well in cautioning forum members on the possibility of a serious and overlooked physical problem.. I NEED to believe people's instincts and intelligence would lead them to their traditional MD if need be... And only in rare cases would something emergent be ignored or undiscovered..
    This can shake a person's faith in this TMS approach entirely.. It's hard work to convince oneself as it is. Doubters make it worse. Just my opinion.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  6. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    The thing is, I believe MOST TMSers are already SO hypervigilant about their health that posting stories of mishaps and errors isn't really necessary... We're already "on the look out" 24/7..at least many I've corresponded with are.. And it does evoke fear, a key stumbling block to recovery in the first place.
  7. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Ll i think all of us here have been noceboed by traditional doctors if that is a verb. It is for many the biggest obstacle of all. I struggle with it myself and would be happy to share any insights i have gained through that struggle. I certainly did not even remotely intend to raise any of those issues by my post.
  8. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Then should i have not said anything when a poster who was told that they had a neurological emergency by two doctors was told here not to worry it was just tms?
  9. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    OBVIOUSLY they already knew after two opinions from MDs that they had a PHYSICAL issue... And they MAY HAVE had TMS too... What is the point of all this? Are you a doctor?
    Please let it drop.
  10. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    They came here seeking advice on what to do and were told by some they should ignore the doctors. If that doesnt bother you so be it. I am done.
  11. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    I understand what you intended to do.. But ultimately it is their responsibility to decide the best course of treatment. No one on this site can take 100% responsibility for another person's health. But, rehashing an occasional mishap such as the one you came across is the exception not the rule.
    Otherwise, we may as well live in fear amd completely abandon the TMS theory.
    It's not an easy road, and I feel horrible that someone had a serious medical condition, but they KNEW already. I know this site NEVER suggests IGNORING a doctor's diagnosis... And if we're talking back problems, I'm a 22year pro... RARELY is it emergent. Painful? Debilitating? Yes.. But no one's life is in danger...
    This site is a place to glean peace of mind from health fears, but it has to be a "pick and choose" approach... I trust myself to absorb what applies to my specific situation and leave what doesn't.
    I think caution and warnings can go too far, and do more harm than good. Bottom line.
  12. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    I believe 'noceboed' is a perfect word, and I hereby dub it added to our dictionary! And indeed, the medical profession is quite adept at using nocebos, even unconsciously. Not just the medical profession, though. Many people do it. I have had to caution my Mom about aiming them at me. She suggested, with great love and compassion, that I might consider going on disability!. The power of that nocebo could have been devastating if I had been less aware.

    But it did make my eyes open even further, as I realized how often I 'nocebo' her. I worry about her, so I express what 'could happen' if she doesn't do [fill in the blank with any scenario]. Now we have a pact to point out to each other if we deliver any nocebos to each other :)

    ... as always, with Love and Gratitude ^_^
    pspa and Lunarlass66 like this.
  13. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    And I cannot understand why someone with a "neurological emergency" was on a TMS support forum seeking medical assurance and not KEPT in the hospital awaiting emergency surgery...
  14. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    Me too Lily... I can't bear the thought of disability at only 51, I went through the process partially and then dropped it due to the enormous psychological impact it was having on me.. And thereby increasing pain. It's a struggle I wouldn't wish on anyone.
    Walking a fine line...
  15. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    People seek advice from people they trust or share their biases sometimes even if it is not rational. I see it a lot in online communities.
  16. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    I remember the thread @pspa mentions. A week after the initial post, the OP updated stating that she had consulted with Dr. Schunbiner and he had recommended surgery. The OP was soliciting advice from forum members even in light of this.

    The issue here is not whether or not she had TMS or needed surgery. The issue is that she was not taking responsibility for her own choices. No one can do that on your behalf. This gets to the very heart of TMS. At some point every last one of us has to screw up the courage to face our demons be they pain, anxiety, depression, disability, ageing, what-have-you. We all have to develop a backbone. That's the gift of TMS. You develop a stronger character. That's where the focus ought to be, not on a shopping list of ailments. No one can make essential or existential choices for you. Making those tough choices is an unavoidable fact of adult life.
    Lily Rose and Ellen like this.

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