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Day 3 Physical Activity & Distractions

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Reelo, Jul 7, 2024.

  1. Reelo

    Reelo New Member

    In terms of physical activity, my pain has not kept me away from doing it as per say, but more made me fear I won't be able enjoy the activity because I will be in my little head prison where all I think about is the discomfort. In a way, that is the core of my fear & pain, the fear that I will not be able to enjoy life like others as I will be constantly by shadowed by the discomfort or pain.

    As part of the program commitment I planned to skate yesterday, and followed through. The fixation on the discomfort gradually increased as it got closer to the time to leave to the park, but I pushed though. Once I kicked off onto the board and my mind floated away, so did the sensations. Although my brain still kept constantly checking in on it even during the session, the amount of thought capacity on it dropped at least 20%, leading to a fair drop in physical discomfort. After the session it came sliding back into focus and my brain tried to convince me it was because the movement helped the blood flow, not because the shift of focus replaced it's distraction and stopped it's mechanism from working... or I guess from being needed.

    Later in the day the discomfort started rising, and my brain immediately just convinced me it was because it was a bad day in terms of the physical damage, but then I decided to do some work and managed to get carried away. Before I knew it, I checked in mentally with the pain, and it was completely gone...but being a persistent bully, my brain pulled it back into focus within 30 minutes.

    I think there are two things at play here:

    1. Emotional distraction and displacement
    But also, and I think just as importantly:
    2. Perceived danger & fear

    Sometimes I wonder if I erased my memories associated with my pain, if I would even feel it... I guess my brain would eventually try find a part of my body to latch onto.
    JanAtheCPA and Baseball65 like this.
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    That is why it is VERY important to have your battle thoughts ready.
    These are discussed by Sarno in Healing Back pain..when you find yourself 'checking in' which is part of the obsessional component, have your 'thoughts of persistent irritation' READY from your morning writings about anger.
    That means a problem that bugs you always , like bad relationships OR financial problems, a fight your in with somebody?
    (Pg 77 of 'Healing Back Pain')

    Whenever you catch yourself doing what you just described, Immediately and forcefully turn your brain to those problems...it is Bar none , the most important Action to take for a quick recovery. That , mixed with 'talking to your head/the pain'
    "Nope...we're not playing that anymore so you can go away. I'm gonna drop in and skate right now so y'all can STF up!"

    Talk to it like an annoying smaller sibling.

    To be in pain, you have to 'notice' it. That is why I don't care for these 'get OK' with the pain philosophies...to me they seem to normalize it...I don't want to be in pain ever, so I have turned it into a Battle and I have always gotten OUT of pain in hours and days, not weeks and months.

    Too many of the 'new' TMS philosophers have 'warm and fuzzy-ficated' TMS recovery..and a lot of people are 'stuck'..... this is supposed to be RAPID and thorough. I need the pain to leave before I get 'emotionally OK''...that might never even happen?!?

    Everybody can win this fight...but you aren't gonna win being nice..it's a war and the victim is your pain.

    go WIN!
    Reelo likes this.

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