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Discussion in 'Community Off Topic' started by plum, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Homemade daal soup or Tom yang soup - I just can't choose between them.
    Chicken fajitas, with all the trimmings, fresh hot chillies, lime salsa, guacamole, sour cream, grated cheese.
    Crème brulee flavoured with cardamom.
    Just realised that all my choices are from other countries! I do England a dis-service - we are known for our terrible cooking, but really - we are good at some things... Roast dinner or fish and chips?? and good old sherry trifle...
    plum likes this.
  2. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Jo, it is an undeserved reputation. We have many classics and are generally true blue foodies. I love how readily we embrace the cuisine of other cultures, more fab food for us!
  3. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ah Becca, I accidentally deleted my response to you. Bless you for indulging my temptations. Food and friendship are natural bedfellows. Hugs my dear.
    Becca likes this.
  4. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh god, Plum, puddings!!!:) My favourite colour is yellow and that is all thanks to a great pudding my mother used to make when I was little. Custard pudding with sugar finger cookies. That last thing is a Dutch thing I guess and I can't find a better picture than this one.


    The one my mother used to make looked a little bit like this.


    great memories, maybe she will make me one when I ask her nicely....
    plum likes this.
  5. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    I remember those sweet finger cookies! Not seen them in years and years though. Any pudding with custard is the best.
  6. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh. My. Goodness... That sounds SO GOOOD! I'm about ready to take a quick dash across the pond just so I can find out what that tastes like.

    I am all about the sauce, too. Butterscotch ice cream sundaes are one of my favorites, so this sounds divine.
    Yum! I've never tried that, but it sounds divine! I never used to like bread pudding, but they had it at the dining room at the place I used to work. I used to just sit there during lunch time, enjoying the peace, a book, the view, or a friend and relax during lunch time. Good memories....
    plum likes this.
  7. Becca

    Becca Well known member

    OK, now that us Americans have embarrassed ourselves over our "puddings" I am VERY curious to know what constitutes a pudding in the UK, because it a) is clearly not at all what we have here, and b) sounds SO SO SO SO GOOD. Like, mouthwatering, shamelessly drool-dripping-ly good...
    plum likes this.
  8. Becca

    Becca Well known member

    (I should clarify -- "puddings" refer to something rather exact here in the US, with the exception of bread pudding, but even that has the modifier "bread" before it. It's clear that this is not the case in the UK...either that or my reading comprehension skills are just dead when I'm not reading for school :rolleyes: )
    plum likes this.
  9. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle


    This is southern hospitality
    plum likes this.
  10. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Becca, puddings are warm, indulgent, saucy and rich with nostalgia. A little online syntopic reading for you (actually it's a food fest but there is some explanation of our 'Great British' love affair with puddings).


    And now I must away, for I am very hungry.
  11. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I don't know about chunks of chocolate Plum - but yesterday I made a bread & butter pud with raisins that had been soaked in rum for an hour - LUSH!
  12. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    plum, so true about our classics. We did a 4 month cycle tour of Europe (in which any weight I thought i'd lose was put straight back on because the food and wine was sooo lovely!) On returning to the UK we were desperate for (in order of what we ate!) fish and chips and ale, a full English breakfast and a 'proper' mug of tea, a sublime Cornish pasty, a roast dinner, a ploughman's with cheddar and - crumpets! The cream of British cuisine (that reminds me - Devonshire cream tea.....)
    plum likes this.
  13. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    and let us not forget the famous plum pudding...

    plum likes this.
  14. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    I love you.
  15. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Chocolate vs. Booze
    Hmm, tough call. Can I have both and feel icky after?
    Becca likes this.
  16. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm currently passing through a crumpets for breakfast phase so that flies. Full English breakfast is goddam beautiful. And yes, why is it impossible to enjoy a decent mug of tea when abroad? I spent a month in Spain trying to fathom this. I had PG Tips (Spar shops invade the world), real milk, bottled water...no combination worked. I was gagging for a brew when I got home. Still, the absurdly generous glasses of wine made up for it. Every hour is happy hour!
    Steak and chips here tonight with apple pie for pudding.
  17. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's weird about the tea innit? I take teabags - but it never tastes the same. Still wading thru the rum n raisin bread pudding...

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