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Really having a hard time, urinary urgency.

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Leslie735, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    Thank you for your reply Pilates girl! That is really interesting and VERY true! Back in December I was having some ovary pain so I went to see my OB/GYN. She set me up with an ultrasound a couple weeks later. I had the pain on and off over those 2 weeks. Had the ultrasound, the tech. said she didn't see anything to worry about but the doctor will look it over and call me in a few days. I still had the pain on and off but it was not as often. Then the doctor called a few days later and said everything looked fine. The pain was gone that day. Wow!!!

    Are you still having problems with VV?
    pilatesgirl likes this.
  2. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    So the urinary urge has seemed to calmed down, thank goodness! I decided to stop feeding it and just ignore it and go on with my life and work on being more positive and relaxed and it's been almost 2 weeks now. I still get it here and there but defiantly better! New thing though, I started with some mild bladder pain a few days ago and today it seems to be a little worse. It comes and goes but its there. What is that all about? Of course my fear is trying to get the best of me. :(
  3. pilatesgirl

    pilatesgirl Peer Supporter

    I am just in the beginning stages so I am still working on the 100% belief. I went through a lot of trauma in the last two years so that and fear are playing a huge role in why the pain is still around. I have done all the physical work have have improved some because of that. The rest is fear. It is an awful feeling isn't it? We desperately want to be on the other side of this.
    I am rereading Claire Weekes and I have had a lot of success with her for anxiety and ocd in the past. I am being very impatient also and I know that is not helpful.
    Good luck in your healing and recovery.
    Xo, pilatesgirl
  4. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    In TMS terms it's called THE SYMPTOM IMPERATIVE, one symptom fades losing it's purpose as a defense mechanism/distraction from the subconscious emotional issues creating it, only to be replaced by a new physical location to keep the distraction going. Have you looked at the Rahe-Holmes to find out what your tension causing issues are?
  5. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    Pilatesgirl: Hang in there! I'm with you, impatient and overcome with fear and want to be on the other side, totally get it. You'll be in my prayers. Feel free to message me anytime!

    TennisTom: I have heard that before. I just figured when that happened it would move to a complete different location in my body, like my foot or something. Tricky TMS! :/
  6. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Leslie. You sure got a lot of bad diagnoses from different doctors and others.
    It's wonderful that you don't take them seriously and instead believe in TMS.
    You have a lot to unlearn and that is probably taking its time in your healing.

    The others who have replied to you with their encouragement are giving you great advice
    and I echo it. So too is the advice of Dr. Schubiner on retraining your brain that the symptoms are TMS.

    It'll make you free of the urinary and other symptoms, just stick with a total 100 percent belief in it being
    caused by TMS.
  7. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    I've never been diagnosed with anything actually, just having symptoms and my google searches have fed my fear. I'm doing my best to believe this all TMS. Thank you for your response!
  8. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Leslie are you still doing the SEP program. I saw your day 1 but nothing since? Maybe your doing it at home by yourself but it would be beneficial to ask questions as you do your journaling and exercises ok. I want to also add these tools from Claire Weekes and Abraham Lowe, It's well worth the effort to learn how all of these tools can apply to your situation ok and the imperative can change and stay in the same place if that is where your focus is ok.

    Here is just some of Claire's Wisdom -- these are some of her most famous tools

    Dos and Don’ts
    1. Do not run away from fear. Analyze it and see it as no more then physical feelings. Feelings are not facts, do not be bluffed.
    2. Accept all strange sensations connected with your illness. Do not
    fight them. Float past them. Recognize that they are temporary.
    3. Let there be no self-pity.
    4. Settle your problems as quickly as you can, if not with action, then by glimpsing and accepting a new point of view.
    5. Waste no time on “What might have been” and “If only…”
    6. Face sorrow and know that time will bring relief.
    7. Be occupied. Do not lie in bed brooding. Be occupied calmly , not feverishly trying to forget yourself.
    8. Remember that the strength in a muscle may depend on the confidence with which it is used.
    9. Accept your obsessions and be prepared to live with them
    temporarily. Do not fight them by trying to push them away. Let time do
    10. Remember your recovery does not necessarily depend “entirely on
    you” as so many people are so ready to tell you. You may need help.
    Accept it willingly, without shame.
    11. Do not measure your progress day by day. Don’t count the months,
    years you have been ill and despair at the thought of them. Once you
    are on the right road to recovery, recovery is inevitable, however
    protracted your illness may have been.
    12. Remember withdrawal is your jailer. Recovery lies on the other side of panic. Recovery lies in places you fear.
    13. Do not be discouraged if you cannot make decisions while you are ill. When you are well, decisions will be more easily made.
    14. Never accept total defeat. It is never too late to give yourself another chance.
    15. Practice don’t test.
    16. Face. Accept. Float. Let time pass.
    If you do this, you WILL recover.

    I want to say what facing is where you know your about to have anxiety or a pain episode right. So you don't fear it, or judge it or criticize it. Wait for it to come if it must, most everyone has been taught to hate anxiety and Pain. Well the more you hate it the more it will become and the bigger it will get so you have to learn how to Float. I'd highly recommend getting her book ok.

    This is a list of Dr. Abraham Lowes most famous Tools.

    Tools List
    The tools on this list are quoted or adapted from Mental Health Through Will Training (MH), Selections from Dr. Low’s Works (SEL) and Manage Your Fears, Manage Your Anger (MYF) and will help you take part in a Recovery International meeting. Many other tools can be found in these books.
    Some Basic RI Tools
    Treat mental health as a business and not as a game………………..…...……………MH ch.25
    Humor is our best friend, temper is our worst enemy……………………………….…..MH p.108
    If you can't change a situation you can change your attitude towards it...MYF p.108, Sel. p.31‐32
    Be self‐led, not symptom‐led. …..………………………………………......MYF p.114‐118, 280‐283
    Nervous symptoms and sensations are distressing but not dangerous…….….….. SEL p.53, MH p.115, 119
    Temper is, among other things, an intellectual blindness to the other side of the story…………MH p.159
    Comfort is a want, not a need. ………………………………..……………......….....MH chs.13, 22
    There is no right or wrong in the trivialities of every day life………...SEL p.39, MH p.157, 195‐196
    Calm begets calm, temper begets temper………………………….…...…….MYF p.245, SEL p.31
    Don't take our own dear selves too seriously………………………………....………….MH p.109
    Feelings should be expressed and temper suppressed…………………....……...…....MH p.178
    Helplessness is not hopelessness………………………..……………….……MH ch.7, MYF p.184
    Some people have a passion for self‐distrust…….…………...…..…….MH ch.29 & MYF Lecture 2
    Temper maintains and intensifies symptoms………………………..…….……….……MH p. 219
    Do things in part acts……………………………………………….…….……….……MH p.246‐249
    Endorse yourself for the effort, not only for the performance……...…….MYF p.13, SEL p.46, 132
    Have the courage to make a mistake………………..……….MH p.203, ch.30, MYF p.60, SEL p.108
    Feelings are not facts……………………………...……………..………….MH ch.9, MYF Lecture 14
    Do the things you fear and hate to do……………...………..…………...MH p. 329‐330, MYF p.197
    Fear is a belief –– beliefs can be changed………………………………………….MYF p.266‐269
    Every act of self‐control leads to a sense of self‐respect....…………….…….………..MH p.166
    Decide, plan and act. ………………………….……………………………………………...MH p.42
    Any decision will steady you……………………………………...……………….………...MYF p.5
    Anticipation is often worse than realization….…………………..…..………….MH p.114‐115, 146
    Replace an insecure thought with a secure thought……………..……….….……..MYF Lecture 1
    Bear the discomfort in order to gain comfort…………………….………….…………….MH p.149
    Hurt feelings are just beliefs not shared………………………………….………………..SEL p.21
    Self‐appointed expectations lead to self‐induced frustrations…………….…………….SEL p.35
    People do things that annoy us, not necessarily to annoy us………..…...…………….MH ch.48
    Knowledge teaches you what to do, practice tells you how to do it……...……………SEL p.118
    Muscles can be commanded to do what one fears to do………………………..……..SEL p.123
    Tempers are frequently uncontrolled, but not uncontrollable.…………………………..MH p.392
    Leslie735 likes this.
  9. Bina

    Bina New Member

    It just occurred to me to check the forum about the urinary urgency I'm having again. It comes and goes. Just remembered it could be TMS. I have recently taken charge of my TMS over hip/leg pain and thought I was cured! Forgot it can migrate! So here is what I am/will be doing:
    -I wear Speax underwear when I'm going to be out for a long while, as it catches the urine without leakage - so I don't have to worry
    -I will go back to using psychologist Ronald Siegel's "Healing through Mindfulness" CD - a program for mind/body syndromes, very related to Sarno's approach
    -Use tapping (EFT) to deal with anxiety
    -And go back to the protocol from my PT who worked with me on pelvic issues - building core strength, practicing kegels, drinking water frequently but not huge amounts at one time, and, when urge occurs, a) do quick kegels and when the urge comes again, do quick kegels and WALK (don't run) to the bathroom. It's about retraining the mind.

    I hope some of these will help you. I'm optimistic for myself as they've worked for me in the past
  10. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    Thank you sheree! This actually helps me as well. Mine started with one thing and the frustration of trying to find the reason for it gradually took me down a horrible rabbit hole of all the things everyone talks about here... endless searching. So anxiety set in without me even knowing what it was. It took over and created all sorts of other issues including stomach problems, food fears and weight loss. I finally realized just how tense my whole body was all the time. I started to deliberately relax my body and felt the pain subside. That was my confirmation that was TMS...unbelievable tension trying to resist the pain!!! I am not fully recovered but I am so so much better. I now have the confidence that it is TMS and will nip this in the bud... as will you!
  11. jonconner

    jonconner Peer Supporter


    this is a great thread for what I’m going through. When it comes to the urinary urgency should I just go to the toilet and don’t fight it or ignore it?

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