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Really struggling, urinary urgency

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Leslie735, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    Thank you for posting Gypsysoul! It's nice to hear from another person who understands. I'm SO glad to hear you are feeling better. Feel free to PM me and we can chat and maybe help each other. :)
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    TMS? Today, I had a great day with my family, my husband and I took our 2 kids to the beach, all day. We had a lot of fun, my parents and my older brother came along. I felt fine all day, even thinking about my symptoms they were still not there. As soon as we got home, bam, urinary urgency is here after using the restroom upon returning home. Why would that happen? Why would I be fine all day then as soon as I get home it shows up?
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is trying to confuse you " The mechanism". Don't give into it, you have it on the ropes at 80 to 90 % better. Just stay course and don't fear ok. Think psychological at all times and you will get better again soon. Don't try to get better just do all of the steps in the SEP and don't fear or focus on the body ( if you must focus somewhere on the body that you don't hurt). You got this, keep your courage -- You are winning.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Awesome, love it.....
  5. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is the part you have to hold onto to know that if your back healed then your other ailments will heal too as you continue to re-condition. Some have been reconditioning for years but its always a healing journey. I remember one night on the radio show and we we're talking and someone brought up neck pain.
    I remembered that I had neck pain for like 20 yeas. All the other pains we're so much more thought consuming so I didn't even know that while I was healing from other symtoms I healed from neck pain at the same time -- unknowingly till Bruce or Forest mentioned this type of pain on the show. I was like checking my neck and boom -- no pain. So to make a long story short. You are still re-conditioning that's all. Dont trivialize this thought with worry because it becomes a fear thought then and your not thinking clean as they say. When you somehow forget the symptom you lose the pain through reconditioning.

    If your taking antibiotics as long as your still thinking psychological and about your emotions being the culprits to pain you should be fine ok. Remember know why you are thinking trivialities and you will always have the right psychological answer to focus on your emotions and explain them.
    Last edited: May 4, 2014
  6. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    Thanks Eric!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  7. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Kristen, you are probably right that since you can't recall any bad childhood experiences, your TMS
    is probably from being a perfectionist and a worrier. Those two will bring on the pain.
    It's not easy to break long standing habits like those, but if we work on it, we can do it.

    Expect less of ourselves (we will still be doing a lot more than most people),
    and stop worrying. Don't even worry about today, much less tomorrow.

    Distract your worrying with keeping active and doing things and thinking about things you like.
  8. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    I think that is where mine stems from. I'm always in a constant worry. I worry about everything, finances, my weight, health, school, my kids, my family, what people think about me, etc. etc. etc.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  9. gypsysoul

    gypsysoul New Member

    Leslie, let's definitely schedule a time to chat on the phone! I will be back in Dallas tomorrow so I will have free time to chat. It's interesting you say you worry about your weight. I do too and think I probably worry way too much about it. My weight and my appearance are a constant worry. I see people so much larger than me and so much more confident and I'm jealous:( having two babies just doesn't do too much for the figure:) I hope you are feeling a little better!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  10. Tru B Leever

    Tru B Leever Peer Supporter

    That's kind of what I'm trying to do. I'm taking the antibiotics because they say you should always finish the full course of antibiotics, but in my head, I'm thinking TMS. What I tell myself is, "Yes, I probably did have a real prostate infection back when this began a few months ago, but the antibiotics killed that infection. Then, my brain latched on to those urinary urgency symptoms I had when it realized how much of a massive distraction it was." My symptoms have consumed me, made me stop going to the gym, made me only wear my loosest jeans, made me afraid of long car rides, etc. Talk about a distraction!!!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  11. gypsysoul

    gypsysoul New Member

    Are you in the US?
    Eric "Herbie" Watson and Mala like this.
  12. Tru B Leever

    Tru B Leever Peer Supporter

    Hi Kristen,
    That's a really interesting thought. I know when my symptoms are really bad, I spend hours and hours reading and re-reading TMS forum posts and articles and watching youtube videos. It's like I'm searching for any little thing that will reinforce my beliefs that my symptoms are caused by TMS. Maybe I'm dwelling on it too much?
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  13. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, Jeff, you seem to be spending too much time on TMS work. Try to balance it with happy thoughts
    and activities. You need to work on believing 100 percent that your symptoms are caused by TMS
    repressed emotions and/or your maybe perfectionist and "goodism" personality.

    Have fun. Enjoy life. You deserve it.
  14. gypsysoul

    gypsysoul New Member

    Jeff, there is no question that dwelling on it makes it worse.
  15. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes it does. You guys hit it right on the head. I would say worry is the absolute worse when it comes to pain and anxiety. That is what you have to work on over coming -- all of the worry and stress.
    Some worry is unconscious that is why we have to recondition to it.
    When you stop fear you don't worry. When you stop stressing you don't worry. When you stop the negative self talk you don't worry. A lot of worry has to be caught through your belief system. Like you might have always worried about your bills and its just a part of your thought stream, well you can catch that thought. Stop worrying about it and over time you will be free of that specific worry.
    The more important part is the more you become used to being in the now and just letting life flow without thoughts of doubt and fear controlling your thinking -- you almost instantly feel better right then and there. Then you just have to repeat until you get the desired effect.
    Bless You
  16. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    I try to let my "worry" go but it's really really really difficult! I'll have moments where I'm 100% positive this is just TMS, then my mind will fight it and throw in the negative that it could be IC or something else. I hate it and I'm so tired of it. :(
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  17. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    If you see yourself with IC. You could Focus on the emotion. Like Eugene Gendlins focusing. Do you know how to do that. It will make it possible for this emotion that you feel to leave. We always have emotions with thoughts.
    You will feel the emotion and not judge it or fear it or criticize it. Then you will think, this is what this emotion of fear feels like. Then you will think about the way it feels again -- like how does the emotion feel in your body. As you do this back and forth it should make the emotion go away cause the fight, flight response isn't meant to last that long if you think of it and don't fear it.
    Then if you see it in your minds eye you could change the picture to one in which you are all healthy, vibrate, strong and full of courage. If you look at the summary for the next tuesday night discussion you should see a swish. Or a reframe that will tell you the how to.... Let me know if you have any questions.
    Bless You
  18. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    I'm not sure I follow what your saying?
  19. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Leslie,

    I just wanted to let you know I went through a horrendous period of IC many years ago. I was just married and we moved to Arizona. I had bladder installations etc etc., I lost a ton of weight, went to all sort of urologists and urogynecologists. I had it for about 6 months and then it disappeared. Just like that. Looking back, I realize it was TMS. Marriage, moving and looking for work were all factors in generating inner tension that I was unaware of at the time. I just wanted to give you hope and reassure you. I know the kind of torture "IC" is but it's just TMS. Every time you feel the urgency try to shift your focus to what you are feeling. It will go away!!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  20. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    miffybunny, thank you for your reply! That is so reassuring!! Would you mind if I private messaged you with a few questions?
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.

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