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Nicole Sachs, LCSW Short but dynamic podcast episode from Nicole Sachs

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by JanAtheCPA, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Under the heading of "we're only human, after all" Nicole, while on a busy two-week road trip, created a flurry of concern in her wide-reaching community when a schedule glitch caused her to miss posting an episode last Friday! She put together 16-minutes of of-the-cuff thoughts, which cover a few really key issues and reminders that I recommend everyone take this very minimal time to hear. And by everyone, I mean YOU, whoever you are reading this right now. It's only 16 minutes!!!!

    I'll provide a direct link to the episode in her podcast library, but The Cure For Chronic Pain Podcast with Nicole Sachs LCSW is available on EVERY podcast platform, from the supposedly now-gone Google, to Amazon Prime podcasts and all of the obvious well-known ones. If you use Apple Podcasts, rating her show there really helps her out, which is the least you can do for this incredible and free resource that arrives every single week! (Sorry, Nicole, I'm an Android gal :cool:)

    S3 Ep84: OOPS NO POD, POD! Also, Kick-Starting Progress, Belief & Brain Science, and Me Being Unprepared

    Plus, an update on her second book, plus tickets are still available for her April 28 online Brain Science Mini Retreat (very affordable the link is in the podcast notes)
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2025

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