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Day 8 Significant Improvement

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Ryler, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. Ryler

    Ryler Newcomer

    Hi everyone,

    Since I made my post on day 1, I feel much better. The pain in my right hand is basically gone and the pain in my left has reduced a fair amount. Yesterday and today, I woke up and didn't have the weird sensations that I normally do. If I type too much, I do feel tightness in my arm but I just breath through it and remind myself that the feeling is safe and try to focus on any sensations I may be feeling elsewhere in my body. It usually subsides relatively quickly.

    Three of four days ago was the first time I'd ever actually journaled. It was quite an experience. I'd always resisted it for some reason and still feel internally opposed to it but I am pushing through and it has been pretty great to be honest. I actually broke out in tears writing about something from my childhood which was unexpected for me. I feel a little ashamed (because I am a man and was taught that men shouldn't cry) but I felt some release after it.

    Anyways, I'm continuing the program with enthusiasm and have kind of shifted away from trying to get away from the pain and more towards feeling better mentally. This might change but I am almost starting to feel a sense of greatfulness towards the pain because of the direction that it pointed me in.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great update, @Ryler, thank you for sharing this!

    Ryler likes this.
  3. Mardi327

    Mardi327 Newcomer

    That's great! I'm glad you are letting yourself feel that and have found some relief. I think you're right that the focus should be on feeling better mentally and not on the symptoms or pain. Still working on that myself. <3
    Ryler likes this.
  4. Ryler

    Ryler Newcomer

    Thank you @JanAtheCPA and @Mardi327 for your replies. It has been difficult to feel these uncomfortable sensations but I think it is worthwhile work.
    Mardi327 likes this.

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