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Day 4 The doctors did their job well. The mistake was mine.

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Mitocondria, Jul 15, 2024.

  1. Mitocondria

    Mitocondria New Member

    I was diagnosed with a herniated disc by MRI when I was 27 years old.

    The traumatologist literally told me that I was done with the sport of lifting weights for life. My great hobby and favorite pastime. I wanted to continue getting stronger and had ambitions to improve.

    Luckily, at that moment I listened to myself and told myself that this man was probably wrong. There

    Were too many methods to strengthen the body and improve the health of the back.

    After trying many chiropractors, I found a person specialized in postural reeducation who freed me.

    The sciatic pain went away and I was able to continue training and training to better understand how the human body worked.

    currently (TMS symptoms), the sad thing about the situation is that I have been the one who has fueled and perpetuated the fear.

    No doctor told me it could be something serious.

    I felt fatigue, joint pain and tingling in my hands and feet. I self-diagnosed arthritis, rheumatoid and other autoimmune diseases.

    After receiving all the tests with no findings, I still thought they were missing something.

    Luckily, it was two doctors who pointed me toward a possible psychosomatic diagnosis.

    Thanks to them and my partner. I began to investigate in that place and found physical healing.

    The person who really cured me was a person who understood this range of personality very well and through reflexology he freed me from pain. But I learned my lesson and knew that I had to make my own path.

    Heal my mind. Feel safe again and trust in life.

    I haven't cried for years, and now I've been doing it for four days, day after day.
    JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Welcome to the wiki! You have figured out the answer. There are a lot of wonderful resources here and a great community. Jump on in!

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