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the pain-body

Discussion in 'Mindbody Blogs (was Practitioner's Corner)' started by feder, Jul 26, 2024.

  1. feder

    feder New Member

    I'm on day 32 of the PRP and just read the article 'pain body I hear you knocking'. I am intrigued by this:

    "And I was partly uncomfortable with the significant amount of chat that was about their pain-bodies, though they did not know that!

    Oh how we love to go on and on about the failings of our job system, the political system, our own body systems, the unfairness of it all and especially: the stupidity of all people who are not us. Alternatively we plan paradise in the future, such as a wedding. Or we reminisce about paradise in the past, on a vacation. Or we even just make lists of all the great movies and actors we have enjoyed."

    This is fascinating to me. She starts by observing that somethings negative emotions such as resentment or irritation could be tms- a concept I ALMOST understand but would love to hear more about- but then is she referring to all of the topics we speak about and things we do to deal with our emotional pain? And if she is; what exactly are things that would just be neutral, and not TMS??

    anyone have any thoughts on this? I would love to hear this fleshed out a bit more.

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