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The Presence Process - Share Experiences & Ask Questions

Discussion in 'Community Off Topic' started by BrianC, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Sure, I can recap in an email. May not be anything epic today, but should be soon. It'd be nice if they could do it all without a ruckus. Just have to see what happens.
  2. Monicamu

    Monicamu New Member

    Hi Brian! I see this forum is a little old, but I guess this is ever green content as it's never too late to start the process :) I see you have done the process many times and as i am looking forward to starting my first one, I wanted to ask you something I am not sure about - The author says we shouldn't starts any new things, projects, diets nor anything like that while in the process. I am actually in the middle of a very restrictive diet (elimination diet), have been on it for 3 months, and now I am about to start re introducing many foods while watching for symptoms. I am wondering if this will interfere with the process? I mean, despite I started the diet 3 months ago, now its kinda over and now I'm entering to a new stage of it - prolly the most important since this is the time when I really need to be aware and listen to my body. I am scared of the confustion that can create if i start the process and the reintroductions at the same time. I am aware I can feel uncomfortable or having my symptoms worsening ( at least thinking so) while on the process, but then its gonna be really difficult for me to tell what is making me feel that way. is it the new foods I am reintroducing or is it actually the process?

    Said this, do you think its better if i wait till I am done with my reintroductions and then start the process? Would love to hear your opinion on this :)

    Thank u so much in advance
  3. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    lol Had a feeling you'd already posted here. Glad you're here.

    I'd wait until you're done with your reintroducing foods so you don't confuse any reactions to foods with felt resonances. But you can do what you like. That's just what I'd do. Wouldn't want you to waste your 3 months.

    Good luck! When you start the process, feel free to ask questions here anytime.
  4. hansol

    hansol Newcomer

    Hi BrianC

    Actually, I am not good at English. please understand if there is some grammar errors.

    But I can understand what you are saying. I am not good at 'writing' English.

    I am South Korean. In here, 'the presence process' is translated, so I read it 3~4 years ago.

    when I breathe with no pause, I feel pain in my heart, tooth. I does not released at all.

    after 15 minutes of breathing(which is connected), it does not change.

    this pattern has last for 1~2 years. (from when I started, to now)

    So, I am really exhausted because there is no change.

    Can you give me some tips or something like that?

    I am really appreciate with your writings. I read those things for years.
  5. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Hi, Hansol. Good to have you here in the thread! Thanks for posting your experience so far. I know Korean culture is very strict and causes a lot of emotional repression. So make sure you understand that it'll take a while for you to heal just like it's taking me a long time to heal.

    It can be pretty frustrating when you have expectations of healing and then you don't heal after so much work. That experience taught me to be patient and stop expecting things.

    It's important not to have any expectations because expectations are attempts at control and they mean you don't accept yourself the way you are. And any attempts at control come from fear.

    So if I'm noticing attempts to control, I ask myself what I'm afraid of losing or not getting. I also let go of the outcome and love myself just as I am. If I want to change myself, it means I don't accept myself unconditionally.

    The goal is always uncovering the dysfumctioning emotions causing pain and then loving them unconditionally, which means enjoying them and how they feel, and being thankful for them and all they've done for you in the past and all they're doing to continue to teach you now.

    I look at those emotions as little kids who haven't matured because they haven't been loved unconditionally enough yet. Their parents didn't know how to love them that way because the parents were never taught how. So I have to become the parent for those kids.

    To connect with that part of myself, I had to develop a way to get into my subconscious. I accidentally figured out how to do it, and, many years later, discovered that I was using a hypnotherapy technique to do so. I guess my instincts were very good back then. Here's how I did it back then.

    I'd get relaxed first, maybe by breathing deep and pushing everything else out of my mind.

    Then I imagined walking down into a deep cave or mine shaft that was my heart. As I got deeper into the mine shaft/cave, I imagined a door. I went in and found that hurting little kid in a room deep down there. So I sat on a couch with him and talked out what the problem was.

    When he would talk, it was actually me voicing his emotions and beliefs. I would imagine I was in his head talking to me, like he was on the couch, in the room of the cave, looking at me there with him. I'd switch back and forth from being in his head to being in my head in that room with him.

    Now it important to understand why his emotions are stuck and won't process. It's because he has a false belief, a lie, brainwashing. This world brainwshes us as we grow up. Our culture, how our parents raise us, the religion we're in...all of those things brainwash us to see ourself and others and reality in a certain way. So our goal here is to learn the truth and share that with the little kids in our heart who are suffering from the brainwashing. Once they believe us, and once we demonstrate the truth to them by loving them unconditionally, they decide to heal.

    TPP uses neuro-linguistic programming to accomplish this. Remember the statements you repeat each during TPP? Those are an attempt to program your subconscious to believe the truth of it being innocent so it will drop its shame. They're also trying to convince it of its being here and now so it will stop fearing the future and past and stop getting stuck in them.

    However, that type of programming doesn't work on everyone. Very smart, strong-willed people who don't just accept what other people tell them is the truth have a much harder time healing. They want to figure out the truth for their self and it needs to make logical sense to them. So I had to think of a much more clever way to heal.

    Luckily, I had figured out most of it before I started TPP. But I couldn't hardly get my emotions to surface and that was a key part of making my method work. So TPP showed me how to get the emotions to surface.

    So my technique with the cave that I mentioned above is part of how I did that. As I talked to one of the "little kids" in my heart (more specifically, my subconscious), I would figure out what belief they had about their self or the world that was causing them to be stuck.

    Then I'd tell that part of me (the little kid) the truth and I'd love him unconditionally and tell him how thankful I am for him.

    I added muscle testing eventually so I could get better answers from him. So I'd ask him yes or no questions. After each question, I'd hold my arm straight out in front of me and the use my other hand to press down on its wrist. If my arm stayed firm, that was a yes. If it wasn't firm (dropped down a little when I pressed down on it), that was a no. This is a very well-established method of testing the body for health problems called kinesiology. But instead of questions, the doctor uses supplements next to the body and it goes weak or stays strong. That's like the body giving yes or no answer--a positive or a negative. I discovered I could use this to get answers from my subconscious. That helped a ton!

    So I can accurately learn the beliefs of each "little kid" that is part of my subconscious. Once I know what false belief is causing them problems, I tell them the truth and they usually choose to heal. Sometimes, it takes a while to convince a kid of beliefs. It may take several days or weeks or months to get one of them to believe the truth about himself. It's important to never force your beliefs on the kid or expect him to do or believe something. He has to feel comfortable with the belief and I have to make sure I've proved it to him. I'm very good at this. But even so, those kids don't always believe me because emotions will keep a kid from changing his beliefs and how he conducts himself.

    For example, I teach the kids that punishment doesn't work. I show how it actually makes a person want to do more things that are hurtful and unloving which makes me feel even worse. Then I say, "You've been punishing yourself for years and years and you're still doing the same things you used to do and still feeling bad. So does punishment work?" He'll say no. I teach him that the only reason he does unhealthy things (sins) is to feel better. But that just makes him feel worse because of the shame and punishment (judgmentalness he hs toward himself for doing those things).

    Then I'll show how if he loves himself after he does something that's hurtful or unloving, it'll make him feel better instead of worse. I show him that the worse he feels, the more likely he is to do hurtful things...and that the better he feels, the better he'll treat himself and others. So if he loves himself, he'll feel better and treat others better. Eventually, the love will make him feel so good that he won't need to try to do things to feel better because he'll already feel great.

    Eventually, I start choosing to love myself before I do something unhealthy for me. I enjoy how it feels to love myself, which means I already feel better...which means I don't need to do the unhealthy thing anymore. So I just keep feeling better and better. And that part of me integrates because of that.

    There are all kinds of little logical arguments that I developed to prove my beliefs to that part of myself.

    I don't usually teach people how to do this because a person needs to have a good understanding of psychology or human behavior, as well as a good grasp on the truth about reality. Most people think they understand reality but most really don't. I'm not saying I do and they don't. I'm saying that it's very hard to prove anything about the truth or our reality and the ultimate reality (heaven and that kind of thing). I use some of the best evidence I know of and some of the strongest logic for the arguments but even so, it's hard to actually prove anything at all. So there has to be a lot of humbleness in this process and shrewedness.

    Michael Brown has his preemptive neuro-linguistic programming method and I have my more direct method dealing with beliefs and emotions. Neither is better. It's more like one method has special tools that specifically work one one type of car that most people own, and the other method has more tools that can fix that car and even other more rare cars that not many people have and therefore require specific tools. But each person has to figure out which type of car they are so they can figure out which tools they'll need to work on their car.

    I'm a more rare, more complex "car," so I had to develop some special tools to work on me. My car runs okay and I want to be happy and content with that. But if I love my car by tuning it up, cleaning out the muck inside, and stripping out all the extra junk that I've put inside of it as I've driven it through life, it'll run better and better. So it's not that I fix the car to make me love it better...its that I love my car first and that causes me to fix it up better and better. So the love comes first.

    If you want my beliefs laid out here so you can understand how I use them to get myself healed, I can do that. May take me a little while, but I don't mind. I love that kind of stuff. But keep in mind that those are my beliefs that I've come to believe through my own research and experience. If you just take them for your own beliefs, that's allowing yourself to be brainwashed. So you'd want to figure out if those beliefs really resonant with you inside. I got these beliefs from searching my heart and taking into consideration all that I've studied over about 23 years. I slowly developed the beliefs from evidence and study and logic. You'll have to look at them and see if they interest you and if you think there may be truth to them. Don't just accept them. Be sure to test them if you consider them. Come to your own conclusions.

    For me personally, they've helped me shed the brainwashing we pick up in this life so that I can get back to my true child-of-God self that I forgot I am. I was like that when I was in heaven before I chose to come here to learn. But we forget who we really are when we come here (and that's required so we can learn a lot more while we're here). If I had been born knowing who I am, I would always feel connected with God and feel completely content. I'd be this perfect person who never sins and is always happy and content. The problem with that is that I wouldn't hardly learn anything that way. But because I forgot who I was and I didn't know that God is always controlling everything, I'm scared and I feel shame and I punish myself to try to get myself to do things the way I think is "right." That's what causes all my problems, which gives me the chance to learn to love myself so that I can grow and mature and flourish out of that difficult situation. That has value. That gives me an experience I didn't get while I was in heaven where everything was provided for me and I was completely happy and content. We aren't here to experience perfection like we had in heaven. We're here to experience what we couldn't experience in heaven--suffering and pain and shame, etc--and use our innate unconditional love to pull ourselves up out of those things into maturity and peace again. And God's got that path laid out for us and it's impossible for us to get off of that path since He's controlling everything. And amazingly enough, He does that without ever infringing on our freewill.

    Remember how I said expectations come from fear and cause control? Well, love converts fear into courage or contentment or peace or any of the other components of unconditional love. That's what this is all about--converting your fearful emotions back into their original form of unconditional love. But never forget that you are exactly the way you're supposed to be right now or you'd be different. :) So you've never taken a wrong step in life. All of this was just part of the plan, part of what was required to get you to where you're going. Good, solid, quality change doesn't come quick. It comes very slow over a long period of time. Do you think an 8-year-old child could just suddenly be really wise and understand life and how to deal with all situations? Nope. It'll take many, many years of experiencing life and going through difficulties and then learning how to deal with them in fearful ways and then eventually in more loving ways before he's wise. You have little kids inside of you and don't want to expect them to grow up suddenly and be wise do you? That sounds like a recipe for disaster. That sounds like what a Korean parent might sometimes expect of his or her child, doesn't it? lol

    Personally, I toss out all of the rules about "right" and "wrong" (those are fear's attempt at controlling me) and just start guiding my life by love instead. Love guides me into much better decisions than fear's standard of right and wrong ever did. ;) Not self-centered "love" which is actually from fear. I'm talking about unconditional love that knows how to provide for myself and others in a balanced, sensible way.

    Does that make sense?

    Let me know if you want me to post my beliefs.
    Colly and Cheryl like this.
  6. hansol

    hansol Newcomer

    I am really, really impressed your post. Thank you very much.

    Actually, I have some similar belief like yours. But difference is, you are 'experiencing' it.

    And I'm just 'knowing with my head'.

    Things I already have is perfect. Just being myself can be feel free. ('happiness with outside things-money, career... ' will be perished)

    I know these beliefs are true. But I cannot experience it so far.

    You use a metaphor of child, I like that.

    I agree that I am in 'child stage of my emotion things'.

    Your post encourage me to practice TPP more.

    My childhood's object was always "Showing Off" in-front of others. When others applause me, I 'could' feel happy. Only that time. I am relaxed.

    It is surprise that you know Korean culture. Many of western people just know 'north Korea', which is known by 'nuclear thing'. lol

    Yes. I'm not that country.

    In south Korea, competition, hard work, showing off, more money, more power rules almost of everything.

    I am not rich, but I have some titles of success. graduated named college is one of them.

    But I am not happy at all. I always feel pain in my chest, I feel anxiety in my face. (not medical problem.)

    Things outside of me cannot make be happy. If it can, it just temporary things.

    I want to hear your beliefs, and I have some questions.

    Q. When I walk or take bus, I always use my earphone to listening musics.

    When I listen them, 'I am not here'. I just go to some imaginary space, like when we do in bed at night.

    In that imagine, I feel happy, power, relaxed...

    the question is, not the time of 15 of TPP practice time, just in day, are you be careful of go in 'imaginary space'??

    - sorry for many grammar error. If you cannot understand some sentence, please tell me.
  7. Cheryl

    Cheryl Peer Supporter

    Brain C, Yes please post your beliefs! I have found your post most useful and informative as well as interesting. Thank you, Cheryl
    BrianC likes this.
  8. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Sure. Mind if I ask what religion you grew up in?

    And what religion are you now?

    I know there are a few main religions in South Korea: Buddhist, Daoist, Catholicism, and Christianity, but I forget if there are any other big ones.

    Onyung Ose-oh
    (not sure how to type that with English characters).
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  9. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member


    (this message is huge so I apologize for that up front)

    I grew up as a Christian, so that's going to frame a lot of my worldview. Regardless, though, I worked hard over the years to find the truth by searching through the Bible to get my own impressions of what it was saying. I was basically testing if the mainstream doctrines of the Christian church were accurate. And sure enough, I found plenty of evidence that showed a little bit different picture of reality. I searched scholars' works, translation, ancient cultures (mostly the Ancient Hebrews and the Jews), history, near-death experiences, other religions to a degree, science, psychology, human behavior, etc.

    That all started after God/Jesus saved me when I was 16. When I say saved, I don't mean I said a prayer and devoted my life to God. I mean that I felt the worst I'd felt in my life, with tons of shame and pressure weighing me down, but God suddenly took all of that away and I felt amazing for a long time. He dropped all of my shame. I went from rock bottom to cloud nine in a split second and stayed there for nearly two years. It took about that long for my subconscious beliefs I'd learned from my parents, church, and society to pile shame back on me, weighing me down again...because I hadn't yet realized there was no good or bad, no right or wrong. I didn't know love could guide in a far stronger way.

    So what I'm about to share with you is from 23 years of a whole lot of research and experiences. Some of it came to me on my own and some I picked up along the way and tested it and found that it made a whole lot of sense with what I'd been learning over those years. So you'll have to do something similar--test these things and see if they make sense with you, deep down. If I express a belief that immediately makes you feel like it's absurd, don't assume that means it doesn't make sense with you deep down. All that means is that it conflicts with your programming. I was programmed growing up, too, and some of these beliefs wouldn't make sense if I'd heard them 20 or 30 years ago. But if I were to really searched them out, eventually they'd make sense in the grand scheme of things. You have to figure out what you believe on your own, though.

    Here we go...

    Several years ago, I was doing everything I could to get closer to God. So I started journaling what I felt God was telling me. So if I read it off the page, it would sound like He's taking to me directly. That doesn't mean I always got it right, of course. Who knows how much was accurate and how much wasn't. But the point was to practice listening to Him through my emotions and mind.

    He speaks to us using the language of emotion. But we often interpret our emotions incorrectly or we're scared of them and we do something to distract us from them (something to repress them). He doesn't just speak through emotions, but that's a key part of it.

    Emotions can be trusted only if we understand the beliefs driving them. For instance, if I my emotions caused me to fall in love with a woman, that tells me something about myself.

    It tells me to definitely not go after that woman because my heart has the impression that she will make me happy. That's not her job, though, and it's not true. I'm the only one who can make me happy, and I do that through getting to know God and my true child-of-God self who's always happy (technically, happy isn't the best word for this, but it's an easy word). Content and at peace would be a better description but we'll just use happy because it's quick and easy.

    So in the above example, I wouldn't follow my emotions--I'd instead learn from them like I'm supposed to. They're there to teach me about myself. If I didn't have the beliefs to help me understand those emotions, though, I might have followed them.

    A completely healthy, mature person doesn't "fall" in love (because that's actually falling I to desire, not actual love). Unconditional love needs no one to make it happy. It's always happy. If it chooses to date and marry someone, it's because the person decides that's what they want to do, and there's nothing selfish about it. But that's in a perfect world and a perfect person. We and our world are much different, so we must figure out how to maneuver through life with these emotions and desires, trying to love them unconditionally so they will mature (integrate) eventually. In other words, we improvise.

    While writing what I felt God was telling me, one day, I got the distinct impression He was saying to me, "If you can write what you feel I'm telling you, why don't you just speak it in your head so we can talk anytime you want?" I was like, "You know, that makes a lot of sense." lol So I started voicing in my head what I felt He was telling me. That helped a lot.

    One thing I noticed about Him is that He never condemned anything I did. He also wouldn't condone everything I was doing either. He was simply gentle, supportive, and unconditionally accepting of me as His child. He could so easily telling me that something I was doing was coming from a dysfunctioning emotion and belief without condemning me for it.

    So when I talk to my subconscious ("little kids" inside), I ask them first if they want to talk to me or Him. They usually want to talk to Him, so I take His perspective rather than my own when speaking to them. Am I sounding crazy yet? lol

    I can't help but see God as a Father, a male, because of my upbringing and because males are built to protect their family physically. Women protect as well, of course, and can be very strong. But if all things are equal, males are physically stronger. But women have other attributes that are harder for men to develop, and these things can be used for protection, as well, whether physical or emotional or financial, etc. But my point is that God technically had not gender.

    We don't have a pronoun like he or she for a person who is nether he nor she. He is the source of both male and female traits, and yet wholly different from us. So He's like us and yet He's different because of His position and perspective on life that we don't have. Because of that, I've always know that He is good and perfect, and if there's something wrong in my life, it's not His fault. Instead, it's just my misunderstanding of the situation and what He's doing in my life.

    One day, several years ago, after I really had a good grasp on human behavior and psychology, something very important occurred to me: if I'd been born in the Middle East, I'd be Muslim, and depending my parent's beliefs and my society, I could possibly have grown up to be a terrorist. And yet, I was not the one who chose where I was born, nor the parents to whom I was born, all of which would have shaped the way I believe and make decisions in life. I would've grown up thinking Jesus was just a prophet but not the Son of God and a part of God Himself.

    This was important because most Christians believe a person goes to hell and consciously burns there forever if they don't accept Jesus. But when u had thst revelation, I realized that my choices that would send me to hell would not be my fault...they'd be God's fault. And if God is supposed to be unconditionally loving, that didn't make sense with the doctrine of eternal hell.

    At that moment, I got the distinct impression God was asking me, "Do you really think I would make people suffer forever in hell?" My answer was immediately, "No." Then it seemed like He said, "Okay, start from there."

    Immediately, I remembered reading a few years ago that the word we translate to mean "eternal" in the Bible doesn't mean eternal. So a few weeks later, after testing the idea of hell not being eternal, I started researching. I read some books they laid out why the word eternal actually means age-bound, but definitely not endless. I also found that in the Old Testament of the Bible, that word meant future, or a future age, at best.

    Then I found that the best translation work out there defined the word "judgment" as: removing a problem to help a person or a society grow and mature.

    Well, that's pruning, which is a good thing, not a bad thing. That gave a whole new meaning to hell and to Judgment Day. Also, their word for punishment has "to prune" at its core, so it also means pruning or correction, same as judgment. And judgment, to the Ancient Hebrews was a great thing. That's why there were judges at all the city gates of Israel. If there were problems you had before you came into the city, they'd help you solve them on the way in so you could be at more peace in the city. And heck, if you were a danger to society, they may throw you out of the city until you're healthier. That's basically a picture of heaven and hell.

    Hell is just a state of being where you're resisting God and His help to bring you back to your original child-of-God self. It's a state of being in the afterlife where you can no longer get away from your pain inside. And once your pain breaks your pride enough, you want help and you have no problem asking God for that help. And if Jesus is God, then it doesn't matter if you know who Jesus is, you're more than willing to accept His help to get you healed up and back to your original state of being as a child of God.

    Now, God isn't so stupid as to only have a relationship with people who know He's also Jesus. So He casts His net wide to everyone. Anyone who truly wants to know Him will know Him to some degree, usually. But there are a lot of people who get caught in a selfish trap and end up worshipping a false God. And there are other people who willingly worship false God's because they've been fooled into hating the real God. My point is this: people all around the world, regardless of religion, know God. Many don't reach the level of knowing Him where they realize that He's forgiven all their sins and really never held any of them against them. But many do reach that level of knowing Him, even without knowing Him as Jesus.

    I know Him by one name and others know Him by another name. That's pretty cool. And anyone who doesn't know Him will eventually know Him after death. The reason hell is necessary is because unconditional love doesn't force our free will. In hell, out free will is choosing to hold on to our pain instead of giving it to God, so our pain crushes us so that we need His help to restore us. Once we're restored to our original self, we have no desire to resist God.

    There's a deeper truth I realized from all of that, which is that if God is the One guiding the way our life goes.

    There's a verse in the Bible that says, "A man chooses in his heart, but the Lord directs his steps." In other words, we choose with our free will, but God is still the One who's directing our life. He's manipulating everything around us so that we will use our free will to choose what He wants us to choose so we will walk the path He wants us to walk in this life. That's how we fulfill our purpose in this life. So most of the world may not know He's directing them around. They think they have the power and are directing their life, but they're not. He's guiding them exactly where He wants them to go, and He's doing it withiut ever infringing on their free will. He knows our hearts that well.

    I do this to my kid sometimes. He's 8. I give him three choices. I know two of the choices aren't ones he'll usually choose, but the third choice is one he really likes and will choose. So I directed his choice without forcing his free will. God has the power to do that with all of us, every second or the day. He does this so He can control the story of this life, so we can play our parts perfectly.

    Now, let's backtrack a little and ask another question. If unconditional love never forces a person's free will choice, then would God create us and just throw us into this life without asking us first? It would be very cruel of Him to create us and put us into a life where we will be abused as a child and tortured. That's out of character for God.

    So I had to ask myself what one Bible verse means when it says, "I (God) knew you before I placed you in your mother's womb." That word "knew" means intimate knowing in the Ancient Hebrew. Christians usually say, "Oh, that verse means that God knew us in the future before He placed us in the womb.

    While I used to believe that, I eventually understand that verse to mean exactly what it says...that He knew us before we came here.

    Well, in near-death experiences, many people say they get to heaven and remember being their before life and the choosing to come to earth to learn. Sometimes in the near-death experiences, people end up seeing how they chose to come to earth. They see how many lives were offered to them, and they're told some of what will happen in those lives. They pick the life that best suits what they want to learn and then they go I to that life. Their memory is erased while they're in the womb so they won't remember they're a child of God, made out of His being, His essence. They won't know He's always will them and can never be apart from them. It has to be that way or we wouldn't learn much.

    If we were in heaven where everything is provided for us, all our needs were met, and we felt awesome...how can we learn what it means to be in shame and pain and suffering and then use our unconditional love to bring us out of it? We can't. So we must come here to experience it for our self. We slowly come back to who we really are, hopefully. And if we don't, God gets us back to normal after we die.

    He does that through what psychologists who study this subject call "the Life Review." People go through the tunnel when they die, toward the Light, and find that God is the Light when they get to It/Him. He causes them to relive every instance in their life where they hurt someone else--all at the same time (we're a lot more strong and capable when we're in our original spirit form)--but this time, they feel how they made the other person feel...they feel the other person's emotions.

    When that happens, they feel worse than they've ever felt in their life. God does this to bring all of our dysfinctioning emotions (shame and fear) to the surface so they can be dealt with. It's like what we're doing in TPP, but it all happens at the same time. That humbles the person completely so they're ready to heal everything. While they're feeling that way about all the hurtful things they did, they think, "That was so bad, so wrong."

    But that's when God comes close to them and says, "No, no...not good or bad, not right or wrong...just a lesson learned."

    Immediately, they say they realize it was never God judging them to make them feel so bad...it was them judging their self that made them feel so bad. Why? Because God just told then that their is no good or bad, no right or wrong. In other words, there are no standards or right or wrong, or for what we're supposed to live up to or be. We aren't trying to become something we think we should be. It's the world and our parents and religion and society that brainwashed us into thinking we were supposed to be something we're not. In other words, the brainwashing made us feel like we weren't good enough. And we never would've felt "not good enough" if we had come straight from heaven, knowing full well that we are a child of God and knowing our life for the past however long in heaven.

    (I'm going to switch from "they" to "we" now because it's more relatable that way and it's what will happen to us one day.)

    So, at that point, we drop all of our standards, all of our concepts of right and wrong and good and bad. And when that all drops, our shame has nothing to hold it in place. How can we feel shameful anymore when there's nothing to judge us against to determine whether we're shameful or not? So our wall of shame that's been telling us we're unworthy drops completely, which means it's no longer pushing God's love away from us. So God's love goes through us full force and immediately matures every one of those immature, dysfinctioning emotions inside of us because their beliefs have been instantly changed to the truth since we'll see through the brainwashing. And remember, unconditional love is what matures (integrates) dysfunctioning emotions.

    What's interesting about this is that it's our own love we feel finally. And yet it's God's, too. We're actually made out of it. It is our true nature. So when this happens to us, we're just reverting back to our true self. The only difference is that we will have a lifetime of new experiences which are now added to our life experience. This means we can relate even better to people who are hurting or sad or lonely or whatever else. It means we can appreciate our perfection even more. It means we can appreciate and enjoy heaven even more. It means our unconditional love and its compassion can stretch even wider. Not that it couldn't stretch wife enough before. Wide isn't the best word. It's that we can truly understand another person's pain firsthand now, making our love for them even deeper.

    Okay, so let's back up again and redefine something. Remember how I talked about being saved by God/Jesus when I was 16? Remember how I said my shame dropped? Well, there are a few verses that talk about what Jesus does when we accept His sacrifice of dying for us on the cross. Those verses say that He drops out shame and that there is no more condemnation (shame or wrongdoing) for us when we are "in" Christ (because it means we're operating in our child-of-God self, operating in the Spirit, at one with the Holy Spirit, with God).

    Think about that for a second. How does Jesus drop our shame? People think that it's because He forgives us...but actually, I think that is sort of a translation insufficiency there. Jesus didn't show us He forgave us--He showed us that He never held anything against us in the first place.

    You see, the language of the heart is story. When He died for us, He was showing us a story...the real story of reality. He said that He is the way, the truth, and the life--no man comes unto the Father (God) except through Him (Jesus). And He also said we will know the truth and the truth will make us free. He is the truth and He showed us the truth...that He never held anything against us, which means we don't have to hold anything against our self anymore, and we never had to. How do we know this? Because He said not to judge. What is the only true way not to judge? It's to have no standards of good and bad or right and wrong from which to make judgments.

    He was showing our heart that it can drop all of its judgments and be free. And once you're free, it's natural for you to connect with your child-of-God self. And your child-of-God self is always interwoven with God (the Holy Spirit), so it connects yiu with Him. It makes you free from your own judgments and punishments. He wasn't forgiving us, He was showing us that we need to stop judging our self so we will never even need to forgive our self. How can we do anything wrong that needs to be forgiven if there is no good or bad, no right or wrong? How can we hold anything against our self? We really can't. So we're free to love unconditionally instead of living our life in fear of never measuring up, never being perfect.

    And in that state, our dysfunctioning emotions begin to mature (integrate).

    A lot of people find that hard to believe, but I've found it to be true when the Bible is translated correctly. And I've found it to be true in near-death experiences, too.

    The early Christian church, for its first 500 years, believed hell was temporary and only served to purify people to get them back to heaven. They also healed people and performed other miracles. God worked through them very powerfully. But the church was infiltrated by the Roman Empire and its Paganism, and purposely turned away from God and toward an eternal hell and a more Pagan way of believing and doing things. I don't want to get into the specifics right now or how I learned this, but the source seems to be very credible.

    Anyway, we see some really interesting things when we see true Christians throughout the years. Often, when they're being killed by people who hate Christians, they show no pain whatsoever. They're often telling about God's love as they burn to death or suffer on a cross. They showed so much confidence and love when dying in those horrible ways that tons of people became Christian back then. When the Christians were pursecuted the most was when the most people converted to Christianity. Those people were so loving that the rest of the world called them the 4th Race, as if they were different from all the other races of people. They also called them the dancers because they danced with such joy. So those people bck then knew the truth and it made them free.

    Today, we don't hardly see that anymore. Christians came out of the Catholic church or the Coptic or Orthodix churches, all of whom were corrupted by the Vatican. I'm not saying Catholic people are evil. They're awesome! They just usually don't realize that the Vatican has purposely mislead them all these years. I've heard from a very high-level CIA agent that the CIA has determined that the Vatican is the head of the Illuminati (Luciferiansism). I've also heard several testimonies by abuse victims who were taken to the Vatican to be out through Luciferian (Satanic) rituals and abused horribly by them. It's so sad. So keep in kind that Protestants came out of all of that and haven't completely found their way free of all of the old teachings.

    If you were raised as a strict Christian or Catholic in Korea, know that you didn't learn about God correctly. If you grew up as a Daoist or Buddhist, know that they, too, have a different view of God that isn't completely accurate. Some of them know God, and some don't. A person's relationship with their father when they're growing up is what determines how their heart (their subconscious--the little kids inside) see God and relate to Him. If the father was hard on the child, they'll think God is hard on them too, which will make them work really hard to be perfect so they can get God's love. They don't realize that they always have God's love.

    Unconditional love is a choice. It has nothing to do with the actions of the person being loved. It's a choice the person makes to love all things without any conditions. So God's nature is just like that. He chose to love all things no matter what. It's His choice, not our behavior. So we're always loved. We just have to love our self now.

    Unconditional love enjoys all emotions equally. Hate is not the opposite of love. Apathy is its opposite. Apathy is scared to feel the negative emotions, so it represses its ability to feel them, which represses its ability to feel at all. So what happens is an apathetic person must do extreme things to be able to feel something. But the rest of the time, the person just doesn't feel much of anything, making them very unhappy.

    Since a lot of people have conditioned their self to repress their uncomfortable emotions (the dysfunctioning ones), a whole lot of the world is apathetic to a degree...often to a strong degree. Perfectionists are usually very apathetic, being unable to feel their emotions very well. They need to be perfect (an extreme) to feel something, or they need to beat everyone else to feel something. But even when they beat everyone else or they're "perfect," they're still not actually happy, kind of like you described yourself.

    So a perfectionist is basically really scared of their painful emotions and the feelings that come along with them. They feel extremely unworthy because they've set standards for their self that are virtually impossible to achieve, and they can only feel worthy and therefore happy if they measure up to those standards. But when they go to do something like TPP, they're still very scared to feel their uncomfortable emotions. It takes a long time for them to get their emotions to come out. They aren't confident they'll be able to deal with those emotions properly and they'll end up looking bad to others. They are usually very scared of others seeing them being emotional or vulnerable or anything that seems like they're weak or incompetent. They're afraid they'll do stupid things in front of others if they let their emotions surface. So it takes a while for them to become confident enough to let those emotions out.

    So most people are living life out of fear. They're scared that if they stop living out of fear, they'll go wild. Or if they stop punishing their self when they mess up, they'll start doing stupid things that get them hurt. Or if they stop repressing their emotions, they be emotional all the time.

    None of those things are true, though. Here's an example.

    Someone might say, "If I don't have any fear to protect me, I might do something stupid like step into a busy intersection and get hit by a car because I wouldn't be afraid of getting hurt.

    Let's test that theory.

    First, understand that a person who lives in fear always has the weight of fear dragging them down, so they're not nearly as happy as someone who lives out of love. Fear is always a weight on your shoulders so life just isn't nearly as much fun or carefree. They're always worried about the past or the future. Their fear could also make them a coward, unable to act in a dangerous situation in which they might have otherwise been able to help someone.

    Now, here's how a person who lives out of love would handle things. They wouldn't have the weight of fear weighing them down all the time. They wouldn't be scared to help others in dangerous situations. They wouldn't be worried about the past or future so they could live in the moment a lot more often.

    The reason someone who lives by love doesn't step into a busy street is simple: since they love their self, they have no desire to do something stupid that might hurt their self. Since they love their family, they know if they get hurt, it will harm their family in multiple ways, too. They also know that stepping into a busy street would hurt the driver emotionally who hits them. Also, since the person isn't carrying around the weight of fear all the time, they can think smarter and more clearly.

    In other words, living by love is smarter and safer than living by fear. We don't need fear to live our life. Fear attracts negative things into our life. Love attracts more positive things into our life. And when negative things do come into our life, we feel content with them and confident we can make it through them. Also, we're connected with God when we live in love, as well as our child-of-God self. That means we're much wiser when living that way.

    So sin is just a way to feel better. We sin because we don't want to feel the way we feel. We want to feel better. So we sin and feel better, which avoids the feeling we didn't want to feel. But as we start to come down off that emotional high from the sin, we start to feel worse and we usually guilt and shame our self, making us feel even worse than we did before we sinned. This means we need to sin worse or more in order to feel better. And yet the more we do it, the worse we feel. We get to feeling so bad that we hit rock bottom. And then we don't sin much for a while so we can feel better. We eventually get to feeling about normal again and then start sinning again when we feel those uncomfortable feelings of shame and unworthiness (or whichever feelings we don't want to face). So after years and years, we see punishment never works.

    But loving those emotions works because it causes them to start maturing. And eventually, we love them so much that we don't run from them with dysfunctional repressing behaviors (sin) anymore.

    The Ancient Hebrews didn't judge people. They saw everyone as having some function and some dysfunction within them, and that was perfectly normal. But they were nomads, so if someone in their tribe were having major dysfunctional behaviors, it could get people killed. Being nomadic can be very dangerous if everyone isn't doing their part. So there was no right oe wrong, just loving, functional actions and unloving, dysfunctional actions. And that was perfectly fine. They would love the dysfunctional person in hopes that their dysfunctioning emotions would mature and integrate. But if the person were too much of a danger to everyone, they had to do something about it for the good of the tribe to keep everyone safe.

    So in the beginning of the Bible, the translations say God placed "the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" in the Garden of Eden and told Adam and Eve not to eat its fruit or they would die (spiritually--cut off from their true child-of-God self because of shame). But a more accurate translation would be "the Tree of the Intimate Knowing of Function and Dysfunction."

    Now, keep in mind that Adam and Eve only felt shame because they thought there was something wrong with them when they ate from the tree. The fruit basically deceived them. It made them feel shameful, as if they'd done something bad, something wrong by disobeying God. God never said they were bad or shameful. He said they felt shame. That was their creation because of a misunderstanding abiut reality and who they really were.

    Notice something else, too: there was no religion in the Garden...only relationship.

    It was only after shame that religions eventually started to be created. Why? To get rid of shame, to repress it with "good behavior." It was an attempt to please God. They didn't realize that God is always pleased with them and that it was their self they weren't pleased with.

    Alright, keep all of that in mind as we jump forward a bit. Around 2,400 years later, God gives the Israelites "the Law." That's a bad translation, though. It wasn't called the Law. It's called the Teachings. However, that's still not an accurate understanding of their Ancient Hebrew name. The name actually means to point the way. In other words, they're supposed to point you toward God's nature. And don't forget that they were a mix between the people's culture back then and God's ways. He was relating to them. He didn't want to give them a set of teachings that was so different from their own ways that they didn't understand it at all.

    Let's look at one of those "laws" and how it points to God's nature. One law says that if a man digs a hole and another man's oxen falls into it and dies, the man who dug the hole is the one who much pay for the other man's oxen because the first man didn't cover up his hole after he dug it. So that man paid restitution to the owner of the oxen. He replaced the man's oxen.

    Now let's take that law and apply it to another situation to see if God's nature really is reflected in the Law.

    God placed the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden and He didn't cover it up. In other words, He dug a whole and didn't cover it up. The when Satan came and spoke to Eve to deceive her, God didn't come and tell her that Satan was lying to them. So again, He didn't cover His hole and Adam and Eve (the oxen) fell into that hole and died spiritually. So that means God has to pay restitution, fully replacing what was lost.

    Well, sure enough, He sent His Son to die for every single person on the planet so they could be saved from sin and be restored back to their original child-of-God self. Also, they would get their relationship with God back. And anyone who went to hell would also be restored to their original child-of-God self eventually, too--even Satan and his demons, according to the Bible. That's what the Lake of Fire is for. It should be translated as the pond of fire, and the translation should say that the beings in that place will be tested day and night for purity. God is usually represented by fire in the Bible because fire purifies just as God's love purifies. Bible scholars say that most of the fire in the Bible is divine fire, which is God's love or God Himself. Fire is almost always shown to purify in the Bible.

    So do you see this repeated picture that we are supposed to fall into the brainwashjn God the world so we learn and come out of the brainwashing?

    Heck, there's a story in the Bible where God is working with some angels and demons, coming down to their level, asking them to give Him ideas for how they could get King Ahab to go attach the King of Assyria so we will get killed. A demon says, "I'll go be a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab's prophets (so they'll lie to him to get him to attack the king of Assyria and get killed)." God says, "Go. You will be successful." So God respects His sons, the demons, and works with them for His loving purpose of us learning lessons. I mean, wow...that's a big eye-opener isn't it? It brings a whole new light to how God controls things and uses it all to help us. It shows us that Satan has no powers that God's not making sure to control. God's making sure everything goes according to plan so that we'll all learn the lessons we set out to learn when we chose to come into this life.

    So we're created in heaven as God's child and we're just like Him. He even made us out of Himself. Then we asked to go to earth to learn through experience. We selected a life and went into it and our memory of our past life in heaven was erased. We go through life with God guiding our path whether we know it or not. He guides us Himself or uses the enemy (Satan) to cause us to move through life exactly the way He planned from the beginning.

    Oh, I forgot to add that when we choose to go to earth to live a life, we make a contract with everyone in the life to help them and to hurt them, and they agree to help and hurt us, too. When they hurt us, we learn lessons. When they help us, we learn lessons. When we hurt them, they learn lessons. And when we help them, they learn lessons. But we shouldn't try to hurt people, of course. lol God will direct us and we'll hurt people accidentally or sometimes intentionally.

    As we go through life, we will slowly come out of our brainwashing using unconditional love. Some people will never know how to come out of the brainwashing, not until they die.

    When we die, those opposing God will go to hell temporarily to get purified so they'll choose to eventually let God help them heal and go back to heaven. Everyone else (most people) will go straight to heaven no matter what religion they are because they're not opposing God. In heaven, He heals them, teaching them all the lessons they weren't finished learning during the life. Then they start remembering who they are and that they used to live in heaven and chose to go to Earth to learn. They also learn that love heals, not punishment.

    Those are the beliefs I've discovered and they're what I teach the "little kids" inside of me who are still stuck in the old brainwashing from childhood. I teach them those things only after they've had a chance to express their emotions and get them out because only then will they be able to receive the new beliefs, usually. That's how I get them healed. It's not easy and it's not fast. It takes time and patience and persistence.

    Also, regardless of religion, people can connect with God just because they sincerely try to connect with Him. They may not understand Him as well as some other people, but they might actually understand Him better than most people. Religion isn't real. It's something we come up with in our heads and then get together with others who have similar beliefs. But in truth, it's just us and God with no religion in between. Religion divides us, usually. It's often a trap. It's supposed to point us to a relation with God, but we often screw up and get stuck in the religion instead of progressing past religion into the relationship.

    I hope that all makes sense and helps. I'll answer your other questions when I get a chance. :)
  10. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    That's good to hear that you found the other post useful. :)

    I apologize if my beliefs weren't well laid out. That was just off the cuff. If I'd sat down and really put them together, I could've organized them better and they would've been much more ordered and cohesive. I'm a writer, but it's dangerous for me to just start typing like that without a plan. LOL

    If you didn't grow up in a Christian culture, you may have to substitute some of the terms I use.
  11. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    My best friend in high school came from South Korea when he was 2 yrs old. I learned a little bit about Korea culture from his family. The culture sounds just like you described it. It's tough to grow up in a culture like that. It creates a lot of unhealthy emotional patterns.

    So getting to your question, I'm not very good at staying present all day long. Sometimes I'm good at it, and other times I'm not. Most of the time here lately, I'm not very good at it. But you know what's nice about what TPP has taught me? I accept myself and my life no matter how I'm doing with presence. :)

    I basically learned to stop judging how I'm doing and be content with it. And even though I'm content with it, I still work to heal things when they come to the surface.

    You have to decide what you want to do with the music on the train. You can keep doing it or you can see if you think it would be more healthy to stop doing it. I can't say whether it's more healthy or not for you. Maybe for now, that's a very good time for you to get rid of stress.

    And maybe in the future you'll get better at integrating emotions and find that there are dysfunctioning emotions causing that behavior. At that point, you'd do a little less of that behavior so you can hopefully get the feelings causing it to surface. Then you can work with those emotions. As you do the behavior less, those emotions should surface more. When they integrate, you won't have to listen to the music anymore to feel good. You'll just feel good most of the time. And then, you may choose to listen to your music on the train or not to do it...but the difference will be that you don't feel a strong push toward doing it anymore.

    That's about the best way I can describe what I'd do and how it works. I hope that made sense. :)
  12. hansol

    hansol Newcomer

    I really appreciate it.

    I read your post, but I had no time to reply. sorry about that.

    Actually, my father is pastor, so I can understand some part of your message. It is very touched.

    I also learned muscle test (maybe from Dr.hawkins?), surrender, and sedona method like that... but TPP is the simplest, so I choose it.

    It is sad that I cannot express enough what I felt from your posts because of my low english skills. More I connect my breathe, more I can feel pain.

    But It is not that painful as first time.

    Still, when I connect my breathe, I feel some tension and pain at my face, gum, chest. but I will be with it, not suppress it.

    2018 is very tough year for me. family trouble, career trouble... But It make me restart TPP, and meet you.

    I hope you have happy life.

    and here is question, when you finish daily TPP practice, after 15 minutes , still have pain in my physical part.

    in this case, you integrate these things more? or just finish it?
  13. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    [Note: I edited this from its origibal form to add a few things.]

    I do the 15 minutes of breathing and then I sit for a little bit just seeing if I need to cry or if there are feelings I need to feel.

    If I get the sense that I need to cry, usually, all it takes for me to cry is for me to start that crying myself. It's like I'm having to start an engine. If I just start turning the key, the engine will start up on its own. So I start the process of crying and the actual feelings of the crying and the tears start. I have to pay very close attention to know whether I need to cry or not. Sometimes I can't tell I need to cry unless I start going through the motions of crying. Then, suddenly, I really start crying.

    If I feel emotions or pain when I'm done with my breathing, I start muscle testing. I begin by telling the "little child" who's causing the pain to come to the surface. Then I connect with him by picturing him in my head being with me like we're sitting and talking. You would probably have to start out by picturing yourself walking down in a cave inside your heart and entering his room and sitting with him on a couch.

    I then ask him if he wants to talk to me or God. Then I muscle test for his answer. If he wants God, I put myself in the perspective of God and I walk into the room as Him and I have the little boy sit on my knee and we talk (I'm acting as God during our talk). Some of the little kids are fine talking to God and others are scared of Him because they have some false idea of who He is. They feel so shameful, they think He's going to reject them or punish them. So I have to talk to them so they understand He doesn't punish or reject anyone.

    So, once I'm taking to the little kid inside who's causing the pain, I start asking him yes or no questions that help me figure out why he's causing the pain in my body. For instance, maybe he's causing stomach pain because he's punishing himself for feeling disappointed in his father. Or maybe he's feeling bad about disrespecting one or both of his parents. Or maybe he believes he's a failure. Sometimes, I have to ask how old he is by asking, "Are you older than 7? Older than 10?" I keep asking him until I figure out his age, then I start thinking about what might have happened to him around that time in my life when I was his age. Once I figure it out, I ask myself what incorrect beliefs does he have from that time in my life. And I'll start asking him if he believes certain things. Eventually, I'll figure out what his beliefs are about himself or the world or God or his parents that is causing him to punish himself.

    When I figure out why he's punishing himself by hurting the body, I ask him about it to make sure I'm correct: "So, you're hurting our stomach because you feel like you're a failure since you didn't live up to what your parents wanted you to be?" He'll answer yes, which let's me know what I need to discuss with him and what beliefs I need to correct in him so he will release his shame.

    Once I convince him that his beliefs are incorrect and that my beliefs are correct, I ask if he believes I'm right about my beliefs. He'll say yes. Then I'll ask him if he wants to drop his old beliefs and believe these new beliefs that I believe. He'll say yes.

    So then I say, out loud, that I speak for myself and every part of me. Then I say I repent of believing whatever the false belief the false belief was that he believed. I say I repent of punishing myself, and of believing in a standard of good and bad and right and wrong and all standards of what I thought I was supposed to be. I repent of all punishing. Basically, I repent of everything I was doing that had to do with those false beliefs the little kid had. The reason for repenting is because it breaks spiritual bondages so spiritual entities can't hzng around anymore to tempt you or mess with your emotions. You'd be surprised how strongly spiritual entities can influence you. And if they are, you'd be surprised how quickly this can get rid of them and their influence. After the repenting, I command them out in Jesus' name, but in my case, I don't think I have many spiritual entities (dark spirits / demons) around me. So the repenting doesn't help me much, but it really helped the people I used to work with who had multiple personality disorder (MPD/DID) a lot. So I do it just in case there's a spiritual influence.

    After I say those things out loud (I just whisper them usually), I then take the little kid through a door in the cave to a Waterfall of Life with a pool of tr Water of Life. Jesus is always there. I have the kid reach into his head and heart and pull out his programming. It looks black and it's shaped like a weird, icky ball. He hands it to Jesus and Jesus drops it in the Water of Life where it quickly dissolves and vanishes. Then I have the kid reach into his heart and pull it out and hand it to Jesus. It has black muck on it, covering what it really looks like. While Jesus cleans that up, I have the kid wash up in the Water of Life and put on really nice clothes that make him look really good.

    Remember, all of this is symbolic. The kid dresses good because he feels good now. So he's dressing like he feels.

    Jesus hands him his heart back, which is now shining so much it throws beams of light out. He puts it back in his chest and he now shines like Jesus shines.

    That's when the process ends.

    All through that entire process, I'm being really thankful for the kid and being super-loving with him. I want to make sure he knows how much I love him unconditionally just the way he is. I want him to know I'm thankful for all the stuff he's done that he thinks was bad, because that all taught me lessons. I basically turn everything he thinks is bad into something good and helpful. He just didn't realize it was helpful.

    A lot of the time, I have to tell the kid how I life really is and when we were created and chose to come to earth to learn and what will happen when we die and that Jesus/God is controlling all of it so we aren't to blame for anything and none of it is bad. That helps the kid heal. :)

    The pain may not stop. I may have to go through that process many times with that kid. Or maybe just once. Who knows. I just keep at it. Eventually, he'll integrate.

    Hope that helps and was understandable. :)
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  14. hansol

    hansol Newcomer

    Hi. Brian

    TPP makes me change in several ways.

    First of all, I always had some fear of presentation infront of crowd. but it is not that huge. I have some confidence of that right now.

    and, in the book(of course tpp), the author said in the front of the book about 'state'.

    actually I read some translated version of tpp, so I don't know what expression was used in there.

    In the context of disease that author has... hothon syndrome?? doctor warned him about killing himself.

    In that part, author found in some 'state', the pain was relieved.

    now I just can have some experience about the state.

    really sorry for inconvenience because of my grammar. I am studying with it these days.

    I also have some anxiety when I am with lovely girls. ( oh, I am male. I am even not open my sex)

    That's why I avoid some situation related to nice girl. but in the deep mind, I want to be there lol.

    I have some belief that 'I must be look great to her!!'

    so I have plans to go some place where girls are many. In there, even not talking to them, just with them ( like hot place cafe )

    and when I feel anxiety, or jealous of man who are with great girls, I will try integrating my feelings.

    I know it is really sounds like nerd, , but it is who I am.
  15. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    No, you don't sound like a nerd. LOTS of guys have anxiety about talking to pretty girls, so you're pretty normal. :) I was like that when I was younger.

    Your plan of going to a place with lots of girls to integrate the feelings sounds like a decent one...except you won't be able to finish the integration there in that place since crying is how the feelings eventually integrate. So what you could do is stay at the place for a while to practice being with the u comfortable feeling. Then memorize the feeling and the situation with the girls there at the place you go, and go home and bring that feeling back inside of you so you can feel it again and finish integrating it. If you have trouble getting the feeling to surface again, just imagine yourself back in that place with the girls and then imagine one of them talking to you. The feeling may not integrate for many weeks or months, but keep with it and it will eventually. But don't forget that you have to convince that child inside of you who's having that feeling that you love him just the way he is and that he's supposed to be exactly like he is. In fact, tell him how thankful you are for everything he's taught you by having the feelings he has.

    Good luck! That's an important one to integrate since it's very central to loving yourself. :)
  16. hansol

    hansol Newcomer

    Thanks a a lot.

    I think it is too rush. lol

    If there is anything you need... I cannot imagine, but if you have that I can provide, tell me

    really thank you.

    have a nice day!!!
  17. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    You're welcome, and thank you! Anyung asayo.
  18. hansol

    hansol Newcomer


    I have some experiences about TPP, so I want to share it.

    Couple of days ago, I send some messages to my neighbor.

    But she did not even read my message.

    I know she is always checking phone. So, I thought that she is ignoring my message.

    I felt angry.

    So, I started TPP, for 15 or more minutes.

    It was painful and felt like squeezing my muscles around my chest.

    In that moment, suddenly some thought was came up.

    "she is in the camp, which is cannot using phone"

    And I check, and it was true!

    So, what I learned is that in the TPP State(I made up this expression, which means, present 'here' comfortably), I can connect to the Intuition.

    I have questions about this.

    1. I think you have this kind of experiences as well. can you tell me one of them?

    2. If I want something, In TPP perspective, integrate all kind of feelings related to that object, and I don't know what is next.

    for example, I want soulmate-like girlfriend. (I think it is wrong expression. What I want to say is a girlfriend who is my soulmate)

    I have some feeling about that object

    first of all, fear of approach to attractive woman. and some realistic problem like if I start relationship with her, my expenses will highly increase, I will have no time for myself... like this.

    I can take two kind of approach.

    (1) ask my friend for connect me with some girls or just find out attractive girls and try.

    in trying, I will have some feeling which have to be integrated, and integrate them.

    (2) integrate first!

    In (2) approach, I feel that I am coward. Because I am not approach to them although they are just behind of me!

    In (1) approach, I feel some radical things remain.

    thank you.
  19. hansol

    hansol Newcomer

    And I have one more question!

    In the book, author quoted 'some Buddha' and said

    "what you want will attracted to you. whatever It is."

    I cannot understand in that part.

    If I in TPP state, whatever I want will come to me?

    I don't want to chase rainbow.

    Can you please tell me about that sentence's meaning?

    what I understand now is,

    If I want some good grade on exam, with tpp, I can concentrate on the object with no anxiety.

    So I can achieve that.

    but in difference part, which is not related to one's effort, how can this applied?
  20. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    I do not agree with the statement that what you want will attract to you, whatever it is. I do believe we attract things into our life, but our subconscious is mostly doing that, and there are a lot of things the subconscious attracts that are good for us and a lot that are not good for us. However, it's different for each person.

    Let's say that one guy had a lot of pain in his life growing up and his response to it was to close himself off to protect from the pain. So inside, he's got pain and fear stored up. Most likely, the result of that will be that those things inside of him (the pain and fear he doesn't want to deal with) will attract pain and fear to him periodically.

    But let's say there's a guy who grew up with a loving family. He has a lot of love inside and not a lot of hate and pain. His subconscious will be more healthy, so it will attract more positive, loving things into his life.

    So if the first guy with pain I mentioned above does TPP, he will bring up the pain so he can love it unconditionally and eventually the pain will turn from a dysfunctioning emotion into a functioning one, like maybe peace or courage. Or it may not turn into a specific emotion, but rather it just turns into positive emotional energy that's useful as many positive emotions instead of being stuck in negative emotions. The latter is more likley how it works. So TPP is to clear our the subconscious emotional dysfunctions and the beliefs that drive them, so a person will naturally attract more positive things into their life.

    Also, keep in kind that if the first guy who has pain stored up was raised with a lot of fear and punishment and shame from his parents, his subconscious will likley be punishing him inside with health problems and attracting painful things on the outside for punishment, as well. So he has to.get rid of the punishment mindset while doing TPP or afterward using the techniques.

    However, having said all of that, no matter if you're a loving positive person or a person full of pain and shame, negative things are still going to happen to you from time to time. The difference is that the loving person responds to those events in a different way than the other guy because the loving person is more positive in his view of life and those events. They don't hurt him emotionally in the same way they hurt the other guy who is always scared and worried about getting in painful situations.

    Yes, people can focus on things they want and get them, but often, that's selfish and it's an attempt to control their happiness. But Michael Brown doesn't believe that we attract what we want. I've heard him say it in an interview. He believes more like what I believe and just explained.

    Hope that help.

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