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The Presence Process - Share Experiences & Ask Questions

Discussion in 'Community Off Topic' started by BrianC, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Welcome to the thread. Good to have you here.

    I apologize for taking a while to respond. TMSwiki didn't send me an email alert this time for some reason when you posted.

    My gut says the other yoga breathing practice would get in the way of TMS. But that's just me. You'll have to figure out what you think is best. For me, I literally programmed the TPP breathing process into my brain so it comes very naturally now. I always had a hard time with other breathing practices while I do TPP. You could be different, though. Who knows. Personally, I think it's always better to put a person's full focus on a single practice for a while and get rid of other practices during that time, because TPP is enough to do in and of itself. If you add more, you could burn out or not get nearly as much out of TPP.

    TPP is all about learning and practicing not to constantly be "doing" things. It's a process of not doing. Of ceasing. Of relaxing and being happy with our self as we are rather than constantly doing things to attempt to feel better about our self or feel better physically. Too much is overwhelming and it's part of why we end up needing to do TPP.

    Hope that helps. Good luck!
  2. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Hi, Marjon. Good to have you in the thread!

    Your 10 breaths a minute equals 3 seconds inhale and 3 seconds exhale with no pronounced pauses. That would be the very minimum amount of breaths for TPP I would guess. And they would need to be deep and from the stomach.

    I think 2 seconds in and 2 seconds out is about the best speed for TPP. Somewhat deep breaths, but not really deep (ie. - not super-forced breaths). I imagine you're right--a little more force and a little deeper...and probably a little bit shorter.

    Michael Brown has talked about a faster speed that's more advanced, but I wouldn't worry about that until you're really experienced with this stuff. The fast breath doesn't seem like it's too much more beneficial, though I think it might be useful for getting your body in a state where fear may rise to the surface due to the fast breathing trigger. So it may be useful for that down the road.

    Good luck!
  3. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member


    (NOTE: I am making not recommendations because I am not authorized to prescribe or remove a person's medications. The following is just meant for informational purposes. Consult your doctor regarding medications.)

    I discovered from research that antihistamines block anger expression. The liver puts out histamine to attack issues in the body, but it can also over-produce the histamine and attach good cells. So it's kind of like self-hate at a subconscious level. If you take an antihistamine, you're basically restricting your body from expressing its anger.

    In TPP (and especially in TMS), we're trying to get down to the anger so we can express it to get it out of the way of the emotions it's blocking. Some people may have a hard time getting anger, and the underlying emotions, to surface due to antihistamines.

    I cannot tell someone what medications to take or not to take. That's up to you and your doctor.

    I was having trouble getting my anger to surface and noticed that when I dropped the dosage down on my antihistamine, my anger started to surface--really important anger from childhood. I'd wondered why it hadn't surfaced yet and that was my answer.

    Now keep in mind, I haven't taken antihistamines the entire time since I started TPP. But I have been for the past year or so. I was using them for deeper sleep.

    Zzzquil is a sleep med made by the makers of NiQuil, but it's just an antihistamine. I was taking Benadryl to get deeper sleep.

    So, I just wanted to make you guys aware of that. That could be very useful.

    I'm dropping the Benadryl altogether again so I can get my anger to fully express. Once I get all of the anger expressed and then the issues below it expressed and processed, it won't be causing my liver to produce too much histamine anymore and I'll naturally sleep deeper at night and allergies will naturally clear up.

    Hope this is helpful. Wish I could add it to the entry post on this thread but it's not allowing me to edit it for some reason.

    Good luck!
    Lena77 likes this.
  4. Marjon

    Marjon New Member

    Thanks for this reply. I feel much more confident about starting the process!

    BrianC likes this.
  5. Lena77

    Lena77 Newcomer

    Hi Brian, I’ve started TPP and finding it very transformative. How did it end up serving you?

    Alena in Asheville:)

  6. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Welcome to the thread, Alena! Good to have you here.

    To answer your question, TPP saved my life. The second most important thing that's happened to me in my life is finding and doing TPP because it taught me how to always be able to deal with my emotions and integrate them. That means that I never have emotional breakdowns anymore, and I'm consistently happier than I was before.

    The most important thing that happened to me was when God/Jesus saved me at age 16. That completely changed me in a split second--turned my life around. I went from rock bottom to cloud 9 in a split second and stayed there for a couple of years...until my emotional pattern of shame caught up with me and smothered my joy. So TPP was the answer to bringing those emotional patterns up with their beliefs and emotions so I could get them processed and resolved.

    TPP adds another dimension to life, or at least that's the way I describe it. I couldn't feel my emotions properly before. They were far too repressed, making me apathetic. I wanted to badly to feel things because I felt so numb. That was from repression hardening my heart, more or less, so that I couldn't feel anything. That came from constantly avoiding uncomfortable feelings through distractions and constant attempts to keep my life comfortable. That's actually how most people lead their life and they have no idea it's hardening their heart and causing them to get less and less able to feel their emotions. That drives them to do some crazy things. TPP gives us a method for getting out of that so we can feel the emotions and process them. I'm eternally grateful for TPP. It gave me back my emotions and the feelings they produce in my body. That's the new dimension to life--being able to feel my emotions running through my body. It's really cool. I use the example of when I used to watch movies before doing TPP. I might shed a tear and feel just a tiny bit while watching the movie. But around the seven-week point of my first TPP, I went to a movie and felt my emotions running all over my body through most of the movie. It was the coolest thing! Honestly, I got a little addicted to feeling everything for a little while. lol

    TPP also gave me the final ingredient to my method for healing myself emotionally and physically. I'd figured out how to make changes to my subconscious, but until I found TPP, I wasn't able to get my emotions to surface hardly ever, and that's a key part of healing. The subconscious is the most important part of healing. TPP utilizes Neural-Linguistic Programming (NPL) to make those changes. It does so through different statements you make. That helped me a little, but I don't like that tactic. My subconscious is too smart to just be lulled into believing something without a firm foundation for that belief. So I had to develop a method for getting down into my subconscious to connect with it and talk with it so I could share the truth with it. That causes it to change its beliefs. The incorrect beliefs are what cause it to generate the emotions that get stuck and repressed. The subconscious runs the show, so while we like to think we're in control, we really aren't. The subconscious handles 95% of everything that goes on with us. It even makes our choices for us about 10 seconds before we make that exact same choice with our conscious mind, according to research studies. It has some serious power over us. So my way of correcting that is simply unlocking it and making adjustments. Thankfully, I found out that hypnotherapists do virtually the same thing I do, so I don't have to worry about trying to teach this to others...because I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to teach it to hardly anyone since it's kind of complicated. Where TPP uses NLP on the front end to affect the subconscious, I use direct communication on the back end to do it. TPP would only work for me a tiny bit in the subconscious department. I needed something more direct because of my personality type and luckily I was able to develop that from my past experience and research. But most people will do great with TPP, even if they're like me. Heck, I wouldn't even bother trying to teach my method to someone who hadn't gone through TPP to learn to bring their emotions up and process them, because that's so important for happiness. They'd probably skip TPP if they learned my method and that would do them a great disservice.

    So yeah, TPP is awesome. I love it. I highly recommend it. Can't say enough good things about it.

    The only thing I caution people against now is that I wouldn't necessarily recommend Michael Brown's stuff besides TPP because of its New Age connections. He's into some New Age things now that I've discovered are very, very dangerous. A friend of mine is completely paralyzed and in constant harsh pain all the time as a result of a curse from a shaman in a New Age tribe Michael Brown was associated with (I'm not saying Michael Brown is evil--he's a good guy...I'm just pointing out that there are two groups now that he's either been a part of or associated with who I know for certain to be Luciferian). Also, the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton Levay, has repeatedly accused the New Age of stealing all of Satanism's practices. There are tons of articles about this so it's easy to look up. And it's pretty easy to go on the Church of Satan website to their practices and find all of the same practices and beliefs of the New Age religion. The CIA themselves actually recommend reading Ricky Ray on the subject of the Illuminati in order to get the best information about them, and you can find a book on the CIA's website called Bloodlines of the Illuminati--it's recommended reading by them. Ricky Ray is a former high-level Illuminati member, so he gives some good information on them. He says they created the New Age religion. The Illuminati are Luciferians. And sure enough, all of the founders of the New Age religion are Luciferians if you look them up.

    One of them--David Spangler--says in his book Reflections on the Christ, pg. 45, "Lucifer comes to give to us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it then he is free and we are free. This is the Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation in the New Age."

    People can call it conspiracy theory all they like, but I don't deal in theories--I deal with things I can prove. And the CIA website is showing these things, as well, so it's good to be aware. You know it's serious when the CIA is broadcasting it on their website. So personally, I steer clear of New Age stuff now. I'm not worried about it or scared of it, but I don't really want anything to do with it now that I know what it is and what it's being used for. I worked with people with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD/DID) for fives years, and almost every single one of them was sexually abused by their Satanic Luciferian parents who did it to purposely split and program their personalities. It was unimaginable what was done to them. Horrific. Thankfully, a lot more victims are coming out now and giving their testimonies at the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, so it's getting some good visibility now and governments are starting to do something about it. Let's hope they succeed. Anyway, one of the groups Michael Brown was in, last I heard, is one of these groups masquerading as a New Age religion and the only way to escape the karmic reincarnation cycle they claim we're all trapped in. I'm not sure if he's still part of it, but those groups are almost always from the Illuminati from what I know of them. It's a dark subject and too many people immediately dismiss it when it's mentioned, but I really don't want my thread here to lead anyone that direction. So I feel like I need to say something about it.

    Hope this has been useful and not too far out there. I look forward to hearing about your experiences as you go through TPP. :)
  7. IvaNenova

    IvaNenova Newcomer

    Hi Brian,

    Do you know if TPP can be used as a technique during pregnancy?

    I am now on my Week 6 for the first time using this approach and I would like to do it three times but I don't know how this will happend if I get pregnant. ;).

    I have one more question. I surpressed my emotions and these emotions came to me as a different symptoms - cystitis, endometriosis, arthritis etc. After I started using Integrative breathing (I am also part of 2 year education in "Integrative breathing") and now TPP - these symptoms comes again. Now I am observing them and try to stay with them and all the emotions which comes but yesterday I had a terrible cystitis and took a pill because I couldn't stay with this pain so many hours. What do you reccomend to do when we have similar situation?

    I am sorry for my poor English.
  8. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Iva Nenova,

    Thanks for the post and welcome to the thread!

    I can only speculate about the effects of TPP while pregnant. I'm guessing that if you get really good at giving yourself unconditional love, then it should have positive effects on your child while you're pregnant.

    There are solid research studies that show a lot of evidence that a mother's emotions directly affect their child in the womb. If the mother is distraught or hopeless or hateful, etc, the child will be emotionally "attuned" to those emotions. If a mother very loving and happy and peaceful, the child will be emotionally "attuned" to those types of emotions.

    So let's say you're doing TPP while you're pregnant. Uncomfortable emotions surface and instead of repressing them, you feel thankful toward them and you love them unconditionally. In time, the uncomfortable emotions and their accompanying felt resonances (bodily sensations) integrate. This makes your emotional state even better. This would probably affect your child in a positive way. You'd be attuning the child to love in the face of uncomfortable emotions. That sounds good to me.

    I could explore this further, but you get my point. Personally, I think it would be a good thing to do TPP while pregnant. HOWEVER, if a lot of severe, uncomfortable emotions surface and you can't handle them, you could attune your child to those emotions and your panic. But if you have repressed those emotions, they're still going to affect your child.

    It's worth noting that if you're doing TPP while your pregnant, you can always decide to stop and finish it later. It's totally up to you.

    TPP teaches you to practice accepting the pain and leaning into it rather than resisting it. But that takes a long time to accomplish and a lot of emotional processing. You'd have to use your best judgment about whether to continue with TPP while you're hurting. If I were in your potion, I'd do my best to endure the pain when possible. Any processing you do is helpful.

    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
    IvaNenova likes this.
  9. IvaNenova

    IvaNenova Newcomer

    Thank you so much, Brian,

    Your posts are very helpful, I read almost everything ;).

    Be blessed!
  10. jambolaia

    jambolaia Newcomer


    Happy to found this forum where I can ask my questions, It makes me feel like I am not gonig through it alone.

    I have a question about the breathing - i am someone who lives in his head, my attention automatically goes up back in to my head .... where do I put my attention while doing the connected breathing? Do I my attention in my body and feeling into it while breathing??

    Also the pace of the breathing I naturally do it somewhat fast breathing in and out and I noticed on the website Michael talks abut doing it more slow.. is m way wrong?
  11. morreion

    morreion New Member

    I've been dealing with PTSD most of my life and am feeling invisible and having that need to feel be seen etc. Having read the above, is feeling needy and then talking to yourself giving praise to yourself not reacting to that feeling instead of just doing nothing and just be with that feeling?
  12. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    I'm so sorry that I'm just now seeing your message and responding! The TMSwiki Forum sometimes doesn't send me an email to let me know someone replied to this thread.

    I often breathe in for two seconds and out for two seconds, but sometimes I breathe in for three seconds and out for three seconds. Just depends. When I was doing the process, I did two seconds in and two seconds out, I think.

    As for your mind, the whole point of the breathing is to get you out of your head. So what youll want to do is put your focus on your breathing and on saying in your head, "I am here now I'm this." You can also put your attention on how your body feels, like you said. I do all three of those.

    I know it's way past when yiu finished your 10 week PP now, so how did it go?
  13. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Well, for me personally, I would just feel the feelings and enjoy them. Love them. In other words, just view the feelings as a little kid and then put your attention on him or her and literally feel unconditional love toward him/her. Imagine embracing (hugging and holding) him/her. No need to talk to that part of yourself until all of the feelings have been fully expressed. Once the feelings have been fully expressed to the point of crying, maybe you could talk to that part of yourself. And make sure you're feeling thankful toward him/her and telling him/her that you're thankful for him/her. You're basically reparenting the child-like pieces of your heart.

    If you have PTSD feeling arise, just allow them to be on the surface and enjoy them without reacting to them. Eventually, the PTSD will be expressed fully and integrate. If it doesn't for some reason, you'll have to wait until the emotions are mostly expressed and then share the truth with that part of yourself. It seems like the lie that part of you believes is that he/she needs others to love him/her to feel good enough about himself or herself. You'll have to correct that lie. We are already eternally happy, joyful, peaceful, and content in our spirit--our true self--and that's the real us. But we get these lies in our head that tell us we need things to make us happy. This programs us not to realize that we're happy within ourselves. So what we do is unlearn everything we've learned in the past and go back to our original self as best we can. Offload the lies, and replace them with the truth. That will help the integrating happen more quickly.

    Let us know how it does. Good luck!
  14. morreion

    morreion New Member

    I've been trying the breathing part of the presence process but that makes me really anxious and makes my body cramp up to a point were it is unbearable. The fact is, I've got an defense mechanism that prevents me from feeling or experiencing everything that's a thread. So tried hypnosis, but a panic is arising as soon as i relax and loose control. And control is what im doing, which was part of my survival when the trauma happened, together with dissociating and falling asleep. Have had flashbacks from what i think happened, although i'm not sure, but felt like collapsing when that happened.

    I've have sleepwalked mostly through my life, most of the time feeling absent or that everything around me is not real, and everytime i got closer to feeling my body cramped even more up. Then a series of events happened in my life were i met my now ex wife and was confronted with violent behavior and alcoholism and had to live under the thread of getting murdered and lived on the sleep many times to be save. That brought up much pain in the form of raw emotions.

    since them my life has been like a rollercoaster ride were i was confronted mainly with the pain inside me. Got my daughter living with me who start to play up big time but also coincidentally people or knowledge was send my way. First it was eckhart tolle, jeff foster etc which made me aware of acceptance and living in the now. And then from out nowhere i found out about the presence process.

    Anyway, my daughter has severe emotional issues and see that she is my main messenger and she is bringing a lot up in me. I'm still doing the presence process but without the breathing part and i train myself to be present and feel the emotions and not react although thats not easy.

    I'm mainly confronted with feelings of being trapped, anger, rage, betrayal, hopelessness and desperation. I seem to not be able to reach a point were i can cry and when i get closer to staying present and be able to stay with the feeling my lower back stiffs up entirely and getting to the point were i take a cigarette to deal with the pain but that makes me feel even more hopeless. But that again is a feeling as well. Anyway i'll take your suggestion and will talk to the emotion and see what happens.

    By the way i'm getting counseling by a brilliant counselor so i'm not alone in this
  15. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    That sounds very rough.

    What traumatic event happened to you, if you don't mind me asking?

    What age were you when it happened?

    Tell me about your childhood and your parents and how they raised you and disciplined you.

    What meds are you on? (anything, including over the counter allergy medicines like Benadryl or pain meds like Tylenol or aspirin)

    Keep in mind that several types of meds can make it harder for you to feel your feelings and express them. That could be a good reason you're unable to cry. But it could be something else, too.

    Was there ever a point in your past where you believed crying was bad or wrong or not allowed? Ever punished for crying?
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
  16. morreion

    morreion New Member

    What traumatic event happened to you, if you don't mind me asking?

    Thats the problem, i'm not sure. I had several psychic experiences as well when i was young. One night for instance i heard voices next to my bed talking about me and just picked up the last sentence saying i have to much energy and then a energy discharge happened feeling me really good. Another instance i heard a voice saying that the pain i'm experiencing is caused by problems in other lifetimes working through into this life time. Anyway you can say, that you don't believe in past lives, but for instance i always wanted to become a pilot and one night i had a dream that i was crashing in what seemed to be a second world war airplane, it was on fire and then crashed. suddenly i was standing outside the airplane and started crying hard. Then i heard a voice saying behind me, let it go, let it go. Then the dream was over. since that dream my urge to become a pilot was totally gone. I was examined by a couple of psychiatrist and they said that i had all the signs of someone being abused and always had a fear of being puled into a car for some reason. Had also a couple of experiences when i was young were man tried take me, showing me money and wanted to come with them, but i ran away in panic. When they told me of the possible abuse i denied it, felt it couldn't be true.

    So that could be one cause, cause everything seems to be blank before the age of 5. I have to say my father is a concentration camp survivor, i'm not jew, but he was arrested by the ss for not having an id and was send to a concentration camp were they had to manufacture u boats. Heard some horror stories about what he has experienced so i could have received an energetic imprint from him.

    Recently while implementing the methods of the PP and counseling i had a couple of flashbacks in where i was suddenly experiencing a scene in which i there was a ritual performed by people in black robes saying satanic chants and in which i was subjected to rape etc. when i experienced that flashback i felt like physically collapsing. Related to that is that when i watched porn i always panicked when i saw a mans penis . Did this really happened, i just don't know. but my very experienced counselor says i have a the signs of PTSD. I'm always on the guard, have to sit by doors or any exit. etc etc

    Tell me about your childhood and your parents and how they raised you and disciplined you.

    I had an physically ok upbringing but emotionally it was hard. My father did everything for me, to much to be correct, felt smothered by him but that has to o think that he had 2 marriages before and lost his children plus his war experiences. Most probably he was afraid of losing me and wanted to protect him. Besides that he was emotionally locked up, trying not to deal with the traumatic experiences he had. Funny enough i don't have any anger or resentment towards him.

    My mother was emotional more available but was a person that wanted and wanted to look good for other people. she lost her mother at a young age to cancer and was the one that looked after her mother when she was very sick. But i always felt save at home and not outside.

    My parents never disciplined me but always talked to me whenever something happened. The only thing that was negative was that i had to go to a church which i didn't want to and as such felt become isolated.

    What meds are you on? (anything, including over the counter allergy medicines like Benadryl or pain meds like Tylenol or aspirin)

    I'm not on medicines now although they gave me muscle relaxants to cope with the tension n my body but haven't used it because i try to feel. in the past i was prescribed diazepam and orab by the psychiatrist that examined me but also then i tried not to take it.

    Was there ever a point in your past where you believed crying was bad or wrong or not allowed? Ever punished for crying?

    Yes through counseling i found out that if i was going to show emotions that i was going to get killed or punished. could be related to the possible abuse. but like i said, can't remember.

    Anyway, since a month or two where i start to practice not reacting to emotions but try to stay with it, i have more dreams in which my now deceased mother i always present. And when she's present i always in a scene where i am or confronted with naked people trying to do something with me or scenes in which i'm confronted with betrayel. Those dreams really exhaust me and takes me days to recover. am feeling tired and desperate sometimes and just want to quite life but that could one of the feelings that come up. When i was really desperate i had two dreams in which my mother was present and someone that said it was from where i come from. That being said that the emotional pain is a doorway to another state of being. Also they told me that they seen several probable futures and that i'm going to make it.

    Looks like that all the painful emotions or charges are there to wake me up and are there to heal me. Looking back in my life, it looks like that a lot of things always happened to help me and are set up to heal the pain in me. Looks like PP is right that presence orchestrate everything.
  17. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience so far and sorry for the slow reply (I've been extremely busy lately). Your experience is always helpful to others, especially if they can relate to your experience.

    I'm going to share some beliefs I have that have helped me heal. I literally program these into my subconscious directly by accessing parts of it, one at a time, and talking to them (technically, I do it in groups, but it's hard to explain). Sounds weird, but hypnotherapists do it all the time. I just happened to figure out how to do it on my own and later found that hypnotherapists do something very similar. Psychologists believe the human heart (subconscious) is split into tons of pieces. I work with large groups of those pieces. Again, hard to explain. So, here are some beliefs you may find useful.

    In my personal opinion, Presence is the Creator, and He's orchestrating everything. In current Eastern religions, they've depersonalized God and turned Him into "the Universe." There are a couple of reasons for that, but the major one is that fathers are very often overbearing in the East, as are mothers, causing a child not to feel he can be totally free around father or mother figures. The problem with that is how the heart uses it. The heart (the subconscious) sees the father as the primary authority figure and the mother as a secondary authority figure. The heart then transfers the father's character onto the ultimate authority figure: God.

    So as a child, the way we relate to our father is how our heart will see God and relate to Him, whether we realize it or not. When a father is overbearing, the child will tend to want to rebel against the father if he feels strong enough to do so. If he doesn't feel strong enough to do that, he will repress his anger/rebellion, and it will turn on himself. He will feel like his father is a tyrant, and that, therefore, God is also a tyrant. Then he'll rebel in his heart and feel weak, as well, for not being able to stand up to his father.

    But God is a little different in how the guy must rebel against Him. He can rebel against God more effectively because God has never appeared in front of him and hurt him physically like his father has with spankings or something worse. So the child decides he will rebel against God by creating a new belief about God--one where God isn't a father...or even a person. He makes God out to be just a force. The force of the whole universe. A powerful force that he, the child, defines, and therefore, controls in his own mind, because he's the one deciding this impersonal god's attributes. The result is a powerful universe that brings things to the child like he wanted his father to bring things to him to show that he loves him...but not a universe that's personal who can hug him, because, to the child, fathers, and even mothers, can be dangerous because they can hurt a child physically and/or emotionally.

    That's why it's not surprising that a god with no personality is who the Eastern religions have created. I mean no disrespect to them. Just showing the way the human subconscious works in regard to fathers and religion. In Hinduism, mothers were probably more nurturing than those in Buddhism, as a whole, and so we get goddesses in their religion. And fathers may have been more nurturing, as a whole, as well, because they have male gods, too. But it's hard to say. In Buddhism, if Buddha truly did create it (we have unverifiable historical documents about when it was formed), it may have been that just he had the father issues and it was so attractive to others because they, too, had father issues. Hard to say, really. That's just speculation. In regard to Mohammad, we know he had both mother and father issues since his father died before he was born and his mother died when he was 6. And we see distinct emotional patterns consistent with both mother and father wounds, both in the religion he created and in his personal life.

    I say all of that so that you get a sense of how the heart works with this type of thing. That little bit of psychology has helped me resolve issues my subconscious had with God. To put more simply what I was expressing above, we will see God as we saw our father during the first 8 or so years of our life, and our subconscious will react to God according to that. But if we teach our subconscious the truth, that God is nothing like our fathers, and He's the most loving being in existence, the we can heal our heart of many things.

    I got the sense that it might be important to you. If not, by all means, ignore it. I'll move on to another belief.

    In my opinion, we were in Heaven before we came here. We chose to come here and even chose which life we would go into here. God gives us a few choices of lives to live (that's if the hundreds of thousands of near-death experiences are correct). They show that we choose which life we want to go into and have some knowledge of what will happen in that life. We come here to learn, so choosing to go into this life is for a good reason, and God's not the one who chose it for us. So we cannot blame Him or our selves for things that happen in this life, because all of it is to help ourselves and other grow and mature in love.

    And I believe it's very possible, and likely, that we can come here multiple times, which means past lives would make a lot of sense.

    I do not believe in reincarnation like the Eastern religions believe in it. We're not coming back against our will, over and over again, to correct our karma. We choose to come back, and we do it to grow our hearts in love and compassion through living lives that are difficult. No better teacher than firsthand experience. And in Heaven, we can't experience the pains of this life or the sin, etc. So we come here to do that.

    Also, just a side note, Anton LeVay, the founder of the Church of Satan, came out in the news in the 70s and 80a after New Age revealed itself and said that New Age stole all of his religion's beliefs and just repackaged them with a new name. You can look up the old news articles online. They're easy to find. And if you go to the Church of Satan's website and read their practices and beliefs, you'll see that they're exactly the same. New Age is Satanism lite, basically, and a lot of wonderful, loving people who are in it have no idea that's what the religion is. It's worth keeping in mind. And we know New Age relied heavily on Hinduism. Anton LeVay gave a list of the names of Satan in his lituratire. Shiva is one of the names, and that's one of the most powerful in gods of Hinduism--the creator and destroyer of worlds.

    Alright, moving on.

    You definitely have all the signs of abuse. Are you male or female? I'm assuming female but I want to be sure.

    It sounds like your mother was part of a group of Satanists who abused you judging from what you said. Your father was probably over-protective because he was trying to save you from her. When I worked with people with Multiple Personality Disorder (called MPD or DID for short), all of the people I worked with were women and they all were abused by Freemason, who were part of the upper 33% of their particular masonic lodge. The upper 33% are the l inner circle and know the truth about what Freemasonry is. It's a cover for Satanism/Luciferianism. The other 66% of the members in each lodge have no clue about this and are just good people. I'm fairly well-versed with helping abuse victims.

    You likely have a lot of repressed memories that are difficult to bear. Do you have large gaps of missing time in your childhood?

    Do you lose time? (for example, are there times where it's daytime and you're in the living room, and then a split second later, you're in a different room and a few hours have gone by?)

    Do you hear voices in your head they are not controlled by you (like someone else in your head)? Don't worry--that's totally normal for multiples and it doesn't mean you're crazy.

    At what age did your dad save you from your mother?

    Did you ever see her again after that?

    Have you ever found yourself suddenly in another world altogether that looks and feels just as real as this world, but you know it's not this world? Maybe you know it's inside of yourself? Again, that doesn't mean you're crazy. That's totally normal for multiples.

    If you answer those questions and we both think you may be multiple, that's a great first step to healing. If that's the case, you may want to get ahold of rcm-usa.org. It's Diane Hawkins' group, a former multiple who healed from it and now helps others heal from it. They are psychologists and therapists who specialize in this. However, I can show you an addition to her method that will heal your physical problems very quickly. Once you know how to do it, it'll help a whole lot.

    Talk to you later.
  18. Kalo

    Kalo Well known member

    Then you better WARN the masses about Bryon Katie, A Course In Miracles, Gregg Braden, Bruce, Lipton, Wim Hof as they are ALL HEAVILY SCHOOLED in New Age Luciferian Red Heifer Bull....

    You trust the good old CIA???? Do you know that they are responsible for what you call Satanic NEW AGE deception themselves??

    CIA MK Ultra and even Course In Miracles (which many people have study as an alternative to the bible) was distributed by Dr. William Thetford who work closely with the CIA...Yes, Brian, lets trust CIA for sure for updated Luciferian Illuminati information.

    Seriously, what has happened to this forum...If you are going to post this long post regarding Luciferian Satanic stuff...I hope you realize it was created to DUMB Down the public so evil could prevail ie government, banks, politics, power and corruption going. It not about worshiping some RED DEVIL to lead people astray away from a bible which btw many will tell you was created for mind control to keep people in slavery.

    I don't mean to offend, I am just trying to understand...

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  19. BrianC

    BrianC Well known member

    Kalo - Did I ever say that we should trust the CIA? No. In fact, I'm suspicious of anything they put out. But Bloodlines of the Illuminati wasn't written by them--they just put it on their website.

    One former CIA case officer said that there are basically 7 sections of the CIA and 5 1/2 of them are heavily corrupt.

    I agree--the CIA is heavily corrupt and according to government documents as well as business documents, they were created by the Federal Reserve Banking families. All of this is well documented in Dr. Anthony Sutton's books on that subject and others regarding this sort of thing. He used to work for the government researching things of that nature until his research pointed to the government helping create Communist Russia and their space program. That's when they stopped giving him grants for the research. And yes, the people who are behind the CIA are behind the New Age movement and are all Luciferians, as are the ones you mentioned.

    I only mentioned that stuff because I thought it might be useful to the poster. It's important to know these things if a person is trying to find a way to get healed and ends up getting sucked into New Age, which can hinder his or her healing. I didn't want to go very far down that rabbit hole, though, because this thread is about healing. No need to get off topic too far for too long, and no harm in mentioning it, either.

    As for your comment on the Bible being created to control the masses, that's a very short-sighted view of the Bible showing a severe lack of critical thinking and historical research. Don't worry, I'm not saying you're short-sighted or not a critical thinker--you just mentioned it as something that's been said, showing that it's not something you're had much time to look into, most likely.

    Here's the problem with that theory: we have an incredible amount of evidence that the Bible was not created by any one small council or people or the early Catholic Church or any of the crazy theories out there. The New Testament books, including the four gospel accounts, were books that nearly all Christians agreed were the inspired word of God. We know this because of tons of writings we have from the second century A.D. forward.

    And the Old Testament doesn't control people by any means. It actually gives people a ton of freedom compared to all other religions back then. The New Testament goes even a step farther, giving people total freedom, but simply warning that living a life of sin causes painful consequences in this life, and the possibility of spending some time in Hell before going to Heaven. Unfortunately, our translations of the Bible use incorrect words for the descriptions of Hell, and therefore mislead the readers. This is a product of translators accidentally translating their beliefs into the texts, a misunderstanding of the Greek words, and a concerted effort of the Catholic Church to remove the early Church's belief that Hell is only temporary and actually purifies people, getting everyone to Heaven, eventually.

    Augustine was instrumental in this. Before him (in the 5th Century), hardly any Christians believed people spent eternith in Hell. Augustine said that himself. Also, the Catholic Church had completely gotten control of Christianity by that time and stripped it of many of its wonderful characteristics and the Church Fathers of that time were much less moral than their Greek Church Father predecessors. I'm actually writing a book on the subject of Hell right now and early beliefs about it. In fact, all of the authorities on the early Church in the 1800s taught that the early Church was mostly Universal Restorationists (believed all would eventually end up in Heaven). But that view vanished, most likely due to the Jesuits.

    The Old Testament Law was done away with after Christ. It was never meant to be God's perfect way to run a society. It was a blatant compromise between God's ways and man's ways. Which is why it had some similar laws to other nations laws at that time, but far, far more loving ones, as well. Some were absurdly loving and the rest of the world couldn't imagine using those laws. Like the law where all slaves go free every 7 years (each schmita year), even if they'd only been a slave for a few days, all debts are forgiven, all land is given back to the original families who owned it, and the land rests (isn't farmed) for a year. That's why we do crop rotation. Otherwise, your soil will eventually stop producing because it doesn't have enough minerals from the rainfall. Plants absorb the nutrients too quickly, so the rain can't replenish them quickly enough without a year of uninhibited rainfall. Those laws make sure everyone in the entire nation ends up free again periodically, besides criminals, of course, and that the rich don't get too rich, the poor don't get too poor, and there's a strong middle-class, which, according to economists, is the backbone of every economy. That's why Communism seeks to slowly insert itself into societies under the guise of Socialism and then seeks to pass laws that destroy the middle-class. It's what was happening here in America until recent years. Thankfully, the middle-class is stronger than its been in a very long time right now. Inflation is infringing on us a bit, though, because the Fed, without Government oversight, had injected over $6 trillion into the banks (and therefore our economy) in the past couple of months to bail themselves out. The Fed is crashing. It's debt-based economic system is failing and they're doing their best to keep it afloat until they can get another liberal in office at the next election. They're failing at that, too.

    Anyway, you'd be hard-pressed to show that the Bible controls people. What controls people are the religions created around doctrines claimed to be taught in the Bible, but those are all man-made religions. I don't believe the Bible, nor Jesus, nor Paul, started a religion. They are all strictly designed to show how tk live life free and unhindered in relationship with God. Nothing more. No rules, not forced behaviors, nothing like that. Did God give Adam and Eve any rules besides not eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? No. Did He give Noah or Abraham any rules at all? No. Did He give Moses any rules at first? No. Did He give any rules through Jesus besides love God and love your neighbor as yourself? No. Did He give any rules to or through Paul? No. It is a book of freedom and extremely good advice, not a book of rules to control the masses. That's what Hell was defined to do--control the masses. And there's exactly what the Sophists tell us. The Greek Sophists say that ancient Egyptian priests were the ones who created the eternal fiery Hell concept to control the masses. And ever since then, we've seen that belief in religions of the world, or other very scary beliefs such as reincarnation repeatedly to resolve karma.

    So, if you have any concerns, let me know and I can address them, but please do it in a private message so we don't get off topic here, if you don't mind. Much appreciated and thanks for your comments!
  20. Kalo

    Kalo Well known member


    Thank you....Your information and research is very informative.

    I will email you privately for sure. Can I ask question. I am confused about Laws of Attraction and actually healing disease.

    I know you are not a doctor...But, I have seen people heal of many different kind of Diseases using LOA and having what is called a spiritual journey that truthfully sounds like New age. They healed and became what one would call spiritual.

    I am confused on how to heal and truthfully don't know if my mind is powerful to heal me...Does that make sense?

    I apologize if I came on strong...I hope I won't offend anyone to say that I too also went down Eastern religion and found all the swami, and gurus just as corrupted as my own priest.

    Guys and gals on the forum, I am sorry if what I stated up above is offending...

    Brian, if you think my healing questions up above is appropriate to answer on the forum then I would appreciate your response..

    If you think I should email you privately for further discussion, I will...

    Thank you, Kalo
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020

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