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The Role of the Brain & Chronic pain (video)

Discussion in 'Mindbody Video Library' started by Kizaa, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Kizaa

    Kizaa Peer Supporter

    Hi everyone, I've noticed some people asking questions about what is pain and it seems they want a better idea.
    The following video helped me understand what the brain does when it inflicts pain, This guy is from Australia and what he says is remarkably close to John Sarno and what Steve O speaks about in his book. He does not talk about the emotional side but does make a reference to it towards the end. It's more an explanation of the biological.

    My favorite part is when he says that chronic pain is an 100% output of the brain and it has nothing to do with the state your body is in at the moment. This explains why Sarno said "you cannot hurt yourself" by resuming physical activity, so get out there people, Fear is a big issue for most of us.
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    I just watched the video about the role of the brain in pain, and also found it a reinforcement of Dr. Sarno's concept of pain being caused
    by TMS. Lecturer Lorimer Morely says pain doesn't exist in our body, just in our brain, from our thoughts
    and feelings. The pain comes from activating a network of neurons that share brain cells with each other.
    If we are afraid our back is weak, cells increase the pain.

    As Dr. Sarno says, we need to think psychological and not physical or structural.
    The pain is real but it comes from our negative feelings and thinking.
  3. tmsandrew

    tmsandrew Peer Supporter

    This is a fantastic video - thanks for sharing!
  4. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Beloved Grand Eagle

    Really interesting video. Thanks for sharing,
  5. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I love this Video and all of Lorimer Moseley's teachings, thanks for posting the video so we can learn more from this great man of wisdom. Awesome. How have you been doing my friend?
  6. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    I don't know much about Associative Awareness Technique (AAT), but the following video, I notice, compliments what Morely says about the origins of chronic pain as the brain's flight/fright/freeze response to traumatic experiences:

    I notice that the list of traumatic experiences displayed in the video are very similar to the Holmes-Raha list of stressful life experiences too.
    Karen and driffy like this.
  7. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks, BruceMC. This is a good overview of the effects of trauma. One thing that was confusing to me, though, is that he talks about people being "frozen" in the fight or flight response, but he doesn't address the "freeze" response in reaction to trauma. Dr. Schubiner's latest book Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression introduced me to a fourth response, which is the "submit" response. He states that the freeze and submit responses account for the conditions of depression and fatigue as part of the spectrum of mindbody conditions. That really helped me to understand how depression and fatigue are related to other mindbody syndromes.
    sarah555uk likes this.
  8. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Both videos are well worth watching again and again.
    Our brain can teach us to be in pain. It also can teach us how not to be in pain.
    We have to take charge of it, not the other way around.

    Have a great day and life!
  9. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ellen, I think Dr Peter Levin goes into the "freeze" response part of the mammalian "flight/fright/freeze" survival response in quite a bit of detail in Waking the Tiger. Although I don't remember Levin mentioning the "submit" part of the "freeze" behavior specifically, he certainly does imply that it's part of it when an animal being pursued by a predator, elects to play dead to avoid being eaten.
    Ellen likes this.
  10. Shirley

    Shirley Peer Supporter

    I just did a search on the forum for Associative Awareness technique after a PT I had worked with in my previous "search for a cure" just offered me some treatments. I thought I would post the video I watched but I see it's already posted here! I didn't think it looked contradictory to the TMS program so I said yes. (Have not had one yet). Has anyone had such a treatment?
  11. IndiMarshall

    IndiMarshall Well known member

    good one.
  12. IndiMarshall

    IndiMarshall Well known member

    I am going to watch this for second time. This made lot of sense.
  13. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Holmes-Rahe, that is!
  14. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ellen, I've not read this book by Dr. Schu so I have no idea how these definitions compare but the "submit" response sounds very much like Pete Walker's "Fawn", which he added to the existing fight, flee, freeze typology.

    Pete Walker is a psychotherapist specialising in Complex PTSD.

    Here's the link to the four trauma types:

    http://www.pete-walker.com/fourFs_TraumaTypologyComplexPTSD.htm (Pete Walker, M.A. Psychotherapy)

    His work really enabled me to grasp the psychological elements of my tms and in so doing gain that all important traction.
  15. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    "The entitled fight type commonly uses others as an audience for his incessant monologizing, and may treat a 'captured' freeze or fawn type as a slave or prisoner in a dominance-submission relationship."

    Wowy zowy! Walker's description certainly reminds me a lot of my parents' troubled co-dependent relationship! A victim victimizing another victim.
    plum likes this.
  16. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Excellent link. I am definitely the "freeze" type in Walker's paradigm.

    Yes, the "fawn" type does seem to be similar to the "submit" type.

    Thanks for this info, dear Plum.
    plum likes this.
  17. mouser

    mouser Peer Supporter

    Great video... mate. ;-)

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