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This changed everything for me. If you are in pain, pls read:

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by avik, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    FWIW from the internets :

    "I am licensed as both a DC and MD (Board certified neurologist, Board certified neuromuscular specialist). Lets settle this debate. The education of a chiropractor is not 1/100 of what I went through to obtain my license to practice medicine. It is not even a shadow of the degree of difficulty. I am not saying DCs do not provide benefit to some people, but honestly, I got through the DC school, passed all the DC boards, and practiced all with very minimal effort. I used to fight very hard that we (chiropractors) were equal but different. Then, I went to medical school. Boy was I wrong. The "internship:" a DC does is part of the 40 month training program. I spent mine in a chiropractic office for 3 months putting on hot packs. The MD internship, performed after medical school, I spent working 100+ hours a week handling difficult ICU cases and chronic illnesses. Then...after....another 4 years of training under very difficult conditions, I could practice. A chiropractor is eligible to practice to become board certified after 40 months of training and nothing more. There are no true residencies in chiropractic. These are, for the most part, 300 hour programs spread out over 3 years (this is how they market they went through and additional 3 year training program) and only didactic. 300 hours to me was 3 weeks. I do not mind chiropactors wanting to keep the label of doctor, but I am not sure why the profession feels so strong to defend itself as equal or even superior on education. Why cant they be proud of who they are? I am sorry to my DC friends, but really, the two worlds are extremely different in education.

    P.S, from what I have seen, a PhD is probably harder than any other degree."
  2. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    Why insurance covers chiropractic treatments, and acupuncture (sometimes anyhow), is beyond me.
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Their actuaries probably figured out that a dozen sessions with them is cheaper in the long run then MD's, hospitalization, and the medical/industrial/surgical complex. If and when, they hear of "SARNO", they will first prescribe an evaluation for TMS, and, reading a book, prior to further treatments.
  4. pspa

    pspa Well known member

    I paid a lot of money for acupuncture, of course I was seeing the supposedly best ones with medical degrees from China and not just the guy or gal on the corner who took a few classes.
  5. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    @plum hi and thank you for this post. I have been looking at old posts on acceptance and sorts.

    I didn't quite understand your message where you talk about meditation. Isn't mindfulness meditation helpful to be present with thoughts, emotimal and pain and just let them be?

    Do you by any chance have Monte's free video from his site where he explains this as you mention? His site is no longer in use unfortunately and I have looked everywhere for his books and him but with no luck. The only thing I did find are his old YouTube videos but even those are not complete.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Betty Boop, You're still looking at old posts, you're still asking questions on really old threads, and you're still on this pointless search for Monte's old work.

    This is a distraction.

    This is your TMS brain trying to fool you into thinking that you're accomplishing something. I am here to tell you that you are accomplishing NOTHING. This is exactly where your TMS brain wants you.

    You need to sit down and just do the work that is available. Monte was great, but there's nothing magical about his work. Stop looking for a magic answer from someone else. Here is a quote from the man himself:
    "Two things that I hope you can learn from my story is that there is inner work involved that only you can do and don't make TMS this big huge disorder that is going to take over your life. I read one book on TMS that was written over 25 years ago. Once you know what TMS is you know what TMS is! Now put your work and your energy into treating the cause of your inner tension, stress and anxiety. Do this instead of "feeding" the pain strategy part of this disorder. When you "feed" the pain strategy by focusing on all the different dynamics of this disorder you can easily get stuck in the pain symptoms of this disorder.”
    https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Monte_Hueftle (Monte Hueftle) (Monte Hueftle) (includes a link to all of his 2009 website updates, no longer available anywhere else)

    Do the Structured Educational Program.
    Betty Boop likes this.
  7. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    OK I guess this was a wake up call. Thank you for this message. You are absolutely right that TMS is distracting me from doing the work.
    But I am not saying Monte was someone special but for me watching his videos something clicked in the way he explains things. Maybe I won't find his book but maybe I will. Either way, everything I believe happens for a reason and I know I should start the work.

    I know I am TMSing trying too hard but didn't we all at some point.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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