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Day 1 This is different, but I’m willing to try!

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by ellaclaire33, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. ellaclaire33

    ellaclaire33 Newcomer

    Hey everyone,

    I’ve been struggling with IBS, chronic pain and other physical and mental health issues for over a decade now (which feels like a lot, given I’m only 31). Like a lot of other people here, I feel like I’ve tried everything and wasted countless dollars trying to heal. After giving up and just trying to manage my symptoms for awhile, I reached a point late last year where I just felt I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to do something.

    I found a therapist who works from a more somatic perspective who recommended learning about TMS. Having studied psychology myself, imagine my surprise learning that, in all my years of training, I had never even heard of Dr. Sarno or TMS. They don’t even discuss his work in somatic or mind-body courses!

    The book was mind-blowing for me. I now journal daily and have noticed a definite difference in my relationship to pain. Sometimes it subsides altogether, just from the way I’ve changed my mind. But when I become too stressed (which is often), I forget what I learned. Living in society serves as a constant reminder of my previous programming, that pain is physical and structural in nature. I have to constantly remind myself of what I’ve learned. I also find myself dipping into the “this won’t work for me” mindset.

    I’m here because I really want to do the work, go all in and make a change. I’m also eager to connect with others who have successfully overcome TMS symptoms. I appreciate this community and am looking forward to the journey.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Welcome @ellaclaire33 - it sounds like you're in the right place, and we are here for you!:)
  3. ellaclaire33

    ellaclaire33 Newcomer

    Thank you Jan! I appreciate all the support offered here.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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