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Thrown to the Wolves.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Huckleberry, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Mermaid

    Mermaid Well known member

    I used to hold it against my parents, but I realized I had to let it go and feel compassion toward them instead. That helped me a great deal.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have to say you are so right Mermaid. I know where Huckleberry is coming from and when you Mermaid said your parents were kings of tms. Well my whole family are kings of tms. I still get baffled that they think pain in the body is real for them and our community wouldn't understand their pain.

    I still love them all but I see their getting weaker and weaker. More defeated by their own inner bullies and criticisms. I'm so glad God has shown me this community and made me a huge part of it cause we're a tight nit group and we know without a shadow of a doubt what is causing our pain. We might have to take the rd. less traveled but that's the way to victory.

    I have been healing people by faith since I was a little boy and then at 29 I became a preacher and began healing with emotional energy and Gods anointing. At the onset of my pain over two years I knew in my heart God had a way and he was going to reveal it to me. I was scared and I was in fear but I knew from all my studies that their was something that I had to be missing, ala Dr. Sarno. Then Claire Weekes and so on. I have added these giants to my list of therapies and understandings that I work with and came out victorious and pain free just as I knew in my heart that I would.

    I have learned to talk about my gifts only to those that believe. I believe everyone that starts the program have done tried everything and I know some are skeptical at first but once they feel that pain move it's like a light bulb moment. Remember I had done studied over a thousand books on healing and self help therapies by the time I had my final battle that opened my eyes to a higher truth and then all of my studies came to fruition and I knew then that our healing wasn't in some far away land -- it was in our own ability to recognize our own repressions and daily pressures and inner chatter.

    To all of those that just wont believe theirs a true way to healing other than going under the knife. I pray for them, that god would remove the scales from their eyes so they can see this higher truth. I do not get up-set with them cause they don't recognize the truth. I feel for them and pray for them. Most go there whole lives never even learning a great teacher like Eckhart Tolle or Abraham low. That's just not there thing.

    I believe its all of our duty to be able to help the sick when they are in need but their have been times when I just couldn't get passed a persons beliefs enough to help them and then to see them suffer from life long pain does begin to be heart breaking but if I keep my mind on the one's that really want the help then I feel a power that never lets me become weak. I feel strong to be able to help my friends here at our community and it thrills me to see so many with those gifts of healing coming up and growing into their own. To all of you that understand and are giving it your undivided attention to learn this awesome truth of what tms can do to a person and how you can recover. I give you all of my gratitude. You all are my Heroes.
    Bless You
    Mermaid and njoy like this.
  3. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    I'm also in a country that provides a middle range level of medical care for all (Canada) and it has its frustrations, for sure. If people want quick service or cutting edge technology and procedures they sometimes go to the US or abroad. Our health care system will pay for that, in many cases, but the need has to be urgent. Otherwise we wait. To tell the truth, I've never known anyone who had to wait for anything except placebos like knee surgery.

    I do, however, doubt that most US physicians have heard of TMS either (or respect it, if they know the name). At least it doesn't cost me anything to have the docs push their pills and surgical "solutions" at me.

    As to chronic care, most health care providers you pay will be patient as heck with chronic conditions. But paying is the rub. I have American friends who need a colonoscopy but their deductible is $ 1200. Some have no health care at all because they are neither rich enough to pay for it nor poor enough to get it free. I haven't really been following this Obamacare thing (we have Rob Ford to keep us entertained, lol) but it sounds like a nightmare to me. I'm not prepared to exchange my "socialist" system for an HMO anytime soon.

    Once in awhile, in every Canadian town, people hold fundraisers to send some poor kid with advanced cancer to the US for heroic treatment at the Mayo Clinic or wherever. There is general outrage that our medical system refuses to pay out $ 100,000 for a treatment that is an extreme long shot at best. I suppose similar fundraising events happen in the US, as well.

    Every situation and every system has it's pros and cons, I guess. Welcome to the forum, Huckleberry.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  4. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Physicians, not so much. But Nurse Practitioners or Physicians Assistant .... they seem far more open minded. I had my routine 3-month check last week and told her of my intentions to get off the meds, and that Fibromyalgia was purely from repressed emotions (I didn't mention TMS). She sort of sighed and said, "I wish my other Fibromyalgia patients would understand that."

    What a tangled world we live in .....

    with grace and gratitude,
    North Star and Ellen like this.
  5. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    I think we need to have huge respect for the TMS docs and all those medical professionals who are openminded. They are really special people.
  6. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, Mermaid. Your parents really set you up for TMS back in your childhood and after.

    They both must have been unhappy people and had their own TMS.

    I just visited neighbors this morning for a short visit and both husband and wife are big complainers,
    about everything. They used to drag my spirits down, but I don't let them do that anymore.
    Still, their gloom and doom does land on me and I have to use positive thinking and calm thoughts to
    keep from being depressed. People can be so stupid. It's like they're poisoning their own drinking water.
    North Star and Mermaid like this.
  7. Mermaid

    Mermaid Well known member

    Hi Lily Rose

    Are you on anything else other than the Ga
    Walt, you're a breath of fresh air. I have a great deal of respect for you :shy:
    North Star likes this.
  8. Mermaid

    Mermaid Well known member

    Sorry folks don't know what happened with the last post, it split itself in two.
  9. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have made a modification to my 'plan of diminished meds'. Gaba is far harder to ease away from, so I have added back in 1/2 of the vicodin, 30 drops of kava, and instead of 1500mg of gaba, dropped that to 1200mg. The last two nights have been just fine, other than the break-through hormones, which is fine, too. Vicodin is easier to eliminate, so I can do that any time without too much issue. I have no intention of putting myself through the stress of gaba-withdrawal, so everything will be s l o w. *smiles*

    with grace and gratitude,
    North Star likes this.
  10. Mermaid

    Mermaid Well known member

    It's good to have a positive plan, I'm sure you'll be OK if you go nice and steady at your own pace.

    Well done !
  11. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Love it, Walt! My whole family does this. I do believe I'm getting over it -- it's not easy, though . In my family, people who look for light are the ones who are off track. Can't argue with them, though, it's so ingrained. Still, I do think it's better to face our shadow than to let it rule without our awareness. A matter of balance. Like everything else.

    I think getting over early childhood training is not easy and involves patience and quite a lot of work. Not everyone is going to do that.

    That's what I love about this forum. TMS is forcing us to stick together and develop skills for recovery.
    North Star likes this.
  12. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    This really is a great place to hang out and share pain and healing techniques.
    It's another cold day in the Chicago area, barely above zero, but I feel warm and snuggy in the TMSWiki
    with all you nice folk.
  13. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Hey, it's the same temperature here (at 54°N latitude), Walt. Why is it that the real temp is so often higher than the official temp? I usually assume it's because conditions are different at the airport, in shade, etc. (all the "official" parameters). But here we are 2000 ft above the nearest official weather station (50 k to the east) so shouldn't it be colder? You'd think. Sometimes it is, too, but not today. Weird.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014

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