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Day 8 TMS Treatment Update

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by ellaclaire33, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. ellaclaire33

    ellaclaire33 Newcomer

    A little delayed but I made it to day 8! I found it challenging to stay 100% on top of treatment while traveling, but I’ve been more consistent with the program since I’ve been home.

    I really enjoy that this program has built in days off. That’s something I found lacking in previous attempts at getting better - one approach in particular had me feeling guilty for not committing to journaling every single day, no matter what.

    I’ve actually felt a lot of relief the past week or so. My neck, knees and back, which are normally the most painful areas in my body, are actually pretty pain free (or at least much less painful). I notice a lot of moments when I have no pain at all - it’s amazing.

    On that note, yesterday after one such moment of noticing I was pain free, a strange new pain developed in my left IT band. This was so strange - it’s usually not a source of problems for me (or when it is, it’s way less intrusive than my other pain points). Is this just my body reacting to the TMS program? Trying to keep me stuck in fear? I notice myself now fixating on this, worrying I now have crippling, insurmountable leg pain that will mess up my physical activity. I would love some support in how to stay the course!
    HealingMe likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    That's exactly what it is! Congratulations for reaching the stage where your brain starts to fight back, because that's proof of the TMS mechanism at work, and it's also confirmation that YOU are DOING the work! dancea

    As for not doing the SEP every day, it's definitely much more effective to take it slowly and let it sink in, than to rush through it. This is knowledge that you will use the rest of your life, and the skills are lifelong ones that will get stronger and more automatic with time.
  3. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Yep, your brain is fighting you. I experienced this early on doing the SEP work.

    One thing that's really helped me is to create a healthy relationship with my brain, and it may help you along your journey. When I first discovered MBS, I felt a lot of resentment toward my brain. Your brain is just being an over protective friend, lol - I began talking to it when my symptoms are acting up, essentially soothing it and assuring it that everything IS okay and the symptoms aren't necessary and to turn them down. Being patient and kind to ourselves is KEY, IMO.

    Also, don't feel guilty about doing the SEP every day! I am a perfectionist and was determined to make sure I did it every day. I had to remind myself to slow it down and avoid beating myself up.
  4. ellaclaire33

    ellaclaire33 Newcomer

    thank you for this advice! I definitely need to work on my positive self-talk - I’ve been having an increase in negative self-talk the past few days, probably as my brain’s final attempt to stay rooted in the past.
    HealingMe and JanAtheCPA like this.
  5. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    You got this! The negative self-talk is constantly something I work on every day. I'll catch myself throughout the day and shift my thoughts. It's a process but it's worth it in the recovery.
    ellaclaire33 likes this.

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