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Discussion in 'Mindbody Video Library' started by Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021), May 29, 2014.

  1. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    In these two video sessions, Mindbody TMS coach Monte Hueftle explains Tension Myositis Syndrome, how it causes physical pain, and how to reverse the disorder.

    Session 1: TMS: What It Is:

    Hueftle describes TMS as a Mindbody disorder that causes us to experience physical pain and other nervous system symptoms. It is caused by inner stress, tension, anxiety, worry, and not by any physical disability or structural damage to our body.

    He says most TMS sufferers are Type A personality people who are very competitive, perfectionist, and hold feelings of anger, guilt, abandonment, worry that create internal tension. This causes oxygen deprivation and not enough blood to our muscles and tissues that create pain.

    In Session 2, Hueftle tells how to reverse TMS so that we can become pain-free:
    3 Big Keys to Reversing This Disorder:

    He says we can reverse the TMS disorder by following three steps (these are among those taught by Dr. John Sarno in his book, Healing Back Pain):

    1. Practice thinking psychological because that is what is causing the pain. Are you stressed about something from the past or present? Do not think your back or other pain is caused by anything structural. Hueftle says this is the most important of the three steps.

    2. Stop all physical treatment (medication, massage, etc.) to heal your pain or other symptom if it has not cured you. Your mind can heal you, not medication or surgery.

    3. Resume normal physical activity (walking, running, bending, etc.). This tells your unconscious mind that you know the pain is psychological, not physical.

    Pain, says Hueftle, comes from our unconscious mind to keep us from dealing with our psychological stresses. When we truly believe this and resume normal physical activity, ignoring any pain we may feel, we become pain-free.

    Hueftle says that often our pain begins when we do something physical. In my case it
    was lifting a case of 36 cans of beer at a supermarket. I felt stabbing pain my back
    and shoulders. I thought I had thrown out my back. I learned about TMS from
    reading Dr. Sarno’s book and when I believed 100 percent that my pain was
    psychological, from repressed emotions going back to my boyhood, the pain went away.

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