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Urination issues and TMS? Advice please.

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Wings313, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Jbyard

    Jbyard New Member

    I have the same thing going on with seeing a pelvic specialist. 2nd visit today. Not fun and symptoms are worse today after appointment. I’m hoping it will help soon but if it’s tms shouldn’t I stop going ?
  2. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    For me the pelvic specialist with internal trigger point therapy etc. didn't really help. The only thing that really helped was to accept my emotions, accept the psychic tension I felt and to keep calm about the pain. I learned yoga stretches that are somewhat helpful, but as the reason for the pain is not physical the solution also cannot be found i physiotherapy. You say it yourself, the muscle tension is caused by stress and anxiety. The muscles will naturally relax if you have solved these problems. I found simple massages quite nice, it felt good and was not a 'medical treatment'. Hope this makes sense for you!
    westb likes this.
  3. Jbyard

    Jbyard New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I had some good hours this am so it reassures me its tms and I had it in many other ways before this so I will battle it. It’s the worst when I’m at home trying to relax and play with my 5 year old daughter. I’m wondering what I can read daily over and over to help with this. I can read an hour a day so want to make the best of this time.
    Time2be likes this.
  4. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    Playing with your daughter must be nice! Enjoy this! I am great fan of playful therapy :)
  5. she333

    she333 Peer Supporter

    I would consider why it's worst when you're at home playing with your daughter. I love my boys, but eventually some of the things they want to play get boring to me. And I'll feel guilty. Or that I'm not creative enough as a parent. Basically it's negative feedback I've found myself giving. Are you doing that? Parenting is a tough job even when you love it. Sometimes I will listen to motivating speeches on youtube that give positive feedback. Sounds corny but it helps.
  6. Jbyard

    Jbyard New Member

    It happens when I want to relax and be calm and enjoy my time with my daughter and we spend a lot of time together. I just keep reading anything I can about tms and telling my brain to cut the crap. I’ll beat it. I need some more patience though.
  7. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    Dear Jbyard, it it quite common that when people want to relax that then pain starts or is getting worse. I had - and sometimes have - the same reaction. There are usually reasons for that. In my case I feel lonely, that I don't earned the relax time etc. Patience is really important. I had to learn to be patient with myself!
  8. Jbyard

    Jbyard New Member

    Patience is something I’ve never had. I’m going to read paradoxical relaxation and hopefully I can learn how to do that. I know it’s hard to learn. Having depression sure doesn’t help at all either. As I’m sure most tms sufferers have some depression wether a little or a lot. I keep going over the Alan Gordon program. Thanks for your input

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