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where I am at

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by joyous_healing, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. joyous_healing

    joyous_healing New Member

    in this moment I think I am hitting a bit of a plateau. I feel like for this first few weeks i was super internally motivated, inspired, hopeful etc etc. But now I am noticing it is a bit harder to get myself to that level still. Even though I do not want the doubts, I still have doubts about my condition, and I know that. I know that I am so afraid of my body and the pain that it is capable of. I still haev a lot more hope than i did before I started this TMS journey, and so I am wanting to cling to that and keep going.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is very normal at this stage, and perhaps you can take comfort in hearing that this is just proof of the TMS brain mechanism. It was designed as a survival mechanism, and it is doing its very best to discourage you from this path of emotional vulnerability, because it's supposedly too dangerous to your physical survival.

    The problem, of course, is that in today's world, most of us as adults are lucky enough to be quite safe even if we allow ourselves to be emotionally vulnerable, but our primitive brains do not know that - they are literally interpreting the intangible stresses of today's world as if they are the same as the actual physical dangers of the primitive world, and it just does not translate.

    Anyway, many people, pretty shortly after the first seven "Days" of the SEP, experience an alarming increase in symptoms, and/or new symptoms, and/or recurrence of old symptoms, along with, sometimes, new or increased anxiety. These are all good signs, and the best way to address them is with faith that your belief will increase, recommiting to doing the work, plus, as Nicole Sachs always says, plenty of patience and kindness for yourself. Take a little break for those last two if you need to. It's a good time to add some kind of mindfulness practice to your day, even if it's just a couple of minutes of therapeutic breathing several times a day. Reading Success Stories is also quite inspiring. There are so many great ones.
    Baseball65 likes this.

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