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Day 1 Where We Begin

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by GAC, Jul 30, 2024.

  1. GAC

    GAC Newcomer

    I’ve already written in the general sub forum about my abdominal pain. Here.

    but the abridged version is as follows:-
    • Developed left side abdominal pain after traumatic event
    • Developed health anxiety around the pain
    • Read Alan Gordon’s book ‘The Way Out”
    • Gained awareness and started practicing techniques from the book.
    • Got a letter from the doctor detailing that my pain is functional abdominal pain. (Helped with evidence building)
    • Really started to build confidence. Anxiety improved.
    • Had a bit of an anxiety attack
    • Pain now occurs more on my right side (mirrored from where it was previously) (intermittently still on the left, but much less)
    • Feeling like I’m back at the start (worrying/fear about a new symptom)
    • Decided to follow this programme and see what comes out the other side

    Write a short post about the level of acceptance you have of the TMS diagnosis, and of any doubts or worries you may have at this point.

    Despite my doctors note, the pain having moved to the right side gives me fear(health anxiety makes me hyper aware of bodily sensations, specifically my gut), but maybe that’s the point. If my symptoms are focused around my gut, moving my pain to another gut-related place makes a lot of sense. The logical side of the brain has an easy enough time believing this. The subconscious is a bit behind on the journey and will take more convincing.

    I definitely have bottled up emotions which need letting free and perhaps a couple of events which need revisiting and resolving fully. This in itself is further fuel for the argument of TMS. I’m hopefully starting work with a SIRPA therapist soon to hopefully help me with this work.

    Irrespective of if this fixes my pains, maybe this journey of emotional discovery is beneficial for me in other ways.
    JanAtheCPA, C_Boxer and Cactusflower like this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    "Irrespective of if this fixes my pains, maybe this journey of emotional discovery is beneficial for me in other ways"

    That is EXACTLY the mindset to use, in doing this work. An open mind and curiosity go a long way to help with success.

    Best wishes!
    GAC likes this.
  3. GAC

    GAC Newcomer

    Many thanks!

    Anxiety makes it hard to focus on things like this, my mind is desperate to draw me back to thinking about catastrophic causes for the pain. The hope is through this programme, I calm my body, calm my mind, and build perspective.

    So to get the most, I’m going to try and not do this to fix the pain, but to educate my mind. It’s a very counterintuitive way to think about it, at face value, but equally, more pressure won’t result in better results.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. C_Boxer

    C_Boxer Newcomer

    I'm sorry you've suffered as you have. The fact that you've come this far and found this place says a lot, and since you posted you likely believe it could be TMS. I agree that you sound to have a good mindset, because admitting that there is emotions that need confronted is big, and important regardless.

    I posted about my story here
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/my-story-and-expectations.28538/ (Day 1 - My story and Expectations)
    I searched for what was wrong with me, because if I hadn't, the first two issues would have killed me, and it was me that discovered the issues and was persistent, the doctors failed until I was persistent.
    That's why this time it's so hard to let go, but after finding out about TMS I'm pretty convinced this what it is. So. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I understand why it's not easy to be as confident.
    If you read my story I give an example of what almost confirms TMS. Also, I posted on the forum yesterday afternoon. But last night was the first night in a month my calves didn't twitch relentlessly, not even a little. Only after reading Dr Sarno's book and learning more about TMS.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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