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Why does energy healing always make me feel worse

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Lee222, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have bits and pieces of pathology that are part of CFS/ME and spent a good chunk of time on the Phoenix Rising forum. There are some nice people, intelligent. They try everything under the sun. Lots of various supplements. A few try weird stuff like eating babies' fresh clean poop.
    They are supportive of each other and share stories.
    I had to stop going once I found Sarno and TMS which solved most of my physical problems. I still have POTS, I'm small and don't have a lot of blood volume, so I need to be sure to stay hydrated, use salt on my food. And I still am more tired in the morning and the air feels better and lighter at night, and I still am pretty histamine-y and have a lot of nasal cloggage, etc.
    BUT, I've stopped worrying about them, I've gotten rid of and keep at bay all the symptoms that come with over thinking and worrying about it, and I get up and live my life.
    Read Sarno or watch videos about him and TMS. Do the work.
    It is a great "cure" for CFS/ME!
    Lee222 likes this.
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is very simple. If your therapist tells you to just do more without giving you any explanation of why doing more is supposed to work this time while it did not work before, you need to fire your therapist. The main premise behind TMS (or in a more modern terminology mindbody) methods is to explain to people why they are experiencing severe chronic conditions without any sign of a physical injury. CFS is a mental health issue. Doing more does not help in this case. The key to healing from CFS is to work with your brain.
    Here is layman's explanation of the mechanics of CFS: feeling tired is a result of your brain sending you signals that your body is running out of gas. Those signals are a barrage of hormones delivered (or not delivered) to your body. At some point, your brain circuit misfires, and it starts sending those signals while your tank is still full. The only way to recover is a technique similar to interval training heavily used by runners. Did you ever hear what long-distance runners say about their ability to run 100 miles in a single shot? They say that it is all mental, they train for it. There are couple different ways to push through the barrier set by your brain.
    1. It requires recognizing why your brain misfired (most likely from trauma) and reverse the neural paths in the brain that caused the problem - aka Sarno's method
    2. Slowly, by slightly pushing and pulling back, retrain your brain to bypass those neural paths - also part of the Sarno's method
    I hope this helps.
  3. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    i'm halfway through the book, so i'll wait until i've read it before i make a proper post, but I find if you feel all your emotions it doesn't feel a good thing, for example it's impossible to be calm or stress free if you're feeling angry all the time and i also find people are more likely to avoid me if im walking around feeling bored or angry everyday so i find it hard to get the balance
  4. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    The emotions are not the problem, it's the conflicted response to having the emotions...the judgment around them. It's also not a question of emotions and discharging emotions all day long. it's simply a matter of allowing them, seeing the links to symptoms, tolerating them, and relating to them in a more genuine way. The more you address your emotions and resolve the inner conflicts of your present day, the less the body needs to fill that void and express them through physical symptoms. It's about changing your relationship to emotions and teaching the brain they are safe.
    Ellen, JanAtheCPA and Lee222 like this.
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Emotions are not supposed to “feel good” - they just feel! You’ve (we all have) learned to judge their sensations as “bad” - that gripping in your tummy when angry, the hot faced feeling when angry and even the warmth spread in your chest feeling love… but these physical sensations pass within about 90 seconds! It is the thoughts surrounding them, the conflicts that linger in our minds that hang on. Over time you learn to lean into the physical sensations you were innately born with to feel emotions and recognize that these sensations are normal and natural and are meant to be part of the human experience. Hard or easy, life is meant to be a broad spectrum of feeling everything.
    Ellen, miffybunny and TG957 like this.
  6. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Exactly. It's the "don't feel good" emotions are the ones that, if repressed, result in chronic pain. Once you learn how to feel them through without resentment instead of repressing them, your symptoms will start fading away.
    Ellen, BloodMoon and miffybunny like this.
  7. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh goodess.....You're only halfway through but I think you are missing the point.
    You are not supposed to go around feeling angry all the time. Most of us aren't very angry in our day to day lives at all.
    What you are supposed to do is allow for the fact that you have some hidden anger or more like RAGE tucked away.
    The concept is that the pains and other symptoms you are experiencing are there to distract you from coming in contact with that anger/rage.
    Your job is to find it. And the source of it.
    Once you find it, your mind doesn't need to distract you from it any more.
    Ellen, JanAtheCPA and miffybunny like this.
  8. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Okay but I'm already well connected and educated emotionally, I've been doing energy healing for about 20 years but with no success.

    The problem I have is when I feel stress it stays with me for years, it doesn't release, I'm not sure that it hidden, I've just accepted that I'm a person who struggles with stress and my mental health goes bad every now and then if I do too much
  9. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Have you had any actual psychotherapy? "Energy healing" is junk pseudoscience. It's no different than going to psychics or tarot card readers or astrologists. It's neither scientific nor psychotherapeutic. It's a fake medical cult. You will need to shift you entire paradigm of thinking and beliefs before you can address the emotional aspect.
    Ellen and Booble like this.
  10. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I've seen around 9/10 different therapists, I dont know if they're psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists etc, I'm not too sure of the difference, but I've looked into all my issues at different times
  11. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    You are not hearing me.
    You may be very well connected to your emotions. But that doesn't preclude that you have anger and rage that is well hidden.
    If you are not willing to acknowledge that is a possibility then you may as well stop now.
    At the outset of my TMS learning, I thought to myself -- anger? rage? I'm not angry at anybody or rage. I'm a pretty even keeled person.
    Well guess what, my very first day at asking myself (in writing) what I was angry about, my whole body reacted physically.

    The anger and rage that you feel on the surface is NOT the anger and rage that is hidden.

    In fact they are so hidden and your mind is working so hard to protect you from finding them that your mind is giving you all these reasons you keep posting about how you are different and you are in touch and you've been to people to experts to help you, and on and on and on.

    If you are having pain and/or other symptoms and you want them to go away you can keep looking for some "magical" energy, universe, spiritual or whatever which will never work and only distract you further from going inward and forcing yourself to let yourself go to the hidden place where your rage needs to be acknowledged or you can say, "Hmm....maybe? and get a pen and paper and start asking yourself, your deep self, who you are super fucking mad at and why.
    Ellen likes this.
  12. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I've no problem admitting or accepting I've got a lot of things like anger in me, it's not a problem for me to admit that, I find it easy, I knew that when I first did Therapy 20 years ago, but it's stayed in me though, it's never been released and I'm not sure how to get it out, the more therapy I do the worse it's always got, it seems to trigger it but not deal with it, if that makes sense

    Most therapists seemed to tell me to hit the gym, find a new job, create boundaries etc which I did but I didn't find it that helpful

    I only mentioned energy healing because I thought this was what this forum was about

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
  13. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I spent 20 years chasing different therapies to cure my fibromyalgia and migraines. Many of us on this Forum have done the same. The fact that you have the commitment and the ability to stick to something for 20 years to try to recover is commendable. You want to get better. It's just that your efforts have been misplaced. We are all here to try to help you now that you are discovering an approach that truly works. We've all been where you are. Now that you have discovered Sarno and the concept of TMS you can get on the right track that will lead to real recovery. It takes a lot of study, commitment, and work, but you've shown you can do it. You will need to confront all your emotions and personality traits that you'd rather keep hidden. It's hard work and often takes some time. There will be set backs and bumps in the road. But we are all here to help you through it. You can recover.
    Sita, Lee222, BloodMoon and 1 other person like this.
  14. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This doesn't make any sense to me. How can you not know the difference? How old were you when you saw these people? Who found them for you and who paid for them?
  15. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Late teens/early 20s up until mid/late 30s

    I paid for them myself mostly

    I've never met anyone who knows the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist to be honest, how do you know these things?

    It's not something I wanted to do with I was diagnosed with m.e/Cfs at 17 so I had no choice really, was desperate to get better
  16. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This also makes no sense because the TMS of Dr Sarno, which stands for Tension Myositis Syndrome has NOTHING to do with what we know about so-called "energy healing". I can't figure out why you would think this, if you spent any time actually reading the information at tmswiki.org.

    It occurs to me to ask, is English not your first language? Perhaps you are using the word "energy" in a way that native English speakers do not? That's the only thing I can come up with to explain this conflict in communication.

    To us, "energy healing" is not a legitimate therapy and we are not going to discuss it here. I hope you can stop bringing it up.

    In fact, my suggestion to everyone is to stop this discussion entirely. After @Lee222 reads the book and does some work on the SEP he can come back and ask questions which are relevant to TMS recovery.
  17. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I'm English so yeah my first language is English, where are you from?

    I typed in energy healing forum and this came up in the searches, it even says mind body at the top of the page ,if that means different to energy healing fair enough, but I didn't know, why would I?
  18. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Umm, I ask questions?

    This one is easy, or it's easy in the United States, where a psychiatrist is simply a psychologist with an MD. The psychiatrist can prescribe medication, the psychologist cannot.

    And, having read your second response, we absolutely can not be responsible for search results, which everyone should know by now are subject to algorithms created by the search engines, and all results should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Although, I have to say that the search engine wasn't necessarily wrong to take someone's search for energy healing and try to redirect them to the medically valid neuroscientific approach of the Mind Body connection!

    But you're going to have to make a big shift in your perceptions if you're interested in recovery from a completely different direction. Read Sarno, start the SEP, open your mind and see what happens..
  19. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Okay fair enough I will read the book and I didn't realise the term energy healing was inappropriate but at the same time you seem a bit condescending to be honest, I wouldn't talk down to someone like that

  20. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Lee222 do you live England? You may want to check out SIRPA https://www.sirpa.org/. They are an organization in England that specializes in TMS (mindbody) healing. You will find someone trained in this kind of treatment to consult with.
    JanAtheCPA and Lee222 like this.

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