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Why does energy healing always make me feel worse

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Lee222, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Why are you bringing up about your years of therapy?
    I'm not suggesting you do therapy.
    Personally I think therapy is limited in that most of us aren't going to be open enough with a therapist to get where you need to go. People think they are being open because they share all kinds of things with their therapist.
    But they probably don't go swearing like a lunatic to a family member they love to a therapist.

    If you are having symptoms that you believe might be from your mind causing them, then forget everything you've done to solve it in the past and start fresh TODAY.

    Go find all the things you are really fucking angry about deep inside --- from dumb things from childhood (that now seem ridiculously minor) to present things. WRITE IT DOWN. RAGE ON PAPER.
    Lee222 likes this.
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Lee222 , here is the fundamental difference between "energy healing" and mindbody healing.

    Energy healers claim that they tap into some inner energy of your body and activate it. Whether that energy exists or whether they know how to activate it is unknown.

    Mindbody healing is based on the concept that brain is involved in every function in your body and controls pain signals. Sometimes, brain gets confused and sends false signals of pain and exhaustion. Our methods are based on changing reactions of the brain through training, much like musicians train to play music or gymnasts train not be afraid of doing crazy stuff they do. In our case, you train your confused brain to act normally and not send you signals of pain unnecessarily.
  3. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that can prescribe drugs.
    A psychologist is not a medical doctor and can not.

    I have no idea what a therapist is.
    Lee222 likes this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Haha, Booble - I suspect you might be expressing frustration over the semantics of it all, but just to put it out there anyway, the problem with the word "therapy" is that it's so widely used to denote any practice of healing - not all of them sanctioned by recognized fields of practice. Some of those fields are licensed, and practitioners can not use the word "therapist" without a state-sanctioned license ("state" meaning any governmental body). In the US state where I live (Washington) even massage therapists must have a state license to call themselves by that title.

    Licensing here certainly applies to physical therapists, psychotherapists, and to mental health therapists with the designation "Licensed Clinical Social Worker". I am engaged in "coaching" with someone who is a fully-licensed LCSW in the state of California, where she provides therapy to her California clients, but because I don't live in California, I am NOT allowed to call her "my therapist" even though the treatment I receive from her is exactly the same.

    However, it would not surprise me at all to hear that these so-called "energy healers" (and thanks to @TG957 for that explanation) might feel free to call themselves "therapists", or characterize their treatments as "therapy". The use of that word might be more regulated in some jurisdictions than in others?

    @Lee222, in all of this back and forth (we're on page 3 now!) I lost sight of the fact that your primary symptom is CFS. Energy is the opposite of Fatigue, so it's not surprising that you've been seeking a cure from people who offer a promise of "energy". Let that go, and concentrate on mental health solutions.
    Booble likes this.
  5. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Okay guys right

    I have actually read all the book, my kindle said i was only 70% but that's the end apparently - it's the one called 'the divided mind'

    I think I get the jist of it, but i'm not sure what the next step is?

    I'm thinking either book an appointment with the link someone posted or think about anger i've got from when i was younger, i'm not sure what happens then though..

    I'm guessing it's not a talking therapy as most of the practictioners seem to be physios so i'm not quite sure what would go on, that's kind of all i've got really, i'm a bit adhd, so i can sound a bit hyper when i type, but interesting my adhd seems to go away when my cfs does, so i think there's a link

    Anyway i'm all out of ideas for now, any tips guys?
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    The Structured Educational Program is a free, no obligation, no-registration no-risk place to start. It's on the main tmswiki.org site. A labor of love created before 2010, by forum founder Forest and some early volunteers. It's not perfect (a new volunteer and myself are actually working on fixing a bunch of the old dead links, but it is a laborious process) but many many people still find it immensely helpful.

    The program tells you what to do, in easy-to mange "Days". Don't rush through it. Don't do more than one Day at a time. Use your extra time to explore the SIRPA web site (I'm sure it has a lot of free information, just like our main site). You can also read threads in our Success Stories subforum, recognizing that TMS symptoms take MANY different forms. Your CFS is someone else's back pain, which is someone else's IBS, and so on.

    You have to let this stuff sink in. IF you are making progress, your symptoms might actually get worse before they get better. That's proof, and it's the reason to keep pushing forward.
  7. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    If I were you, I'd start by get myself excited to move forward by watching the 20/20 Sarno segment.
    I'd ruminate on that and then the following day I'd get some paper and a pen and take a deep breath.
    Write at the top:
    What am I angry about?
    And start writing. Don't think too much....just let it flow from your deepest inside through to your hand. Try to bypass your conscious brain.
    Write and write and write and write. It doesn't have to be legible, make it a mess. just write write write.
    Swear if you want to. Write about who you are angry at. Who your little self inside was angry at.

    You can throw out the paper when you finish.
    (Though I can't bear to and I keep mine.)
  8. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Jan's answer is probably better than mine.
    I'm not good with structured stuff so I just throw shit against the wall. :)
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  9. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Booble! :p

    The SEP gets into the writing exercises pretty quickly, which are inserted into the program to gradually introduce different styles and techniques. It also provides guidance on getting started by suggesting how to make lists of possible topics. I have a sense that @Lee222 will do best with structure.
    Booble likes this.
  10. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    You can tell that you're the CPA and I'm the Entrepreneur.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  11. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Better together dancea
    Booble likes this.
  12. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I'm not able to follow something for 42 days, my brain wanders off I'll have to do the other one

  13. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    How does feeling anger link to doing physio, I don't see the connection?

    The only anger that came up when I did the other stuff was

    They asked me how old I was when I got Cfs , I said 17, they asked me how old I was when my parents divorced, I said 15..

    They then asked me some questions and I left with a note saying 'my symptoms are here to tell me to stop listening to my dad's moaning ' and I was to read it when my symptoms appeared

    I was still in my teens at the time and I went in the car with my mum and my symptoms came back when I was near her and I got huge feelings of anger,

    I went back to therapist, and they didn't seem okay with it, it seemed offensive to them, plus they changed my therapist a few times

    That anger never left me, i see my mum maybe 2/3 times a month and I get the same feeling

    The therapist told me to get a career, hit the gym, socialiae, have fun etc but obviously none of that helped and also forget about the past and express anger in the present, but I'd find myself getting angry at random people which always seemed a bit pointless to me
  14. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'll say it one more time, Fuck the therapists. Fuck the healers. Fuck whatever you did the past.
    Fuck off to your mother. Fuck you too, Dad.

    The fun part of TMS healing is you get to tell them all to go fuck themselves and call them dirty names.
    Even if you love them.

    15 year old you is still inside you and you need to let her (or him) out.
    14 year old is still inside you.
    7 year old you is still inside you.
    4 year old you is still inside you.

    We are the same people we were then. The only thing that has changed is time has passed.

    Go let those little ones say whatever they want to say. Let them have a tantrum over the fact that Dad is moaning. Or that Mom is getting mad. Or that maybe they were acting like they didn't love you. Or they loved someone better than you. Or what would happen to you when they divorce. Or whatever it is that comes out.

    It doesn't have to be complicated. That's the beauty of understanding Sarno's "treatment" for pain.
    Just go with it. Even if it feels funny or your not sure or whatever.
    It doesn't cost you a penny. Once you understand what your body is doing and why.
  15. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Do i focus on other emotions, boredom for example? Or is it mostly about anger?
  16. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Boredom is not an emotion. You want to focus on anger.. but there are often many emotions surrounding anger - perhaps guilt, because part of you learned that being angry at people was “wrong” or shame for feeling that anger. People who suppress or repress emotions may also be unable to feel a broader variety of emotions like happiness.
    Boredom is a state of mind that hints we are not emotionally comfortable to be with ourselves. The Structured Educational Program will help answer many of these questions for you.
    Lee222 likes this.
  17. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    ok ill check out the 's.e'p' again and have a look,

    ill keep off for a few days because i'm probably getting on people's nerves but i'll come back in midweek and carry on if everyones good with that, im genuinely determined to get better so i aint quitting
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2024
    Cactusflower, TG957 and Ellen like this.
  18. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    For Sarno, anger/rage is the one that leads to the symptoms.

    You might find it helpful to work your way into the anger through the emotion you are feeling on the surface.
    For example a person with boredom might have a writing that goes like this:

    Why does being bored bother me so much? I don't know. I guess because I've got nothing to do. I want to do something fun and exciting. Everyone else is doing exciting things and I'm sitting here with nothing to do. I'm jealous when I see them doing fun things and I'm sitting here bored. Sister always seems to be doing stuff. She's getting in good shape and I just feel sick all the time. It's not fair. Why does she get to do fun stuff? That time when we were little and ______ happened. I hate that she gets everything. Everything always goes her way. Fuck her. It's not fair. I hate hate hate that she gets to do fun stuff.

    Note: I'm not a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, witch doctor or anything else.
    I'm only sharing the kinds of things that work for me that alleviated my symptoms once I found Sarno and his Tension Myositis Syndrome.
    BloodMoon and Lee222 like this.
  19. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    It a actually sounds easier than therapy.

    I used to have to find the emotions, label it and then take some action

    For example

    Feel bored

    Go to the shop , help relieve boredom, symptoms dropped a little

    I hated it really, but just focusing on anger is a lot less complicated
  20. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I agree.
    Those "practical" approaches are great in certain circumstances (phobias, anxieties) but as you describe short term fixes.

    I think you will find the approach I described to be cathartic.
    For me the first time (well second, I had to abandon the first time at the jump because my heart rate went up too scarily the first time) ...the first time I really wrote in the way I describe above my primary symptom I was experiencing at that time -- throat pain such that I could barely talk -- dissolved. Completely.

    I think the key though is reallllly letting yourself go when you write the stuff down. Get down and dirty and let all the stuff out.
    I usually am swearing and getting a little batshit crazy when I write this (but nobody is going to see it so who cares) and then I always somehow get to the positive at the end. I don't plan on that it just kind of happens.

    But you might have better luck with the SEP that leads you into it. For some reason I can get in touch with my inner self easily.
    Lee222 likes this.

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