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Why does energy healing always make me feel worse

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Lee222, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Why when i go on the page


    And look at the practicioners, are they mostly physiotherapists?

    How can they help with anger, or am I getting to far ahead of myself here?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2024
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Please tell us what you mean by physics. That's not a familiar term to me, when applied to health professionals. Do you mean what we would call physical therapists in the US? I think maybe they are called physiotherapists in the UK?
  3. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Sorry I made a typo

    I meant to say physio or physiotherapists and my spell checker changed it to psychics
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think you are, yes.

    Tell us, what do you think of Dr Sarno's theory of TMS and how it might relate to you?

    And for what it's worth, Dr John Sarno, MD, was what we call a physiatrist - in the US that means a physical therapist (physiotherapist) who is also a medical doctor. Yet his TMS theory is all about the mind and how it influences our physical well-being.
  5. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think your TMS brain is doing avoidance behavior. You told us you had bad experiences with therapists and they weren't useful for you and yet the first thing you are doing, instead of the advice offered, is to look for a therapist. Can you see how that might be trying to avoid getting started?
    Jan pointed you to the SEP guide which will help you get started and I offered a down and dirty get going approach.

    The thing with TMS is that the little TMS part of our brain which is trying to keep us away from accessing the suppressed emotions is VERY persuasive in stopping us. It's like when you are on a diet and you really want to eat that second piece of chocolate cake. And your brain comes up with all kinds of rationales -- "If I eat it now, I won't have it to pig out on tomorrow and I can re-start the diet then." "It's a gluten free cake so it's not really that bad." "Chocolate is healthy for you so it's better that I eat that then eat that box of girl scout cookies" and on and on. Your brain will keep feeding you lines to get you to do what it wants. In the case of the TMS, the chocolate cake is the hidden anger/rage. And your mind will come up with all sorts of lovely rationales why you should do everything OTHER than go there.
  6. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I have Cfs, I do think it's psychological so it has a chance of working

    Why is the tms page advertising psysiotherapists I can't understand?
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    As I said, Dr Sarno was himself a physiotherapist. We need to figure out what your understanding of his work is, otherwise I am afraid that we are working at cross-purposes.
    Lee222 likes this.
  8. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Why does that matter?
  9. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I guess it doesn't, I was just curious
  10. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Fair enough.
    Good luck with your journey.
  11. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    SIRPA was started in the UK by Georgie Oldfield who is a physiotherapist. In the UK, the TMS philosophy and treatment method has mostly been embraced by physiotherapists (what we call physical therapists in the US) because of the outreach and training by Georgie. They also refer to TMS or Mindbody Syndrome as Stress Illness. But they understand that the cause is psychological and the basics of their treatment approach are the same. I read Georgie's book, Chronic Pain: Your Key to Recovery about 10 years ago, and it embraces the Sarno philosophy.

    I don't know how much experience they have treating CFS. But it may be worth your time to contact one of the practitioners who live near you to find out how they may be able to help. If they can't, they may know someone who can. While it is possible to recover using a self-help approach, many people find it helpful to have a trained practitioner to help guide them in the process.
    Sita, Booble, TG957 and 1 other person like this.
  12. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    As long as a practitioner believes that CFS is just another manifestation of TMS, they should be successful.
    Lee222 likes this.
  13. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    Is it a different treatment ?

    The one on wiki is about emotions and journalling, but this one is about physiotherapy?

    The journalling stuff is making me depressed tbh, i'm not sure i can do it, i'm not getting anything out of it
  14. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm not sure how the SIRPA practitioners go about their treatment. I think calling one and discussing it with them would be the best approach. My sense is that they understand that addressing emotions and thinking patterns must be incorporated into treatment, rather than a purely physical approach.
  15. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Friends/peers: I think that Lee is not understanding the work at all, because he keeps asking essentially the same questions in spite of our attempts to explain it. We are spinning our wheels.

    I am going to be brutally honest about what I'm seeing, @Lee222. I am not a professional psychotherapist, I am just a person who discovered Dr Sarno and did this work and recovered from multiple symptoms thirteen years ago. I've seen people similar to you many times since then, so I can assure you that you are not alone. However...

    @Lee222, I asked you to tell us what you thought about The Divided Mind by Dr Sarno. You ignored my question. This is very strange, because most people can't wait to tell us how they relate to the book and how it gives them hope.

    I feel like you probably rushed through the book only because we told you to read a book by Dr Sarno, but you did not actually pay attention to what you read.

    I think the reason you're so fixated on the type of practitioner is because you are searching for someone who will simply fix you, without any real effort on your part other than showing up and paying the bill.

    You are starting to do the program because we told you to, but you're already complaining about it because it makes you uncomfortable.

    The whole point of this work is that you must be willing to be emotionally uncomfortable in order to face the truth about what you are repressing.

    I'll bet that this is why you have been so frustrated with psychotherapy in the past.

    The things that are making you uncomfortable are the things that are making you sick because they are being repressed. Dr Sarno rediscovered this fact, which is ancient knowledge, and repackaged it for modern understanding and modern stressors. However, he said that some people are too repressed to benefit, usually as a result of childhood adversity or trauma, and they need professional therapeutic psychotherapy.

    As I told you before, Dr Sarno did all this even though he was the US equivalent of a physiotherapist with a medical degree. He created his modern theories of repressed emotions because he was frustrated that he couldn't fix so many of his patients with back pain, using purely physical treatments. He had a keen eye for personalities and realized that his patients all had similar emotional personalities, so he started talking to them about their lives and their childhoods, instead of working on their backs. And people started recovering just by talking.

    Based on things you've told us, it seems that you have rejected psychotherapy as useless. I suspect this is because you put up a wall every time you become emotionally uncomfortable, and the therapists see this wall, and are unable to break through because your repressed unconscious brain is so skilled at making it unbreakable. So they give up and tell you to just get on with your life, because they don't want to waste their time and your money if you are unwilling to do what it takes.

    If you're going to go through the SEP complaining about being uncomfortable, and managing to do the exercises without any emotional commitment, this will also be a waste of your time.

    Finally, although it's subtle, I am seeing an underlying theme of victimhood in what little you have revealed. Victimhood is anathema to recovery from the TMS conditions. If you were to go back into psychotherapy, with a commitment to take emotional risks and to be uncomfortable, victimhood would be a useful topic to get started.
    Booble likes this.
  16. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I ignore you because I dislike you, you've been hostile and snapping away at me since your first post, I put you on block and regret taking you off, I dislike your personality, I find you rude and abrupt, I'm putting you back on block, it was a pleasant thread until you got involved and starting trying to dictate and turn others against me.

    Everytime I've done therapy or got in touch with my emotions (because I know you don't like the word therapy, so I'll walk on egg shells to please you) I've deteriorated and this time is no different.

    The book is very similar to a lot of other books I've read, it wasn't bad but I haven't learned anything new, I've been doing this sort of stuff for years.

    I rejected therapy because everyone I did it, I'd crash and deteriorate
  17. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    If you had any intuition you'd have worked it out for yourself, but here's a few quotes from you

    'How can you not know the difference? How old were you when you saw these people? Who found them for you and who paid for them?'

    'It occurs to me to ask, is English not your first language? Perhaps you are using the word "energy" in a way that native English speakers do not? That's the only thing I can come up with to explain this conflict in communication'

    'In fact, my suggestion to everyone is to stop this discussion entirely.'

    'Umm, I ask questions?'

    Please go away, I'd rather speak to someone less patronising and less toxic, I know exactly what you're about
  18. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  19. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think the best thing is for you to look for a different approach to your issues. For some people they read or listen to or watch Sarno and immediately think, "Wow, this is an exciting possibility." Those are the people that it will help. Some people's symptoms actually go away just KNOWING that it's from the mind. Other people need to root out the repressed anger/rage.

    If you think the TMS and/or Sarno is "same old, same old" then there is likely no point in belaboring it.

    As someone once said about something, "If you think it won't work, then you are right."
  20. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I was doing okay until she started chatting shit and putting me down, she's got what She wanted though, the horrible cow

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