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Why does energy healing always make me feel worse

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Lee222, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    @JanAtheCPA is very good at giving "tough love." I know it might be hard to take-in sometimes but it's like the old TV shows when someone was going off the rails and the other person would give them a slap in the face to bring them back to their senses.

    Jan as been around TMS and watched 100s of people have great success, and watched others who have failed. She really does know how to get on track with healing from TMS and related symptoms that contribute to or worsen CFS/ME.
    It's normal for some people whose brains are realllllly trying to protect them from solving the issue to be resistant. Right now for you it's coming in the form that she's mean, she's harsh, she's a cow. It's her fault.
    But really, it's the opposite. She's spending her personal time to try and slap you out of resistance. Once you stop resisting, you can reach inside for the answers and start living your life without thinking about feeling sick and feeling tired and feeling in pain all the time.

    I do think your walls are made of the hardest of cement right now and that you may not be ready to take them down. In which case other approaches of managing symptoms in ways to get on with living your life might be the best thing for you right now. At some point the light might come on and you might have an "Aha" moment of that's what Sarno was getting at and this is what I need to do but it seems like right now your inner self has control of the wheel and it's not going to let you go there. And that's why you are doing everything but the simplest thing -- of "doing the work."

    Wishing you well and some extra energy.
    miffybunny likes this.
  2. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I don't like her, tough love or no tough love, why are you acting as if I don't understand the therapy though?

    The others had a higher standard of communication but they all went quiet when she came in and started to try and take over, she's a bully
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
  3. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm not sure to what you are referring? I didn't mention therapy. I'm sure you probably have a greater understanding of therapy than I do as I'm suggesting the Sarno method of resolving symptoms, not therapy.

    But since you don't seem particularly interested in that and you found Sarno to be ho-hum more of the same then there's really no point in beating a dead horse here. This forum seems to be adding to your aggravation rather than relieving it.

    Different strokes for different folks. Best of luck. I hope you find resolution to your CFS/ME someday.
  4. Lee222

    Lee222 New Member

    I'm not sure what the big deal of using the word therapy instead of method, I've done sarno In the past and they used the word therapy

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