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Why is back pain so common as form of TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Patrisia, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. Patrisia

    Patrisia Peer Supporter

    And why are TN, CRPS, neuropathies etc. much less common?
  2. birdsetfree

    birdsetfree Well known member

    Everyones heard of back pain. Not as many people know much about the others. The brain will use what it knows will get your attention and many people have heard of chronic back pain. Dr Sarno talks about trending physical conditions like ulcers and whiplash. But in some European country whiplash was hardly ever reported. Heres the study www.tmswiki.org/forum/attachments/miraclesofmindbody-pdf.38/
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yep, what @birdsetfree said. When I was at university in the early 1970s, it was ulcers. I even dated a guy who had an ulcer - at 20 years old! Dr. Sarno talks about this, and how ulcers were replaced by back pain in the 1980s. Joined by things like RSI in the 90s, a condition that makes NO sense when it's blamed on modern keyboards, and now we've got the rise in auto-immune conditions and mysterious pain conditions like fibromyalgia - along with whatever those things are that you listed.

    A lot of us like to say that if a condition ends in "syndrome" or "disorder", it's TMS. Just like TMS itself :p
    kindle123 likes this.
  4. keenie82

    keenie82 Peer Supporter

    I think it is just the current phenomenom. Not pelvic pain is big because people are labelling it and talking about it. But yes you never hear about people having ulcers anymore. Something new will come up in the next century I am sure. Kind of like IBS and all the gluten sensitivity.
  5. mrmarker

    mrmarker New Member

    I do recall reading in one of Sarno's books, about TMS symptoms mirroring what was en vogue at the time. Ulcers, carpal tunnel, Back pain, pelvic pain, IBS, etc. But I'm wondering why some people's (myself very much included) TMS symptoms are things that they've never even felt before, heard of or knew were possible? Two examples from my personal catalog are prostatitis and epididymitis, which mysteriously appeared and then mysteriously disappeared after a couple of years. And the current cold feet/neuropathy, which was another symptom I had no familiarity with in the past. But again, I'm a couple years in. So I'm hoping it too will ride off into the sunset sometime soon. Of course, I've been plagued with back pain on and off since my early twenties.
    Sofa likes this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's just another way that our ever-creative fearful brains manage to keep us in fear. If typical TMS pain is "too easy" for you to dismiss, your brain is perfectly capable of coming up with a unique, custom-made symptom just so you can spend your time obsessing over the fact that no one else has experienced it.

    Don't ever forget that our brains are in charge of all physiological functions and sensations, whether they are "needed" or not. Phantom limb pain is proof of that.

    Harmless physical pain is a choice that your fearful primitive brain is making, rather than allowing you to experience psychological pain, which it fears much more.
  7. Ryanss007

    Ryanss007 New Member

    As someone who lifted heavy weights while under immense life stress and actually got a back injury, my take on this is that the injury is real and then my brain used it for years to distract me from my life’s stress.

    these structures are actually prone to injury for sure BUT the key is that the human body heals, the human body is millions of years old healing machine, if it doesn’t heal it dies (ie aids).

    So the problem here is what society started accepting as “Chronic pain” that is the TMS trick of modern age, imagine if our hunter gatherers ancestors lived in chronic pain whenever they got injured or ill, we would’ve never made it this far.

    Take away, Acute injuries and illnesses are real and need care and healing, Chronic pain is not.
    Sofa and JanAtheCPA like this.
  8. Sofa

    Sofa Well known member

    This is a great thread. I'm following it, and thanks.
  9. 49C2

    49C2 New Member

    I'm very new to this, but this actually makes so much sense to me.

    Please tell me if I'm wrong since I'm such a novice at this stuff.

    An initial injury can be real and then it becomes chronic because your body uses it as an outlet for your stress. So as Ryan says, you get a soft tissue injury from lifting weights. It should feel better in days or weeks, but you end up in pain for months or years because your body uses that pain as its TMS outlet?
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  10. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @49C2 ,yes,that's one way in which TMS can manifest. Our brains are in charge of every physiological process and sensation we experience, including pain. Pain does not actually originate from the site where we feel it - it has to be generated by the brain and a pain message sent back to the nerves at the site. This is a well established fact.

    Phantom limb pain is proof that real pain is experienced where no physical body part exists anymore. Even the traditional medical establishment accepts the reality of phantom limb pain. They just haven't made what to us here is the obvious connection to other chronic pain.

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