Dr. Schubiner has worthier with thousands of mind body patients. He is currently the leading authority! The fact you feel what he has to say may not be 100% trustworthy is, in itself evidence. Our brains truly find this hard to believe!
I think most people find it difficult to overcome the doubt.
Take a step back. What do the functional medicine Doctors have to gain by offering you a diagnoses for which most treatments, and their services are not covered by most insurance? How expensive are their ongoing appointments and medications/supplements they often require you purchase through them?
How much money does the medical system charge for tests, treatments and appointments?
What did Dr. Schubiner charge for a single visit in which he did not suggest medications, treatments or follow up visits?
Which of all these professionals have offered you true hope, a clear path and told you that you WILL get better!
You are just stuck.
Here is an excellent talk by The Pain PT which I found helpful. Know that the anxiety cycle you are in can be broken. You need to stop thinking when these sensations happen and stop pushing them away. That is a clear sign your brain fears any discomfort: physical, emotional.. and those are all simply thoughts. Your mind just thinks these things are true, but they are not.
Just for a second sit, and think about your favorite food. Close your eyes. Imagine tasting that food. It’s in your mouth and delicious! Savor it.. now open your eyes. No, you couldn’t really taste it.. but you could imagine it because you were thinking it. That is exactly what your brain is doing with danger signals.
You are safe. You probably have a roof over your head, a warm bed and food to eat. You clearly have caring people like Dr. Schubiner and your Curable group. You are safe. 10,0000 times a day repeat it while you sense the physical and mental discomfort. Just be with it. Take a breath, and let the uncomfortableness pass. Notice subtle shifts of the mind after doing this for a few weeks.
https://www.thepainpt.com/news/face-your-fears-to-move-forward/ (Face Your Fears To Move Forward - The Pain PT)
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