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Fear of worsening mobility
"The words graded exposure make me think of wanting to stop drinking and trying to do so by "I'll drink less."

Well, that's a very negative, glass half full type of thinking, to me...and I absolutely understand this form of thinking because I was caught there for so long.

After being bed ridden for over a year, and thinking "I can't" all the time, I began to think perhaps I CAN. I tried going for long walks and then was totally unable to move again - it set me back months...actually I tried doing all kinds of things and every single time it set me back months. My body would tighten up... and during this time I was doing the programs here AND using a TMS therapist and eventually going to therapy. My anxiety was what I needed to tackle, and but my body wasn't cooperating.

With the encouragement of several people in this field, I starting doing more graded exposure. I was guided into gently doing many of the physical movements that would trigger symptoms - but doing them "out of context" (practicing them) it actually took a pretty short time before I could do them IN context. I mean I'm starting with pretty basic stuff like eating and eating more slowly (by this time I could barely eat, I am over 6' tall and was now wearing a women's size small clothing). Then being able to do it sitting for minutes at a time (my friend would Zoom call me so I could have a very positive experience) Eventually I worked on standing by helping my husband chop vegetables or prepare any food I could.

Graded exposure made me think that there are things I CAN do, and retrain my brain to find them safe, working on getting my body to follow. I actually had no idea someone had a "name" for it. I was following the ways that @TG957 confronted her anxieties and fears and this method absolutely worked for her. I look at it all as a win! I've learned that when I challenge my body, it likes to throw a LOT more TMS around, and head back into old habits - but my mind keeps forging forward and refuses to go back. I know eventually the body will follow. This method is a way of showing kindness to myself, and recognizing that for many years (probably 20) was in an INCREDIBLE amount of physical pain and I forced my way through it with "Shoulds" and "Have To's" - I was constantly told my physical efforts were never enough and that I was in pain because I was lazy and not physical enough (one Dr. told me to do the World's Biggest Loser workout!!). I was already working out or doing physically taxing stuff (I was a professional gardener and managed a garden center, did pilates, yoga, dancing, walked or rode my bike miles a day...).
Everyone has a similar, but slightly different way in which their life experience has gotten them to TMS. Mine was through a lifetime of being exposed to negative thinking so much that it was completely ingrained in every pore of my body. I've learned that listening to others negativity has completely squashed ability to feel empowered. The things I have done and where I am headed make me feel incredibly empowered, creative, and well - I am seeing things in a much more positive and hopeful light and it's great!