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JournalSpeak still working with almost no memories and Bad emotional awareness?
“Or simply focus on the positive things in my life and start cultivating joy?”

This is very much the school of thought that is “sold” as quicker fixes: eg. Alan Gordon, Dan Buglio and it works for some folks.. but I’ll point out that the Boulder Back Pain study that utilized Gordon’s work also incorporated mental health therapists. Dr. Schubiner also utilizes mental health therapy in his approach and I’ve noticed that in the recovery stories Dan Buglio presents on his youtube channel (who are not necessarily his own clients) almost all mention their mental health and mindset towards themselves played a major part in their recovery… but Dan’s methods don’t focus on those.
So much of this work is simply having an open mind and sorting out what works for you, personally.
I tried working with several TMS coaches and really only one was a good fit for me personally. I tried a few therapists with mind/body focus but only one really clicked and helped me get to a point where I could actually focus on beginning to feel ALL emotions, get unstuck from depression/anxiety and begin to experience more joy and contentment.
It was frustrating to go through months of work and $ with people not to feel I was improving but sometimes that’s just the path.
I found EMDR most helpful but it was the therapist herself that really helped that method work well for me.
I utilize many of Alan Gordon’s methods but the SEP really gets to the heart of matters that Dr. Sarno’s books speak of. Then again for some people none of this was their method to success - @TG957 used meditation and movement which worked for both her mind and body…
Be open and curious but willing to go into the dark spaces you don’t even know are there..