Additional TMS Practitioners
The Find a TMS Doctor or Therapist directory contains the contact information for over 50 therapists. These individuals have a state-monitored license to practice and have earned a graduate level degree in psychotherapy. In the field of TMS/PPD treatment there are also several practitioners who are effective at treating individuals with chronic pain yet they lack the requirements to be listed on the Find a Doctor or Therapist page. Some of these individuals may even be entitled to call themselves a therapist in their state/region of residence.
For a practitioner to be listed as a therapist on this site they must have both a valid state license to practice psychotherapy and that license must require at least a masters level graduate level degree from an accredited university. This is not to say that individuals who lack these requirements are ineffective at treating people with TMS/PPD. On the contrary, these individuals may be very successful in helping people overcome TMS/PPD.
Our philosophy at the wiki is to provide our visitors with as much information as we can and then let them make their own decision. We believe that state licensure and multi-year (i.e. master's level) graduate programs are valuable credentials for medical and mental health practitioners, and we put some practitioners on this page to highlight this fact. Only by educating yourself, possibly by contacting the practitioner, can you decide if a specific practitioner is a good match for you.
To learn more about how these individuals can help, you may find it helpful to read the thread What about TMS coaches. As with all other information on the wiki, we can't guarantee the information in this list. When possible, we include links to make it easy for you to confirm the information. .
Hal Greenham, BSc
Hal Greenham has a somatic body oriented approach to therapy. He received a Bachelor's of Science from Australian National University in 2006 and is an associate member of the Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA). Hal was able to cure his own severe chronic pain (RSI, Fibromyalgia and CFS) by incorporating the TMS/PPD approach with somatic psychotherapy. He is one of the few therapists in Australia that has incorporated with TMS/PPD approach into his practice. Available via Phone and Skype and 3 Railway Place In Australia psychotherapists (unlike psychologists) are not regulated or licensed by a state agency. While in theory anyone could call themsleves in therapist, in practice practitioners are members of professional associations which uphold certain standards of training, supervision and professional development. Some of these associations allow two years practical experience in lieu of a graduate degree. There is an agency in Australia called Psychotherapy and Counseling Federation of Australia which maintains a register of therapists. By law Hal Greenham is entitled to call himself a therapist. Testimonials Max2094 said, "Im from Sydney and have skyped with Hal before. He is a great guy and has a really good understanding of TMS and is a previous sufferer. For me it was great to talk to someone who knew what i was going through." Samanthaloveslife said, "I have skyped with Hal too. He is great and has alot of insight." |
Mags Clark-Smith
Mags Clark-Smith is a Pain Relief Movement Specialist practicing in Ireland. She is trained in Body Mind Centering, an approach bringing together movement, the body, and consciousness that, as Mags writes in her survey response, intends to “facilitate an information exchange between the body and the mind [in order to] meaningfully uncover TMS.” Mags gave a presentation on behalf of Chronic Pain Ireland in November 2014 and her research has been published in three different journals about chronic pain. She completed the SIRPA Practitioner Training Programme created by Georgie Oldfield, MCSP, and as of November 2014 is in the process of completing Dr. Lissa Rankin's WHMI Health Care Provider Course. (Source) Available via Skype |
Tovah Goldfine, DC (Other) Dr. Goldfine is a chiropractor and describes herself as "a MindBody TMS Pain, Stress/Disease Specialist, Doc of Chiropractic & Rehabilitation for 34 years. Even before I got my degree, I was sure there was a body-mind connection with pain and disease. My mother had Multiple Sclerosis and this began my search for understanding the stress, disease, pain brain connection. I am blessed and honored to be in a position to help people all over the world, get Pain Free from TMS as well as know their "true doctor" within." (Source) Available via Phone and Skype |
United Kingdom
Rachel Stevens
Rachel Stevens has been helping clients with stress-related chronic pain since 1987. She is trained in the Alexander Technique and is a member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) (Source). Rachel completed the SIRPA Practitioner Training Programme with Georgie Oldfield, MCSP in 2013. Available via Phone and Skype |
Honora Totman
Honora Totman is a psychodynamic theory trained counsellor and has been in practice since 1996. She also holds a diploma in both Curative Hypnotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy, and is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Honora also completed the SIRPA Practitioner Training Programme with Georgie Oldfield, MCSP. (Source 1) (Source 2) Available via Phone and Skype |
United States
Andy Bayliss Andy is a Life Coach and former TMS sufferer (foot pain) based in Oregon. He writes, “I offer Life Coaching support to other TMS suffers, helping them see more about their moment-to-moment tensions, and offering training in self-compassion, disengaging from the Inner Critic, allowing feelings to arise in the body, and gentle encouragement in following through with home TMS programs. I am a Perfectionist and a Goodist, and I understand the inner tensions these self identities cause.” Andy also uses "awareness training" to help clients better understand their own psycho-dynamics and develop self-compassion. (Source) Andy has completed a Life Coaching Leadership Program and is working towards training in Somatic Experiencing, to potentially start in the fall of 2014. He is also member on the PPD/TMS Peer Network's online discussion forum. Available via Phone and Skype |
Lorraine Faehndrich Lorraine is a Mind Body Pelvic Pain Relief Coach for women. She completed Abigail Steidly's Mind Body Coach training in 2012, and also has personal connection to her work as she successfully overcame pelvic pain using a mindbody approach. Lorraine offers both private coaching sessions via phone and Skype, as well as group programs and classes taught online or over the phone. (Source) Works Primarily via Phone and Skype |
Monte Hueftle
Monte says " I suffered with TMS for more than 20 years and have now been pain free for the past 8 years. My TMS consultation practice focuses on helping people reverse this pain disorder by learning their unique behaviors and thoughts and the way that they generated inner tension and repress their emotions. Many of Dr. Sarno's patients state that my information is the "missing link" that has helped them understand the psychological strategy of TMS." (Source) Works Primarily via Phone Main Wiki Page About Monte Hueftle Archive of Updates Testimonials Enrique said, "I'll throw in my 2 cents about Monte. At the end of 2009, I was battling some knee pains that I thought might be TMS because it was taking months to heal. I had stopped all running for many months. Reading the Master Practice and utilizing the "tools" in there helped. A talk on the phone and some email exchanges helped, too. I got back to running pretty quickly after that and the pain subsided within a week or two as I was ramping up my mileage! I learned a great deal about how TMS can come back after years of no pains and then how to get over it." LorieG said, "As you know I suffered from an acute back pain attack about 6 months ago and the pain seemed like it would never go away. Reading Dr. Sarno only, did not do the trick this time. I got help from reading the TMS Wiki, Monte and "The Power of Now." Meditating and thinking positively really helped. Suddenly I was on the mend. Well, I danced, a lot, at my daughter's wedding last weekend. I was in great shape. Only once did I feel a twinge of sciatica and I poopooed it away. Since this was a destination wedding we stayed for a whole week and also did some serious hiking. Again I was fine. I drove for two hours on the ride home and again talked my sciatica away. Thanks to everyone on the Wiki for sharing their experiences with me and helping me through bad times." |
Michele Lowenthal, MS Michele Lowenthal holds a degree in Mental Health Counseling. She recovered from her own battle with chronic pain using the TMS approach. In her introduction she writes, "I have experienced the incredible ability of Dr. Sarno's writing to heal my own back pain. I felt free for the first time in years to engage in life again without the diagnoses that had been given to me from doctors and chiropractors. The knowledge that our minds and bodies are connected was a very powerful discovery for me. I went back to school to get my masters in counseling in order to learn how to help others who are open to accepting the TMS diagnosis but still not pain free." (Source)
Steve Ozanich Steve Ozanich is the author of the TMS book, The Great Pain Deception, which depicts his account of how he overcame 30 years of chronic pain by using the TMS approach. After recovering from TMS, Steve decided to dedicate his life to helping other people suffering from chronic pain. For the past 10 years, Steve has been researching both the psychology and medical evidence behind TMS, along with helping hundreds of pain and chronic fatigue sufferers overcome their symptoms. He uses his own experience with TMS to help other people develop the skills to become pain free. Source Available via Phone and Skype Book Reviews |
Abigail Steidley
Abigail is a mindbody coach who works over the phone. She offers "a free initial 30 minute consultation with you to answer your questions and talk about what coaching entails." She says, “Physical pain and emotional stress are intricately connected messengers trying to lead you to a fulfilling, joyful life. My mind-body approach to pain relief is all about decoding these messages. Your current health issue – whether it's vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, back pain, adrenal fatigue, or something else – is a springboard to what I call a truly Healthy Life: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.” (Source) Works Primarily via Phone |
Ryan Walsh A Princeton graduate, Ryan Walsh originally had a career as an analyst at a hedge fund and then as a software engineer before he changed careers to become a TMS coach. Ryan suffered from debilitating headaches, back pain, wrist pain, and other severe symptoms simultaneously before he discovered TMS. Ryan provides one-on-one coaching via email and phone. He also runs a Meetup group for people interested in mindbody research in San Diego. (Source) Works Primarily via Phone and Internet Video |
DISCLAIMER: The TMS Wiki is for informational and support purposes only and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. See Full Disclaimer. |