Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/Dismiss Notice
Most Liked Posts
These are the 100 most-liked posts ever
How I healed from a myriad of symptoms
[QUOTE]If you think you have an incurable disease, you are right. If you think your problem is curable, then you are also right. - Dr....73 -
Day 1: Introduction
[C_TITLE][phonefont=80]Day 1: [/phonefont][/C_TITLE][C_DAY][phonefont=80]Introduction[/phonefont][/C_DAY] As the director of a pain...68 -
Recovery from 20 years of fibromyalgia and a lifetime of migraines
It is my two year anniversary of learning about TMS and I realize I still haven't written out my success story. This is not because I'm...57 -
A word about outcome independence
One of the clearest paths to eliminating your symptoms is to take away the pain's power by overcoming your preoccupation with it....53 -
healed for 10+ years
This is my first post here. Just joined last night. I am a member at tmshelp.com forum for a couple years and post frequently over...50 -
Day 4: Breaking the Pain Cycle
[QUOTE="Alan Gordon LCSW, post: 85726, member: 131"]If you overcome your fear, the pain will follow. So in truth, this is not a pain...47 -
Day 10: Somatic Tracking II: Anxiety Strikes Back
[QUOTE="Mooreck, post: 86512, member: 1493"]I am not conscious of being anxious although I almost certainly am. I am however very aware...46 -
This changed everything for me. If you are in pain, pls read:
Hello all- I think I may have discovered a correlation that (I hope) will bring people some relief from their pain. Granted many of...45 -
Day 2: The Nature of Pain
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 2: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]The Nature of Pain[/C_DAY] To better understand the treatment techniques we’ll be going over...43 -
100% Healed
Hi everyone! I would have never believed anyone if they were to tell me that I would to heal from TMS, but here I am... 5 years later,...42 -
Recovery from Chronic Insomnia
[B][U]Recovery from Chronic Insomnia[/U][/B] I recovered from chronic TMS (The Mindbody Syndrome) pain (fibromyalgia and migraine) in...39 -
Day 8: The Ignition for Change
[QUOTE="NicoleB34, post: 86299, member: 6078"]i dont exactly pressure myself, if anything, i'm a type B personality and i feel guilt...39 -
Day 11: Pain Reprocessing
One thing that is extremely important to understand is how this all ties together. TMS theory has evolved for a long time. From Dr....38 -
Day 10: Somatic Tracking II: Anxiety Strikes Back
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 10: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Somatic Tracking II: Anxiety Strikes Back[/C_DAY] [C_HEADINGD]A Tale of Two...38 -
Why am I still in pain? Why doesn't it work?
There is a general misconception about TMS that is the reason why people are having trouble and are on this forum, searching for help. I...37 -
Day 11: Pain Reprocessing
[QUOTE="itmsw, post: 87126, member: 6027"]Hi rbmunkin, I dont want to speak for Alan, but I think he may mean that you are sitting and...35 -
Day 14: Fostering Empowerment
Just a brief reminder that you can substitute any TMS symptom for the word "pain" in using the approach above. I finally recovered from...35 -
Day 5: Changing Your Brain
[QUOTE="Eugene, post: 85910, member: 5490"]That's terrific and so kind of you - and awesome impromptu recording. So good that it...35 -
FREEDOM! How I recovered from years of chronic pain and anxiety
If you are reading this, you probably have read countless stories of people in pain. My story isn't any different. Years of mysterious...34 -
Success Story without Repressed Emotions
[B]Summary [/B] This is my story of conquering back pain! I started getting pain about 3 months after beginning my office job. I...34 -
Day 20: Embracing Joy
This, I think, is the most important day of the program. Good things come to those who wait! The following quote is, I believe, a...32 -
Healed from chronic chronic back pain.. I Love Myself baby!!
Hey all..! Some of you might know me ..Am a 32 yr male from India based in UK.. I was active here during the middle part of 2015. Just...32 -
Lessons From Claire Weekes
Here is a checklist of the most important lessons I learned from Claire's book -- Hope and Help for your Nerves. She has 4 terms that...32 -
TMS Healing Mistakes Made
I wanted to try to help some people who are confused and stuck in healing, so I'll add to this thread as we go. Everyone is stuck in...32 -
Open Letter to the people NOT getting better, or to those who want it FAST
"Hi. I am (blank) and I have been doing this for 5 years. I still have back pain, heart palpitations, digestive issues and knee pain.......31 -
Day 12: Cognitive Soothing
Seeking safety, a sense of being home, is perhaps the most basic human need. This practice of self-soothing is something that has only...31 -
Day 5: Changing Your Brain
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 5: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Changing Your Brain[/C_DAY] When I first made the decision that I wasn’t going to be afraid of...31 -
Day 4: Breaking the Pain Cycle
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 4: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Breaking the Pain Cycle[/C_DAY] My two-year-old niece is incredibly rambunctious. The day she...31 -
Day 9: Somatic Tracking
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 9: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Somatic Tracking[/C_DAY] To the amusement of most of my friends, I still use a flip phone. I...30 -
Day 7: Pressure and Criticism
[QUOTE="Eugene, post: 86230, member: 5490"]For the first five days of reading this new program I was do brilliantly. I was really...30 -
Day 7: Pressure and Criticism
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 7: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Pressure and Criticism[/C_DAY] Before we dive into techniques to help generate an overall...30 -
How I was freed from fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, and chronic back pain.
I am a 52 year old man. I started having back pain when I was a teenager. I “sprained” my back when I was 15 years old, and was...30 -
Day 6: The Fear Matrix
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 6: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]The Fear Matrix[/C_DAY] Yesterday I gave you your first homework assignment: start paying...29 -
I reclaimed my life
This is my first post here, but I hope this does not discourage anyone from finding hope in my story. First, I'll tell you about me. I...29 -
Pelvic Pain - Healed
Hello everyone, I suffered from chronic pelvic pain since 2002. I fell on a wet marble floor and had pain since. Following is a short...29 -
Day 20: Embracing Joy
The wonders of the universe never cease...:p A horrid day yesterday (family bullshit) meant I was mid-way between a blue funk and a...28 -
Day 4: Breaking the Pain Cycle
I am one of those that has had difficulty with the concept that the fear of the pain is what is perpetuating it, since it isn't...28 -
Day 2: The Nature of Pain
May I be the first to say I'm loving the gentle humour that brings light and understanding to one goddam complicated subject...28 -
Foot Pain Remarkable Recovery
Introducing myself with my success story: Healthy active 40's backcountry skier, canoer, hiker, worked as wilderness ranger...then:...28 -
Day 11: Pain Reprocessing
In continuation of my previous comment, the second prong of this program is meant to help you feel safer in response to, or in the face...27 -
Day 7: Pressure and Criticism
Over the last few days, it seems like the stuff that Alan is writing and speaking about was done specifically FOR ME. Its resonating...27 -
Hope-for those that take a long time to heal
Since I visit the TMS Wiki during my lunch break at work, I'm not able to post very often. But, recently I've been seeing more folks...26 -
Day 20: Embracing Joy
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 20: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Embracing Joy[/C_DAY] Every year at UCLA, there’s an event called Spring Sing. 5000 people...26 -
Day 7: Pressure and Criticism
[QUOTE="Benjuwa, post: 86255, member: 6123"]Thank you all for reminding me to not do to much at one time. Everything I do I want results...26 -
People-pleasing isn't really people-pleasing
[aska_a]Oh, the people-pleaser, that altruistic being...Always putting other's needs ahead of their own, taking care of everyone but...26 -
Finally ready to call it a SUCCESS!
I've been away from the boards and website for quite a while now, since shortly after completing the SEP. I started the program January...26 -
Recovery is sweet!!!
I've been encouraged to write my story, so here goes! My first bout of debilitating back pain occurred when I was about 13. My mother...26 -
How I healed from a myriad of symptoms
Also, below is the success story of a member named Hillbilly from the TMSHelp forum - a member directed me to this story when I first...25 -
Day 17: Leaning in to Your Feelings
I'm having a difficult time distinguishing between "letting go" and avoidance. For example, in the Simpson's clip above where Homer has...25 -
Day 7: Pressure and Criticism
Plum, you took the words right out of my mouth! Eugene, there are several different reasons why you could have had a set-back, perhaps...25 -
Seeking the Grail
Currently, the most common question people are asking me is if they need to un-Earth the "exact thing" that is causing their TMS...25 -
I Can Finally Say IT! I’m A Success Story!!
After 20 plus years of TMS and over five years of doing the work and not giving up, but giving in, I can finally say I am CURED! From...24 -
Questions for today's webinar with Alan about the new free program
[B]Question 3:[/B] My question is this: two things I've heard or read: according to the theories of TMS: 1. The more a neural pathway...24 -
Day 11: Pain Reprocessing
[QUOTE="Lunarlass66, post: 87135, member: 5310"]This is an excellent reply and very well thought out... My only issue is this...24 -
Day 12: Cognitive Soothing
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 12: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Cognitive Soothing[/C_DAY] [C_HEADINGD]Of Two Minds[/C_HEADINGD] Over the past eight days,...24 -
Day 8: The Ignition for Change
I find it helps to think about or make a list of the best things I've accomplished. Also, to think about the people who love me and...24 -
A Physician's TMS story - RSI, Hyperacusis and much more.....
I am often asked what “my story” is. Everyone who has suffered from Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) or a Psychophysiologic Disorder...24 -
Fear versus Love
[SIZE=5] At the heart of pain is fear. The fear of failure is due to the fear of being shamed/rejected, and the fear of being...24 -
Key to healing
The list below belong to a member on tms help forum with the screen name ACE1. He is a former tms patient of doctor Sarno, he is also a...24 -
Day 8: The Ignition for Change
[QUOTE="Ellen, post: 86304, member: 1370"]The scenario about the bullying seems like a fairy tale to me. I was bullied and criticized at...23 -
Day 8: The Ignition for Change
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 8: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]The Ignition for Change[/C_DAY] Imagine that you're sending your 5-year-old child off to...23 -
Day 4: Breaking the Pain Cycle
Now I'm beginning to believe that repressed, unbearable emotions was what first set off my pain, but is not what has sustained it. I...23 -
Overcoming Pain (Back, hips, and neck)
My story begins with a bike ride. On July 15th, 2012 I was on a one-hundred mile bike ride when an abnormal pressure manifested in my...23 -
If you are reading this, You are going to die
In spite of the many comments I do make on this board, I read and pass on many, many more...... The context of the sufferer's dilemma...22 -
Day 6: The Fear Matrix
[QUOTE="Yael, post: 86099, member: 229"]I live (and have always lived) in constant fear and doubt about absolutely everything- my mind...22 -
Claire Weekes Audio
[FONT=Verdana]These audio recordings of Claire Weekes have gotten me through a lot [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Part 1 [/FONT]...22 -
Bye bye back pain/tingling/numbness
[COLOR=#333399][FONT=trebuchet ms]Hi all. Here is my healed-from-TMS story from several years ago. Hope you find it...22 -
Livvygurl's TMS Story
[COLOR=#333399][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]My family did not express their emotions freely. I was a pretty emotional...22 -
Day 5: Changing Your Brain
[QUOTE="hambone, post: 85916, member: 1774"]Alan- I love your approach, great series. As a layman I've coached a lot of pain sufferers...21 -
How to get rid of your pain in 7 minutes
[aska_a]Okay, confession, I wrote this question myself. Here's the deal. During group supervision last week, we were talking about the...21 -
How I healed from a myriad of symptoms
Nope, I did not follow any particular treatment/recovery plan. I'm not saying these types of methods are incapable of helping anyone,...20 -
Day 21: Paving Your Own Path
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 21: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Paving Your Own Path[/C_DAY] Two psychologists out of Columbia University conducted a unique...20 -
Day 8: The Ignition for Change
Learning to 'self-care' is a long process, and each person will find their own particular path for this journey. Through my 16th and...20 -
Day 2: The Nature of Pain
[QUOTE="MentorCoach, post: 85573, member: 5244"]I am one of those people. I hear this talk all the time..."self-soothe," "be kind to...20 -
I can't even believe it, a list of improvements
I still can't believe how much better I feel. I've had pain in my neck for maybe 10 yrs or so, plus shoulder and chest etc. IBS...20 -
Back Pain and Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS)
The article below was written by Kim Ruby, a yoga instructor from Los Angeles, California, who recovered from her own TMS and...20 -
My TMS Success Story (anxiety, tinnitus, skin crawling, back pain)
I am a 47-year old man and have lived in Los Angeles with my wife for twenty years. I am a happy person, friendly, and think I have a...20 -
healed for 10+ years
thank you for all the warm welcomes. Hi Mermaid, when too strong a negative event happened in our life, tms symptoms will appear. We...20 -
Understanding and Overcoming Fear
Hey everyone, Fear is a huge part of TMS. A lot of us start TMS treatment after being in pain for a long time. We have been...20 -
Update!! Guys, I did it!
I had to come in here and post my success story, only because I have been on this forum for 3 plus years and got so much good advice and...19 -
There’s only ONE THING that you need to understand if you want to get better and it’s not what you think it is. It is simply this:...19 -
Day 13: Overcoming Uncertainty
Having being in the 1% where it was Worst Case Scenario, I have to tell you that [I]it really is ok. [/I]At some point you wake up and...19 -
Day 12: Cognitive Soothing
[QUOTE="Alan Gordon LCSW, post: 86599, member: 131"][C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 11: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Cognitive Soothing[/C_DAY] Over the past...19 -
Day 10: Somatic Tracking II: Anxiety Strikes Back
Two things: 1. [I]"TMS arises in those with a strong mindbody connection. Not everyone can generate such powerful physical sensations...19 -
Day 7: Pressure and Criticism
Oh, gosh, I remember Steve Sax! How humiliated he was. So young. So much promise. A golden boy. Glad to be reminded he did come back...19 -
TMS Pain While Sitting
[I]When the cheeks hit the chair, there's nothing but(t) despair.[/I] Several people have emailed me about their pain when sitting....19 -
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cured! Plus many equivalents, alive again!
I've experienced many ailments since I was young (about 10) that I now realize were TMS and which have nearly all been resolved at this...18 -
Day 19: Extinction Bursts
[QUOTE="nightcountry, post: 87535, member: 2523"]Hi Alan How does one know if the sudden pain flare is an extinction burst or just...18 -
Day 11: Pain Reprocessing
Today's post seems to have stirred up a mix of things: some clarity, some confusion, some hope, and a good dose of fear. I want to...18 -
Day 14: Fostering Empowerment
[QUOTE="MicheleRenee, post: 86849, member: 5352"]For all of those who have had 24/7 pain and have more or less "conquered it".. how do...18 -
Day 10: Somatic Tracking II: Anxiety Strikes Back
I am loving this journey with you all. Alan, your sense of humor is such a balm in the demonstrations when you say "Great!" when...18 -
Day 8: The Ignition for Change
i dont exactly pressure myself, if anything, i'm a type B personality and i feel guilt over that, like i'm unmovtivated, lazy, and a...18 -
Day 7: Pressure and Criticism
[QUOTE="Char83, post: 86241, member: 6112"]Alan, I agree with the pressure to get better. I try everything, relaxation, breathing etc...18 -
Day 6: The Fear Matrix
I'll tell ya, just going from a mentality that "my pain is a distraction from some unbearable emotion(s)" to "my pain is based in Fear"...18 -
Day 5: Changing Your Brain
[QUOTE="MicheleRenee, post: 85885, member: 5352"]i really like how this program seems to be more about confronting fear than anything....18 -
Day 3: Identifying the Source
[C_FONT][C_TITLE]Day 3: [/C_TITLE][C_DAY]Identifying the Source[/C_DAY] Over the past couple of days, we've talked about how and why...18 -
Healing from Piriformis pain and sciatica. Thanks Pain Psychology Center!!!
This is a long story but felt all information was important for someone. NO PAIN NOW!! My name is Donnie Luper and I want to share my...18 -
My TMS success story
Good day readers. I'm new to this site but have been checking in for almost a year now since discovering Dr Sarno and the term 'TMS'....18