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Thinking Psychologically

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Michael Reinvented, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Michael Reinvented

    Michael Reinvented Peer Supporter

    An observation and a question for experienced TMSers.

    After 2 weeks on the SP, I am experiencing a significant upswing in symptoms. With the exception of a "Let's Go!" moment at the start, activity levels have been constant throughout. Not especially bothered as I now know I am on the correct path to a full recovery, but reassuarnce would be helpful.

    Secondly, I realise that thinking Psychological is a very individual practice, but lately I have found myself at the onset of symptoms turning my mind to the same several childhood scenes, where fear and sense of abandonment were centre-stage. In context, I had 4 complex surgeries by the age of 6 to remedy a Cleft Palate. My parents, unable to stay the duration of my hospitalisation, would drop me off and then return 500km's to our home. I admit I am starting to tire of the memories. Is there any guidance on how to achieve a variety of effective “psychological thinking”?

    Many thanks. This Forum is invaluable.
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey Michael,

    Thinking psychologically is a lot more than just focusing on a childhood event. Past events set the stage for TMS, but it is important to think about how they affect us today. The thread Seeking the Grail has a lot of great points about this.

    Part of thinking psychologically invovles understanding when you are TMSing and recognizing when your TMS personality is taking control. Most TMSers don't recognize that they have stress or when they are angry. Thinking psychologically invovles recognizing that we have these powerful emotions.

    More importantly, it is about understanding that we do not have a structural problem, so when we have pain, we don't think Oh No what did I do to myself. Instead, think what is going on emotionally with me right now. One way to do this is to view your symptoms as sort of canary warning you to check in on your emotions and feelings. Also, check out the closing words of the Mindbody Prescription which are posted in thread: The Most Important points to remember.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Michael, I couldn't agree more with Forest. Interestingly, I've come across a couple of people lately who believe that they have fully examined their childhood issues or traumas, and that they are "over" them - and therefore those issues shouldn't have anything to do with today's pain. This is wishful thinking. Those events, and the child's reaction to them, have set the stage for a lifetime of emotional response to situations, events, and relationships, and I don't think those gut responses can be changed.

    What CAN change is the adult's awareness, acceptance, and ability to move beyond the gut response.

    Many of our practitioners and authors put abandonment at the very core of human psychological issues. Thanks to Alan Gordon, Peter Zafirides, and Steve Ozanich, this summer has brought me to a very personal understanding of this concept, which has been incredibly helpful during a time of high stress and terrible loss. (And increased symptoms! Which I no longer worry about).

    And, as many people here remind us over and over again, changes and increases in your symptoms is GOOD news!

    Hang in there, we're here for you (and each other).

  4. Beach-Girl

    Beach-Girl Well known member

    Hi Michael:

    I too had surgeries at a very young age. I skipped over them as I worked the program, but now realize they had a profound effect on me. It IS a feeling of abandonment. That and other factors from my childhood make abandonment a running theme. Your post is a good reminder for me to start way back (again) and see what I can find. But I know abandonment is high up there on the TMS deep psychological list.

    You are doing very well. Hang in there as I think you're very determined to work your way out of this. And you're doing a great job.

  5. Lala

    Lala Well known member

    I too have had an upsurge of symptoms. I had 3 almost pain free days last week and then 5 minutes after I walked out of my therapy session the pain came back with avengence. I am hoping that it just means that as I start to uncover painful emotions my unconscious is making on last attempt to distract me...I'm trying to look at this "upsurge" as my mind's last hoorah and that soon the pain will start fading once and for all.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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